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  " Valentine's Day " is the ancient festivals, before can be traced back to Christianity, but the" Valentine's Day" is the recent statement. According to one legend, saint is ancient Rome two namesakes bishop, two per capita in 270 A.D. died. The last thing they do is give wife died before writing a love letter (when the priest can get married ), thereafter," Valentine's Day" this name was applied to the early religious ceremony. According to one legend records," Valentine's Day ", the day the birds in pairs, the amphibious flying, so a man.

  The times are different," Valentine's Day" when predicting marriage, attract lovers in different ways. From ancient Rome to the Vitoria times, people use two strains of half-open flowers to predict marital status. Unmarried men and women to grow two strains of half-open flowers, spend a name to the first letter of each name the first letter of the same. If two flower to open, it indicates that a husband and wife lifelong happy; if two flower back and open, it indicates that a couple will part company each going his own way; if the flowers in full bloom, said the family have a flourishing population; if the flower dying or death situation, it means the couple has one side will precede the other party and young.

  If you don't want to resign oneself to one's fate, can try from Buckinghamshire an old method : in the" Valentine's Day" of the night lit a candle, in the bottom two needle bar, to ensure that the needle through the side bar, said: I'm not just a candle a, I'll go through is x x x heart, whether he is asleep or awake, I wanted him to talk with me, but be careful, you choose the dream lover be realistic, don't expect to let people. It is said to be a candle, burning into the needle, your lover would open the door to run to you. The second way is in" Valentine's Day" in front of a week in the evening in every day the right to wear socks to the foot, and mouth muttering incantations:" dream of living, not dead, this is the young people, I want to match with." After speaking to keep silent to the next day wake up. The third approach is before you go to bed left sock is on the neck. Pay attention not too tight, if kill myself, it would be a major mistake.


2012-02-14 · TA获得超过6.7万个赞
Valentine's Day " is the ancient festivals, before can be traced back to Christianity, but the" Valentine's Day" is the recent statement. According to one legend, saint is ancient Rome two namesakes bishop, two per capita in 270 A.D. died. The last thing they do is give wife died before writing a love letter (when the priest can get married ), thereafter," Valentine's Day" this name was applied to the early religious ceremony. According to one legend records," Valentine's Day ", the day the birds in pairs, the amphibious flying, so a man.

The times are different," Valentine's Day" when predicting marriage, attract lovers in different ways. From ancient Rome to the Vitoria times, people use two strains of half-open flowers to predict marital status. Unmarried men and women to grow two strains of half-open flowers, spend a name to the first letter of each name the first letter of the same. If two flower to open, it indicates that a husband and wife lifelong happy; if two flower back and open, it indicates that a couple will part company each going his own way; if the flowers in full bloom, said the family have a flourishing population; if the flower dying or death situation, it means the couple has one side will precede the other party and young.

If you don't want to resign oneself to one's fate, can try from Buckinghamshire an old method : in the" Valentine's Day" of the night lit a candle, in the bottom two needle bar, to ensure that the needle through the side bar, said: I'm not just a candle a, I'll go through is x x x heart, whether he is asleep or awake, I wanted him to talk with me, but be careful, you choose the dream lover be realistic, don't expect to let people. It is said to be a candle, burning into the needle, your lover would open the door to run to you. The second way is in" Valentine's Day" in front of a week in the evening in every day the right to wear socks to the foot, and mouth muttering incantations:" dream of living, not dead, this is the young people, I want to match with." After speaking to keep silent to the next day wake up. The third approach is before you go to bed left sock is on the neck. Pay attention not too tight, if kill myself, it would be a major mistake.
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