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• Henry Europe is the 19th century and early 20th century American popular welcome readers a short story writer. At that time, the United States is in the capitalist stage of rapid development, there has been concentrating funds and the impoverishment of the proletariat, at the same time, small and medium-sized bourgeois bankruptcy and the growing ranks of the unemployed so that the American society of the intensification of class contradictions and superficial. It was against this backdrop of the times, the majority of people on the American "democracy" have doubts and social disappointment. , On the one hand is a small part of life despicable dirty indulging a billionaire, on the other hand is always in the starvation of millions of online struggling toiling masses. The development and changes in the social life of American literature have had a profound impact.
• Henry Ou its rugged road of life, hardship and unfortunately, been a Shepherd, pharmacists, clerks, cartographers, such as cashiers. • Henry Europe living on the lower long-term, all sorts of social phenomenon of these contradictions that he suffered heart flu. In his outstanding works, the decadent capitalist system, ferocious legal, moral hypocrisy and vulgarity, and other aspects of life of the ugly phenomenon, has done a certain degree of disclosure, satire and criticism. From his works, we can see that when the United States all social classes and social strata all sorts of characters, from millionaires to the police, the thief, liar anything there. However, the EU • Henry to write about is the vast majority of life heroine status of the lowly citizens, the author of self-sacrifice for their futile, the profound despair hard after the miserable living conditions to his deep sympathy. His novels, with a wide range of ordinary people who represent the upper classes instead of a pivotal figure or tycoon, from that point, I can see that the EU • Henry democratic thinking. EU • Henry himself once said: "My aim is that: in the hearts of each individual has the desire to lead a decent, even those at the bottom of society relegation, as long as the means, it is willing to return to the relatively lofty life, the inherent tendency of human nature is evil becoming good disposable." . His own works served as the spokesman for the little guy, and express their sufferings tart, Mining and extolling their compassionate and humane United States, and on the upper reaches of the bourgeoisie who carried out thoroughly exposed and criticized, expose and criticize the social life is unfair, unreasonable and abnormal phenomenon. As a result, Yang Qing blow turbidity,) banished evil, and extolling the goodness, and beauty of human nature in the world, criticized the United States in violation of the world humanity false evil, has become the theme of his novels, showing a strong sense of humanity.
• Henry Ou its rugged road of life, hardship and unfortunately, been a Shepherd, pharmacists, clerks, cartographers, such as cashiers. • Henry Europe living on the lower long-term, all sorts of social phenomenon of these contradictions that he suffered heart flu. In his outstanding works, the decadent capitalist system, ferocious legal, moral hypocrisy and vulgarity, and other aspects of life of the ugly phenomenon, has done a certain degree of disclosure, satire and criticism. From his works, we can see that when the United States all social classes and social strata all sorts of characters, from millionaires to the police, the thief, liar anything there. However, the EU • Henry to write about is the vast majority of life heroine status of the lowly citizens, the author of self-sacrifice for their futile, the profound despair hard after the miserable living conditions to his deep sympathy. His novels, with a wide range of ordinary people who represent the upper classes instead of a pivotal figure or tycoon, from that point, I can see that the EU • Henry democratic thinking. EU • Henry himself once said: "My aim is that: in the hearts of each individual has the desire to lead a decent, even those at the bottom of society relegation, as long as the means, it is willing to return to the relatively lofty life, the inherent tendency of human nature is evil becoming good disposable." . His own works served as the spokesman for the little guy, and express their sufferings tart, Mining and extolling their compassionate and humane United States, and on the upper reaches of the bourgeoisie who carried out thoroughly exposed and criticized, expose and criticize the social life is unfair, unreasonable and abnormal phenomenon. As a result, Yang Qing blow turbidity,) banished evil, and extolling the goodness, and beauty of human nature in the world, criticized the United States in violation of the world humanity false evil, has become the theme of his novels, showing a strong sense of humanity.