it's not goodbye 这首歌歌词翻译成中文?

NowwhatifIneverkissyourlipsagainOrfeelthetouchofyoursweetembrace.HowwouldIevergoon?,W... Now what if I never kiss your lips again Or feel the touch of your sweet embrace. How would I ever go on?, Without you there's no place to belong Well someday love is going to lead you back to me, But till it does I'll have an empty heart. So I'll just have to believe some where out there you're thinking of me Till the day I let you go, Until we say our next hello its not goodbye. Till I see you again I'll be right here remembering when. And if time is on our side There will be no tears to cry on down the road There is one thing I can't deny its not goodbye You think I'd be strong enough to make it through And rise above when the rain falls down. But it抯 so hard to be strong when you've been missing somebody so long It's just a matter of time I'm sure, Well time takes time and I can't hold on, So won't you try as hard as you can Put my broken heart together again? Till the day I let you go, Until we say our next hello its not goodbye. Till I see you again I'll be right here remembering when. And if time is on our side there will be no tears to cry on down the road there is one thing I can't deny its not goodbye It's not goodbye..... Till the day I'll let you go, until we say our next hello its not goodbye. Till I see you again I'll be right here remembering when. And if time is on our side there will be no tears to cry on down the road And I can't deny it's, not goodbye Its not goodbye Till I see you I'll be right here remembering when Time is on our side No more tears to cry And I cant deny It's not goodbye Goodbye no more tears to cry It's, it's not goodbye.    展开
 我来答
2012-02-14 · 超过14用户采纳过TA的回答
2012-02-28 · TA获得超过569个赞
  Now what if I never kiss your lips again 现在又会怎样呢 如果我不曾吻你
  or feel the touch of your sweet embrace 不曾被你甜蜜的拥抱感动
  How would I ever go on要我怎么活下去

  Well someday love is going to lead you back to me 如果有一天 爱情远离
  but till it dose I’ll have an empty heart 它真的离开了 我的心空荡荡的
  So I’ll just have to believe 我只能安慰自己
  some where out there your thinking of me 你还在远方想着我

  Until we say our next hello it’s not goodbye 这不是离别 因为我们还会再见
  Until I see you again 再次遇见你之前
  I’ll be right here remembering when 我会一直在这铭记
  And if time is on our side 如果时间能够倒流
  there will be no tears to cry on down the road 我们之间将不会有泪水
  their is one thing I can’t deny it’s not goodbye* 我们将不会分离

  You think I’d be strong enough to make it through 你说我能够坚强的承受它
  and rise above when the rain falls down 能重新站起来
  But it’s so hard to be strong 但是 坚强实在太难
  when you’ve been missing somebody so long更何况爱了你那么长那么久

  It’s just a matter of time I’m sure 我相信那只是时间问题
  but time takes time and I can’t hold on 但是一天又一天的 我再也坚持不住了
  so won’t you try as hard as you can那么就别再为难自己了吧

  It’s not goodbye till I see you 这不是离别 我们将会再见
  I’ll be right here rememebering when time is on ourside 我会一直在这铭记着我们的过去
  No more tears to cry and I can’t deny 不会再哭 不会有分离
  It’s not goodbye ,no more tears to cry 这不是离别 别哭
  It’s not goodbye 这不是离别
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Now what if I never kiss your lips again 现在又会怎样呢 如果我不曾吻你
or feel the touch of your sweet embrace 不曾被你甜蜜的拥抱感动
How would I ever go on要我怎么活下去

Well someday love is going to lead you back to me 如果有一天 爱情远离
but till it dose I’ll have an empty heart 它真的离开了 我的心空荡荡的
So I’ll just have to believe 我只能安慰自己
some where out there your thinking of me 你还在远方想着我

Until we say our next hello it’s not goodbye 这不是离别 因为我们还会再见
Until I see you again 再次遇见你之前
I’ll be right here remembering when 我会一直在这铭记
And if time is on our side 如果时间能够倒流
there will be no tears to cry on down the road 我们之间将不会有泪水
their is one thing I can’t deny it’s not goodbye* 我们将不会分离

You think I’d be strong enough to make it through 你说我能够坚强的承受它
and rise above when the rain falls down 能重新站起来
But it’s so hard to be strong 但是 坚强实在太难
when you’ve been missing somebody so long更何况爱了你那么长那么久

It’s just a matter of time I’m sure 我相信那只是时间问题
but time takes time and I can’t hold on 但是一天又一天的 我再也坚持不住了
so won’t you try as hard as you can那么就别再为难自己了吧

It’s not goodbye till I see you 这不是离别 我们将会再见
I’ll be right here rememebering when time is on ourside 我会一直在这铭记着我们的过去
No more tears to cry and I can’t deny 不会再哭 不会有分离
It’s not goodbye ,no more tears to cry 这不是离别 别哭
It’s not goodbye 这不是离别
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