
 我来答
2022-09-30 · TA获得超过5557个赞
1.What is your favorite keepsake?Why do you keep it?
My most treasured keepsake is this little piece of green jade my mother gave to me for my tenth birthday,she told me that it would keep me out of harm and danger.It is the richest shade of verdant and slightly translucent.I love to look through it at the sunlight,it is just so pretty.Each time I look upon it,I think of my mother,and her promise that it would keep me safe.And each time I would sign:the probability of accidents and misfortunes are pletely random – I have learnt this much in the modern scientific world.Yet I still treasure my little piece of green jade.
2.Who is the most important person in your life?Use an example to prove it.
The most important person in my life is my mother.She is like my friend,my guide in life and my guardian angel.She is the person that I have stuck with since birth.She has fed,washed and read bedtime stories to me.I have only hazy recollections of those early days,but what I do remember is the warm feeling of happiness.She taught me my lessons when I didn’t know how to do them.She pulled me off the ground when I fell down.There was once,in a dream,when we were all stuck in a collapsing cave.And I remembered shouting out to her:“You go first!” It was done without even thinking.I know that was just a dream,but I would have done exactly the same thing in real life; without a second thought.And if the will to guide someone with your life does not make them the most important person,I don’t know what does.
3.What is your favorite food?What is the food that you dislike the most?List the reasons.
My favourite food is caramel ice-cream drizzled with honeyb sauce.It is the most divine flavour in all of the delicious varieties of the ice cream world:that unique sweetness bined with the slight crunch of the honeyb pieces.There is also another reason,well,this one is a little personal – you see,caramel is not a traditional flavour; thus by eating it you are just distinguishing yourself above the crowd.However,I detest bitter melon!It is the foulest type of food under the sun; it is so bitter and the after-taste just hangs around in your mouth to continue the torture.But for some strange medicinal reasons,my parents force me to eat it once in a while.Oh no!I absolutely hate it (I am a sweet tooth,you see)!
4.What is the most popular food in your hometown?Why is it so popular?
The most popular food in my hometown is red chilli sauce.It is cheap,accessible and delicious (in the diner’s opinion).You can get a huge pot for under twenty dollars; and a pot of good quality stuff at that.It is everywhere:in the little corner stores,on the shelves of the supermarkets and sometimes even home-made.It can be used for lots of different purposes too:you can cook with it,marinate with it or simply eat it raw with rice.I have heard that chilli can be used to counter the wetness and coldness we experience in my hometown as well; see it even benefits your health.
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