
拜托直接用翻译软件的的就别来了。急!!!\A:嘿,B好久不见。B:hi,你怎么来这儿了。A:我来看看你跟c。咦,怎么没看见c,我记得以前你们总是在一起的。b:他最近有了女... 拜托直接用翻译软件的的就别来了。 急!!!\A:嘿,B 好久不见。B:hi,你怎么来这儿了。A:我来看看你跟c。咦,怎么没看见c,我记得以前你们总是在一起的。b:他最近有了女朋友,跟我在一起的时间就少了。a:哦?是么!真想见见他女朋友呢。c:(走来)a!你怎么在这儿。a:我们学校今天没课,过来看看你们。我们正在聊你呢。听说你有女朋友了阿,怎么没一起带来呢。c:最近我们吵架了,她的妈妈不同意她大学谈恋爱,而她也向来很听父母的话。a:或许他的父母是怕耽误她学习吧。家长都是这样的。b,do you think college remonce should be advocated?b:我想,大学谈恋爱早已十分普遍,大学生已经成年,需要开始接触感情,寻找自己的另一半。c:我觉得也是,而且我认为两个人在一起不光不会影响学习,反而会因为有人跟自己一起努力而变得更加有动力不是么。咳。要是她妈妈也像咱们这么想就好了。a:没事的,只要你真心喜欢她,总有一天她妈妈会了解这些的。对了,你跟她怎么认识的呢。b:他们是从网上认识的。a:网上?真的么?OH,C,you think that one can find true love through the Internet?c:为什么不能,我们玩游戏的时候聊得很投缘,后来见面之后,慢慢觉得对方适合自己,就在一起了。a:b,你对网恋怎么看。b:我觉得有利有弊吧。可是我不能否定网上有真爱。尽管是虚拟的世界,但是两个人也是需要共同的语言,共同的思想才能走到一起。我只是觉得,网上认识的人会让你很难看到他们的很多缺点。c:我同意你的观点,所以我在跟她现实接触一段时间后才在一起。a:看来我的观念是得变一变了。c,你们你想过以后跟她结婚么,and what do you think are the main factors that may contribute to the success of a marriage?c:当然想过。我们在一块的时候感觉一切都挺不错的。我认为婚姻的成功,主要因素在于两个人有共同的爱好跟生活习惯,对彼此的分歧可以相互理解,尽量接受对方的观点。b:恩,我觉的还得两个人在彼此的能力上有所互补。比如两个人都有聪明的大脑,可是都不愿意做家务,这样的家庭早晚会起冲突。a:恩,看来你们都为自己未来的婚姻打算过了。b:恩,毕竟我们已经成年了,需要为这些打算。c:对了,a,光说我们了,what type of wife would you like to have in the furture。a:我还真没自己的想过这个问题。我想,就像你们刚才说的吧,跟我有共同语言,可以理解我内心的女孩子是我想找的吧。b:恩。a,我们该上课了,祝你也早点找到属于自己的幸福吧。a:恩,好的 byeb c:bye 展开
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2012-02-07 · 醉心答题,欢迎关注
B:It's been ages/long time no see.What are you doing here?
A:I'm dropping by to visit you and C.I remember that you guys are always together.
B:He got a girlfirend recently. So he has no time to hang out
A:Oh really? I truly want to meet that liucky girl.
C:(Walking toward)
C:A! Why you are here?
A:There's no class today so I come and visit you guys. We were just talking about you. I heard you got a girlfriend. Why don't you bring her here?
C:Nah, we have an arguement yesterday. Her mother doesn't allow her to have a boyfriend during the colledge time. She is mom's girl. You know what I mean.
A:Maybe her parents are afraid that the colledge romance will affet her study. That's the parents you know.b,do you think college remonce should be advocated?
B:I think that colledge romance is really common now. They are adults. They should start to love someone and looking for the true love.
C: I can't agree more. Plus, I dont think love will have negative effect on study. It could motivate each other by knowing that there's someone endeavoring too.Isn't it? Sigh. I hope her mother could agree with that.
A:Take it easy. If you truly love her, her mother would understand this sooner or later. By the way, how did you meet her?
B: They met on the internet.
A:On the internet?Really?OH,C,you think that one can find true love through the Internet?
C:Why not? We had great conversation when we were playing games online.Afterwards, we met and found we were suitable. Then we are together.
A:B, what's your opinion about the internet love?
B:Well, a coin has two sides. But I dont deny that there are true love on the internet. Even it's a virtual world, people need to have the same thought and topic to be together. I just think that the virtual world would hide one's deficiencies.
C: I agree with that. So we spent sometimes to know each other before we fell in love.

