"Tired" 是一个形容词,表示感到疲惫、劳累或困倦的意思。可以用来描述人或物的状态,也可以用来描述一种情感。
"Tired" 的读音是 /ˈtaɪrd/。它包含两个音节:第一个音节是长元音 /aɪ/,第二个音节是短元音 /ə/ 的弱读音。它的重音在第一个音节上,即 "ti" 这个音节上。
/t/ 的发音是清辅音,用舌尖轻轻触到上齿龈,呼出气息。/aɪ/ 是长元音,嘴形从未合成近音到开口的形状。/r/ 是一个浊音,需要使用喉部震动产生,同时舌尖向上捞起,不触到上颚。最后的 /d/ 是清辅音,舌尖碰到上齿龈,呼出气息。
1、I'm really tired after working all day.(工作了一整天,我真的很累。)
2、She was too tired to continue the race.(她太累了,无法继续比赛。)
3、The old man sat down on the bench, looking tired and exhausted.(那位老人坐在长椅上,看起来很疲惫。)
4、I'm feeling tired and sleepy, I think I'll go to bed early tonight.(我感到疲倦和困倦,今晚很早就要睡觉了。)
5、He tried to hide his tiredness by drinking coffee, but it didn't work.(他试图通过喝咖啡来掩盖疲劳,但并没有效果。)
以下 是一些关于“tired”的使用方法:
1、用于人的描述:I'm tired.(我很累。)。
2、用于描述物品:The old chair looked tired and worn out.(那把旧椅子看起来破旧不堪。)
3、用于描述情绪和心情:I'm tired of this rainy weather. (我厌倦这种雨天气了。)
4、可以形容一种状态或感觉:I'm tired of waiting. (等待让我觉得很无聊。)
5、可以用于组成一些习语例如:tired and emotional(情感疲乏)或tired and tested(老牌的,经得起考验的)。
在语法上,“tired”是一个形容词,可以用在句子中作为表语或定语。它也可以用作名词,例如“the tiredness”,表示疲惫或疲劳的感觉。
1、我加班很晚,感到非常疲倦。 (I felt very tired after working late.)
2、学生考试后感到很疲乏,因为他们花了很长时间来复习。 (The students felt very tired after the exam, as they had spent a long time studying.)
3、长途旅行后,我总是会感到很疲劳。 (After long trips, I always feel very tired.)
4、我这几个星期非常忙,以至于我已经感到筋疲力尽了。 (I've been very busy these weeks to the point where I'm now completely tired.)
5、老人在漫长的过山车之旅后感到很疲劳。 (The elderly felt very tired after the long roller coaster ride.)