
伪满皇宫博物馆位于长春市东北角的光复路上,是伪满洲国傀儡皇帝爱新觉罗·溥仪居住的宫殿,从1932年到1945年间,溥仪在日本当局的指使下,建立了满洲帝国,在这里从事过政治... 伪满皇宫博物馆位于长春市东北角的光复路上,是伪满洲国傀儡皇帝爱新觉罗·溥仪居住的宫殿,从1932年到1945年间,溥仪在日本当局的指使下,建立了满洲帝国,在这里从事过政治活动并做日常起居。
伪皇宫可分为进行政治活动的外廷和日常生活是内廷两部分,现分别辟为伪满皇宫陈列馆和伪满帝宫陈列馆。   帝宫分内廷、外廷。内廷是清仪及其后妃日常生活起居的区域;外廷是清仪从事政治活动的场所,内廷有东、西两院,西院有缉熙楼,东院 有1936年开始修建的同德殿。中和门之外称外廷,有勤民楼、怀远楼、嘉乐殿等 。伪满皇宫的主体建筑是一组黄色琉璃瓦覆顶的二层小楼,包括勤民楼、辑熙楼和同德殿,这三座小楼风格独特,是中西式相结合的格局,勤民楼取清室祖训:"敬天法祖,勤政爱民"之义,1932年9月15日,就是在这栋"勤政爱民"的勤民楼里签订了经溥仪认可的"日满议定书",将伪满洲国的国防、治安全部委托给日本人,并由日本人管理伪满的铁路、港湾、水路、空路,日本军队所需的各种物资、设备由伪满政府负责供应。东北主权被拱手相让。
Manchukuo Imperial Palace museums retrocession of Changchun City, located in the northeast corner on the road, is the puppet Manchukuo puppet emperor Aixinjueluo · Puyi lived in the Palace, from 1932 to 1945, Puyi in Japan under the instigation of the authorities, established the Manchu Empire, engaged in political activities and daily living here.
Pseudo political activity outside of the Palace can be divided into Ting is the inner court and daily life in two parts, respectively designated the Manchukuo Imperial Palace Museum and the Manchukuo Imperial Palace Museum.Outside the Imperial Palace Ting, Ting.The inner court is clear and its imperial concubines of daily living area;Ting is the instrument of the Qing engaged in political activity outside of places, both houses of neitingyoudong, West, West wanted Hee building, Eastern Hospital the tongde Hall construction began in 1936.And outside the doors that outside Ting, civil building, huaiyuan building and Jiale Hall.Manchukuo Palace of main building is a group yellow glazed tiles covered top of II layer small building, including service people building, and series Hee building and tongde Temple, this three seat small building style unique, is West type phase combination of pattern, service people building take Qing room Zu Xun: "King days method progenitor, service political Edmonton" of meaning, September 15, 1932, is in this building "service political Edmonton" of service people building in signed has by Pu instrument recognized of "day full Protocol", will pseudo-Manchukuo of Defense, and security all delegate to Japanese, and by Japanese management Manchukuo of railway, and Harbour, and waterway, and Air, Japan army required of all material and equipment supplied by the Manchukuo Government.Sovereignty was handing in the Northeast.
The Palace Museum is located in changchun puppet of the northeast corner of the recovery road, is the puppet manchukuo puppet emperor aisin giorro puyi lived palaces, from 1932 to 1945, puyi in the Japanese authorities service was set up under the manchu empire, here in political activities and do daily daily life.
False palace can be divided into the political activities outside ting and daily life is NaTing two parts, we are into the palace gallery and the puppet manchuria emperor Palace Museum. Emperor palace NaTing, he points out. NaTing is clear meter and wives daily life daily life area; He is engaged in the qing political activities of place, NaTing east, west of congress, the court has coin city building, eastern hospital has 1936 began to build the house with Germany. And he says the outside door, often people building, conceived far floor, carol house, etc. The puppet the main architecture of the palace is a group with the top floor glass tiles yellow house, including often people building, city building and wanted to DE temple, the big three house unique style, is in the style of the pattern of the combination, often people take clear room floor ZuXun: "and day method, diligent, fathers people" justice, on September 15, 1932, is in this "diligent people" often people building signed the recognition of pu yi "day full protocol", will the puppet manchukuo defense, security all entrusted to the Japanese, and the Japanese puppet management of railway, harbor, waterway, planes, Japanese troops to all kinds of materials, equipment by the puppet government responsible for supplies. The northeast sovereignty was with both hands.and reaching out.
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