have you guys

A:I think my thought is out of time. C, have you guys ever thought about marriage?and what do you think are the main factors that may contribute to the success of a marriage?
C:Of course we have.We feel good when we are together.I think the key factor that makes a marriage successful is that the couple should share the same interests and lifestyle, they could tolerance the disagreement and try to understand wach other, and they could do their best to accept other's opinion.
B:Sure. And I think each other should fetch up other's ability。For instance, if both of the couple are smart but hate housework, the confliction of the family is guaranteed.
A: Well, it looks like you guys both got some plan about your future marriages.
B:Yep.We are adults, we need to think this through.
C:OK,A,let's stop talking about us only.What type of wife would you like to have in the furture?

A:I don't know. I never thought about it before.I think it's just like you said. I wanna a girl who could share the same topic with me and understand me.
B:Hmm.A,our class is about to begin. I hope you could find your true love soon.
A: ok, that's it. See you guys around.
B,C: See ya

哇!Heavy topic。速度慢了点,希望你喜欢
2012-02-06 · 超过16用户采纳过TA的回答
A: Hey!
B: Long time no see!
B: hi,you are here!
A: I want to visit you and C. Er ,where is C? I remember you were always being together before。
b: He has being dated with her girlfriend recently, so he has little time to stay with me.
a: Oh?Really!I really want to meet his girlfriend.
c:(coming to us)A!Why do you being here?
a: I have no lessons this afternoon, so I come here to see you, we were speaking of you. I heard you have a girlfriend, why do you take her with you?
c: We quarreled several days ago, for her mother didn’t support her dating with boys at university, and she always takes her parents’ suggestions.
a: Maybe her parents worry about her study, so all parents do! B, do you think college romance should be advocated?
b: I think dating with somebody is very popular in college campus. And, college students have grown up, they need to touch love, and chase the other one of his or her life.
c: I think so. And I think if two young persons fall in love, they not only improve each other’s study, but also work harder because of her. Wooo, if only her mother had thought like us!
a: It’s OK! If you love her deeply, her mother will have understood this some day. Oh, yes, how did you contact?
b: They knew each other on line.
a: On line? Really? OH, C, you think that one can find true love through the Internet?
c: Why can’t? We chatted nicely when we were playing computer games. Then we met in real world and found we suited each other, so we fell in love.
a: B,what do you think about internet love?
b: I think every coin has two aspects, but I have to admit that there is true love on internet. Though it’s a virtual world, the two persons need to have common ideas and thoughts to love. I only think maybe you can hardly notice her many disadvantages who is met on internet.
c: I agree with you. So after knew her in the real world some time, I determined to date with her.
a: OK, it seems that some of my views need to change.
c,Do you consider marrying her in the future? And what do you think are the main factors that may contribute to the success of a marriage?
c: Yes, of course. When we are together, everything goes well. I think the main aspect of success marriage is common interests and habits, understand each other’ disagreements, accept the other’s ideas.
b: Yes, I think you can improve each other based on original ability. For example, you both have talent brains, but you don’t like do house work, this family will break some day.
a: Yes, it seems that you have planned for you future marriage.
b: You are right, we have grown up after all, so we have to make a plan on marriage.
c: Speaking of marriage, A, what type of wife would you like to have in the future。
a: I have never thought this problem, maybe I want a girl who can share common ideas with me, just as you talked .
b: En.
a, It’s time to have lessons. Wish you find your own love early.
a: Ok, bye B
c: bye
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The sixth lesson 1 the sami of northern Europe
2 the Ainu of love and never dull
3 the yanomami of the amazon
4 the hopi of Arizona
5 the mari of New Zealand
Be urgent!!!!!!! \ A: hey, B, long time no see. B: hi, how do you come here. A: I come to see you and c. Oh, why didn't see c, I remember you always together. B: he recently have girl friend, with me less time. A: oh? Yeah! Really want to see his girlfriend? C: (comes) a! How do you in here. A: our school no classes today, come and see you. We are talking about you? I heard you have a girlfriend,, how don't brought together? C: recently, we had a fight, and her mother does not agree with her university fall in love, and she also have a listen to parents' words. A: maybe his parents are afraid of delayed her learning it. Parents are like that. B, do you think college remonce should be advocated? B:
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