Child's believes Linze County Sha Hezhen for Wenchuan Hejiazhuang elementary school third grade what gentle the dear Wenchuan disaster area child you to be good: I call what gently, is an elementary school third grade student. Yesterday I saw from the television on May 12 2.28 points, your there have had 7.8 magnitude of especially big earthquakes. Many children are buried in the ruins, to also of unknown whereabouts to today. Looked at this shock unfortunate news I to feel the special discomfort. I want to say to the Wenchuan disaster area child: Do not fear that the government meeting wants all means to rescue you. Although had many children to die, but also some children have become the orphan. But asks you to believe that the whole nations are caring about you, can stretch out hand of the aid to you. as the saying goes: The world heartless person feels emotion, a side suffers distress eight side supports. The whole nation after hearing the earthquake disaster 给汶川小朋友的一封信临泽县沙何镇何家庄小学三年级 何文静亲爱的汶川灾区小朋友你们好:我叫何文静,是一位小学三年级的学生。昨天我从电视上看到5月12 日2点28分,你们那里发生了7.8级的特大地震。许多小朋友都被埋在了废墟了,至到今天还生死不明。看了这震惊的不幸消息我感到特别的难受。我想对汶川灾区的小朋友说:你们不要怕,政府会想尽一切办法救你们的。虽然有许多小朋友死了,还有的小朋友成了孤儿。但请你们相信全国人民都在关心着你们,都会向你们伸出援助之手的。俗话说:天地无情人有情,一方受难八方支援。全国人民在听到震灾发生后都非常关心,我们也会帮助你们渡难关的,亲爱的同学们!,我知道你们没有了家,失去了很多,如今你们一定是在灾后的悲愤中,但请不要伤心,不要难过,还有我们。特别是在有关部门的关心下,你们会重新住进温暖的房屋,也会重新进入明亮的教室上课。亲爱的同学们!化悲痛为力量吧!阳光总在风雨后,我相信任何困难都打不倒你们的,你们是坚强的!你们是勇敢的!让全世界人们携起手来,共同帮助你们战胜灾难,渡过难关!在这里,我真诚地祝愿你们以后的生活能够平平安安、快快乐乐!祝渡过难关,学习进步!