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亲爱的B宝我非常喜欢你,世界上喜欢你的人多的数都数不完,那我就是里面最爱你的一个,我知道,亲爱的你不缺爱嘛,但我是你必不可少的哦,因为我是很少爱人的,哈哈,宝啊,什么时候... 亲爱的B宝
我非常喜欢你,世界上喜欢你的人多的数都数不完,那我就是里面最爱你的一个,我知道,亲爱的你不缺爱嘛,但我是你必不可少的哦,因为我是很少爱人的,哈哈,宝啊,什么时候会来中国大陆一趟呢,宝啊,有空就过来吧,我真的爱你爱到天荒地老,或许你不喜欢中国,但中国人喜欢你啊,我是我们心中的超级偶像,宝啊,我渴望一天成为你的女朋友,最起码我比赛琳娜漂亮,我是大家的开心果,但是爸爸妈妈都说我不听话,从2009年开始你每时每刻都在我的脑海里,宝啊,你就给我一次机会嘛,今年我16岁,初三学生,学习不好,但我一直很努力学英语啊,毕竟我的梦想是成为你的女朋友,我的铁哥们都说我白日做梦,但我真的好想,世上无难事只怕有心人,对吧,我在学吉他,只要你的歌我都会,不可否认,在音乐方面我还是有那么点天赋的,每当我看到你和赛琳娜亲密的样子我就羡慕嫉妒恨,凭什么啊,你是我们大家的,又不是她自己一个人的,该是我的就是我的,你早晚是我的,上辈子啊我跟你肯定是夫妻,要不我怎么会爱你爱到下辈子,这辈子我通通快快的爱,宝啊,有时间六月份来中国嘛,等我考上重点高中,我去看你演唱会好嘛,我会站在最前排,等你看到那个最漂亮的时候就是我了,呵呵,我是棕眼睛,黑头发,我懂你喜欢的,宝啊,有时间了解中国的文化好吗,或许你喜欢日本,但日本有很大一部分是中国的,中国文化绚烂多彩,中国是著名的文化古国哦,呵呵,试着了解一下,了解中国的粉丝,我们一直很爱你啊,非常爱你啊,宝啊记住我的名字,还有我的电话号码,我想亲自听听您的声音,一定要回信啊,宝,我的照片留下吧好吗,好了,这辈子我没别的愿望了.我爱你,爱你 爱你你(回声)B宝爱你 爱你 爱你你(回声)
 我来答
2012-02-03 · TA获得超过381个赞
Dear B treasure

I like you very much, in the world the one who likes you much count, then I'm the one that loves you, I know, dear you do not lack of love, but I'm your essential Oh, because I am a little lover, ha ha, treasure, when will China trip, treasure, free to come, I really love you forever, maybe you don't like Chinese, but Chinese like you ah, I is in our heart the super idol, treasure, I hope one day to be your girlfriend, at least I game her beautiful, I is everybody happy, but mom and dad say I don't listen to, from the beginning of 2009 you every moment in my mind, treasure, you give me a chance, I am 16 years old this year, the third day student, learning is not good, but I have worked very hard to learn English well, after all my dream is to become your girlfriend, my buddies say I indulge in wishful thinking, but I really want, nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it, I, in learning to play the guitar, as long as your song I will, undeniable, in music I have talent, whenever I see you and Selena close. I envy envy hate, what ah, you Is all of us, and not one of her own, this is I is me, my name is, life ah I and you are husband and wife, otherwise I will love you till the next life, this life I will love all, treasure, have time to come to China in June., I enter a key school, I went to see your concert please, I will stand in the front row, wait for you to see the most beautiful time is me, ha ha, I have brown eyes, black hair, I understand your love, treasure, have time to learn about Chinese culture, perhaps you love Japan, but Japan is a large part of China, Chinese culture is colorful, China is famous for its ancient civilization Oh, oh, try to understand it, to understand China 's fans, we love you, love you, baby, remember my name, and my phone number, I want to hear your voice, must reply ah, treasure, my pictures. All right, well, I have no other desire. I love you, love you love you love you love you love ( echo ) B treasure love you love you love you love you love you love ( echo )
Dear B treasure

I like you very much, in the world the one who likes you much count, then I'm the one that loves you, I know, dear you do not lack of love, but I'm your essential Oh, because I am a little lover, ha ha, treasure, when will China trip, treasure, free to come, I really love you forever, maybe you don't like Chinese, but Chinese like you ah, I is in our heart the super idol, treasure, I hope one day to be your girlfriend, at least I game her beautiful, I is everybody happy, but mom and dad say I don't listen to, from the beginning of 2009 you every moment in my mind, treasure, you give me a chance, I am 16 years old this year, the third day student, learning is not good, but I have worked very hard to learn English well, after all my dream is to become your girlfriend, my buddies say I indulge in wishful thinking, but I really want, nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it, I, in learning to play the guitar, as long as your song I will, undeniable, in music I have talent, whenever I see you and Selena close. I envy envy hate, what ah, you Is all of us, and not one of her own, this is I is me, my name is, life ah I and you are husband and wife, otherwise I will love you till the next life, this life I will love all, treasure, have time to come to China in June., I enter a key school, I went to see your concert please, I will stand in the front row, wait for you to see the most beautiful time is me, ha ha, I have brown eyes, black hair, I understand your love, treasure, have time to learn about Chinese culture, perhaps you love Japan, but Japan is a large part of China, Chinese culture is colorful, China is famous for its ancient civilization Oh, oh, try to understand it, to understand China 's fans, we love you, love you, baby, remember my name, and my phone number, I want to hear your voice, must reply ah, treasure, my pictures. All right, well, I have no other desire. I love you, love you love you love you love you love ( echo ) B treasure love you love you love you love you love you love ( echo )
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