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2022-11-25 · TA获得超过5087个赞
问题一:贝多芬介绍英文 Overview
Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) The great German poser in Vienna, one of classical music to send representatives on the development of world music (from the classical period to the Romantic period) plays a vital role, was the world known as the Le Saint.
Name: Ludwig van Beethoven (Ludwig van Beethoven)
Birthday: December 16, 1770
Constellation: Sagittarius
Place of Birth: Rhine River from the French near the city - Bonn
Status: German poser, pianist
Beethoven December 16, 1770 was born in the Rhine not far from the French town - Bonn. He was born in Mount abra family a musical family. His grandfather called Ludwig, Bonn court orchestra orchestra long, alcoholic father is a tenor singer. His mother was a maid, a cook's daughter. Beethoven had already exposed his childhood his music talent, the father eager to train him to bee a kind of child prodigy like Mozart, and a violin in his childhood put off at home, or the next day to force the harpsichord practice. The age of eight, he began performing at the concert and try to pose, but he suffered during this period in music education has been very messy and not systematic.
1789 progressive ideology of the bourgeois revolution in France gave him a lot of inspiration, which laid the foundation of his humanistic world Zhang screen. Convinced that human equality, the pursuit of justice and individual freedom, hatred of the feudal autocratic oppression. Whil......>>

问题二:贝多芬英文介绍 Ludwig van Beethoven (i/?l?dv? v?n ?be??to?v?n/, /?be?t?ho?v?n/; German: [?lu?tv?? fan ?be?t?ho?fn?]; baptised 17 December 1770[1] 26 March 1827) was a German poser and pianist. A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western art music, he remains one of the most famous and influential of all posers. His best-known positions include 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, 1 violin concerto, 32 piano sonatas, 16 string quartets, his great Mass the Missa solemnis, and one opera, Fidelio.

问题三:贝多芬英语简介(十句话) Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), one of history's most famous and mysterious posers died at the age of 57 with one great secret. Upon his death, a love letter was found among his possessions. It was written to an unknown woman who Beethoven simply called his *Immortal

问题四:要贝多芬的英文简介 路德维希・凡・贝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven,1770.12.16―1827.03.26)男,德国作曲家、钢琴家、指挥家。维也纳古典乐派代表人物之一。他一共创作了9首编号交响曲、35首钢琴奏鸣曲(其中后32首带有编号)、10部小提琴奏鸣曲、16首弦乐四重奏、1部歌剧、2部弥撒、1部清唱剧与3部康塔塔,另外还有大量室内乐、艺术歌曲与舞曲。这些作品对音乐发展有著深远影响,因此被尊称为乐圣。 英文简介(与上不同!) Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), the second-oldest child of the court musician and tenor singer Johann van Beethoven, was born in Bonn. Ludwig's father drilled him thoroughly with the ambition of showcasing him as a child prodigy. Ludwig gave his first public performance as a pianist when he was eight years old. At the age of eleven he received the necessary systematic training in piano performance and position from Christian Gottlob Neefe, organist and court musician in Bonn. Employed as a musician in Bonn court orchestra since 1787, Beethoven was granted a paid leave of absence in the early part of 1787 to study in Vienna under Mozart. he was soon pelled to return to Bonn, however, and after his mother's death had to look after the family.In 1792 he chose Vienna as his new residence and took lessons from Haydn, Albrecht *** erger, Schenck and Salieri. By 1795 he had earned a name for himself as a pianist of great fantasy and verve, admired in particular for his brilliant improvisations. Before long he was traveling in the circles of the nobility. They offered Beethoven their patronage, and the poser dedicated his works to them in return. By 1809 his patrons provided him with an annuity which enabled him to live as a freelance poser wi......>>

问题五:~贝多芬英文资料~(好的加分) Ludwig van Beethoven (baptized December 17, 1770 March 26, 1827) was a German poser of classical music, who lived predominantly in Vienna, Austria. Beethoven is widely regarded as one of history's supreme posers, and he produced notable works even after losing his hearing. He was one of the greatest figures in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras in music. His reputation has inspired ― and in many cases intimidated ― posers, musicians, and audiences who were to e after him.
Among his most widely-recognized works are his Third, Fifth, Sixth and Ninth symphonies (the latter containing the Ode to Joy); Piano Concerto No. 5 (Emperor); a Violin Concerto; the Pathétique, Moonlight, Appassionata, and Hammerklavier piano sonatas; and the bagatelle Für Elise .
* 1 Life and work
* 2 Musical style and innovations
* 3 Personal beliefs and their musical influence
* 4 Beethoven the Romantic?
* 5 See also
* 6 Media
o 6.1 Piano solo
o 6.2 Orchestral
o 6.3 Chamber
* 7 References
* 8 External links
Life and work
For more details on this topic, see Life and work of Ludwig van Beethoven.
Beethoven was born at 515 Bongasse, Bonn, Germany, to Johann van Beethoven (17401792); and Magdalena Keverich van Beethoven (17441787) in 1770. Many reference works show 16 December as Beethoven's date of birth, since he was baptized on 17 December and ......>>
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