您拨打的电话已关机。You dial the phone was switched off.
您拨打的电话正在通话中。You dial the phone call.
您拨打的电话正忙。You dialed is busy.
您拨打的电话无法接通。You dial the phone unable to connect.
请稍后再拨。Please dial later.
对方已设置呼叫转移。The other party has set up call forwarding.
请听到“滴”声后留言。Please hear the message "drip" sound.
您拨打的电话是空号。You dialed is empty.
您拨打的电话已停机。You dialed has been shut down.
您拨打的电话是异地手机,请在电话号码前加拨“0”。You dial the phone is off-site phone, please dial "0" before the telephone number.
您拨打的电话正在通话中。You dial the phone call.
您拨打的电话正忙。You dialed is busy.
您拨打的电话无法接通。You dial the phone unable to connect.
请稍后再拨。Please dial later.
对方已设置呼叫转移。The other party has set up call forwarding.
请听到“滴”声后留言。Please hear the message "drip" sound.
您拨打的电话是空号。You dialed is empty.
您拨打的电话已停机。You dialed has been shut down.
您拨打的电话是异地手机,请在电话号码前加拨“0”。You dial the phone is off-site phone, please dial "0" before the telephone number.