[p] pot pig put people piano
[b] book bag big job bear but
[t] tooth teacher tea table task
[d] dog dig duck dad double
[k] cake keep cat cup cap
[g] grandpa girl green good god
[f] father fat foot full fit
[v] five very vent drive vary
[s] small study bus yes must
[z] jazz zoo zero clothes zig
[з] measure pleasure leisure
[t∫]chair chicken lunch
[dз] jack job change
(注:多数辅音的读音与拼音差别不大,可以通过拼音来进行谐音;还有一部分辅音没有对应的拼音字体,这里我们主要是针对/θ ð ʃ ʒ/这四个辅音)。
[p] pot pig put people piano
[b] book bag big job bear but
[t] tooth teacher tea table task
[d] dog dig duck dad double
[k] cake keep cat cup cap
[g] grandpa girl green good god
[f] father fat foot full fit
[v] five very vent drive vary
[s] small study bus yes must
[z] jazz zoo zero clothes zig
[з] measure pleasure leisure
[t∫]chair chicken lunch
[dз] jack job change
(注:多数辅音的读音与拼音差别不大,可以通过拼音来进行谐音;还有一部分辅音没有对应的拼音字体,这里我们主要是针对/θ ð ʃ ʒ/这四个辅音)。
/p/ put purse pass piece pipe pay play pingpong police polite push
/b/ bag bad bake bare bear bus but bird ...
/t/ it hit meet take ...
/d/ dig did do duck...
/k/ cook could school make...
/g/ guess get engage gap hug bug ...
/f/ fur flower fly fool wolf soft...
/v/ love glove dove village vollyball voice veichel vocation...
/s/ school sit see s...
/z/ zip zero zebra nose bees keys birds hers his theirs yours
/θ/ there this that those the then than them they mother
/δ/ think thin thick thirsty three third thirty birth earth thank
/∫/ she shirt shoe dash mushroom show shake shadow shame shaft
/з/ pleasure leisure
/h/ hope hole how who whose hat ...
/r/ red read ruler rubber rat race ...
/t∫/ chose chair chain ch...
/dз/ huge large japan january june july j...
/tr/ tree trousers tr...
/dr/ dress address dr...
/ts/ hats cats fats ...ts
/dz/ birds ...ds
/m/ money mother monkey mouth mouse m...
/n/ nose note no noise n...
/ŋ/ hang gang bang English king thing ...ng
/l/ like loud low ball l... ...l
/w/ we will want what why w...
/j/ yes yesterday yeah yammy young you your y...
参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/366272498.html?oldq=1
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