千里之行始于足下,作为汽车行驶的四只脚,汽车轮胎的重要性不言而喻。在汽车的高速行驶过程中,轮胎故障是所有驾驶者最为担心和最难预防的,也是突发性交通事故发生的重要原因。 轮胎是汽车行驶系统的重要部件,就像我们穿的鞋,除了根据使用功能来正确选择外(可别穿着正装皮鞋去打网球、穿着运动鞋跳国标舞哦),还要懂得如何去护理。下面就让我们一起来探寻轮胎的奥秘吧。 轮胎常见的分类方式是按照结构划分为斜交线轮胎、子午线轮胎。子午线胎与斜交线胎的根本区别在于胎体。斜交线胎的胎体是斜线交叉的帘布层;而子午线胎的胎体是聚合物多层交叉材质,其顶层是数层由钢丝编成的钢带帘布,可减少轮胎被异物刺破的几率。 从设计上讲,斜交线轮胎有很多局限性,如由于交叉的帘线强烈摩擦,使胎体易生热,因此加速了胎纹的磨损,且其帘线布局也不能很好地提供优良的操控性和舒适性;而子午线轮胎中的钢丝带则具有较好的柔韧性以适应路面的不规则冲击,又经久耐用,它的帘布结构还意味着在汽车行驶中有比斜交线小得多的摩擦,从而获得了较长的胎纹使用寿命和较好的燃油经济性。 同时子午线轮胎本身具有的特点使轮胎无内胎成为可能。无内胎轮胎有一个公认优点,即当轮胎被扎破后,不像有内胎的斜交线轮胎那样爆裂(这是非常危险的),而是使轮胎能在一段时间内保持气压,提高了汽车的行驶安全性。另外,和斜交线轮胎比,子午线轮胎还有更好的抓地性。
A thousand-mile journey starts with the first step. Being the "four feet" of a driving car, we all can see the importance of the tyres. During the high-speed driving, drivers always concern about and prevent problems of the tyres,which is also the main reason of unexpected traffic incidents.
Tires are the important part in the driving system.Like the shoes on our feet, except correct choosing them for proper functions(do not wear leather shoes to play tennis,or dance Ballroom Dance with a pair of sports shoes!),you should also know how to care for them. Now let's search for the secrets of tyres!
The common classification of tyres is divided by constructions. They are Radial tyre and Bias tyre. The essential difference between them is the matrix. The matrix of bias tyre is cross-ply while radial tyre is polymers with multiple crossing material. On its top, it has ply made by several layers of steel wire, which can reduce the possibility of puncturing by foreign objects.
As far as the design is concerned, bias tyres have many limitations. Like the strong friction by the cross-ply can make the cord hot, which is increasing the abrasion of tread pattern. Also, the layout of cord cannot provide good handling and comfort. But the steel wire layers in radial tyre has flexible capability in order to acclimatise to the unsteadily concussion on the road,while it's also durable. It's cross-ply construction also means having less friction than bias tyres and it has longer using life of cord and a better fuel efficiency.
Meanwhile, the radial tyres has the feature itself make it possible for tyres don't have an inner tube. There is an acknowledged advantage for not having the inner tube,which is after the punctured, it won't explode like bias tyres,which is exteremely dangerous. On the contrary, it can let the tyre remain its own atmospheric pressure, which can improve the safety for driving. Also, compared with bais tyres, the radial tyres have better tire traction to keep steady.
Tires are the important part in the driving system.Like the shoes on our feet, except correct choosing them for proper functions(do not wear leather shoes to play tennis,or dance Ballroom Dance with a pair of sports shoes!),you should also know how to care for them. Now let's search for the secrets of tyres!
The common classification of tyres is divided by constructions. They are Radial tyre and Bias tyre. The essential difference between them is the matrix. The matrix of bias tyre is cross-ply while radial tyre is polymers with multiple crossing material. On its top, it has ply made by several layers of steel wire, which can reduce the possibility of puncturing by foreign objects.
As far as the design is concerned, bias tyres have many limitations. Like the strong friction by the cross-ply can make the cord hot, which is increasing the abrasion of tread pattern. Also, the layout of cord cannot provide good handling and comfort. But the steel wire layers in radial tyre has flexible capability in order to acclimatise to the unsteadily concussion on the road,while it's also durable. It's cross-ply construction also means having less friction than bias tyres and it has longer using life of cord and a better fuel efficiency.
Meanwhile, the radial tyres has the feature itself make it possible for tyres don't have an inner tube. There is an acknowledged advantage for not having the inner tube,which is after the punctured, it won't explode like bias tyres,which is exteremely dangerous. On the contrary, it can let the tyre remain its own atmospheric pressure, which can improve the safety for driving. Also, compared with bais tyres, the radial tyres have better tire traction to keep steady.