Our study adds to the existing literature in the following ways. First, to our knowledge, this is
the first study to document evidence that the effect of abnormal audit fees on audit quality is
asymmetric, conditional upon the sign of abnormal audit fees,2 and that excessively high audit fees
can impair auditor independence even when the provision of NAS to the same audit client is
prohibited. Second, if the association between unsigned discretionary accruals and abnormal fees
is positive for the subsample of clients with positive abnormal fees and insignificant for the
subsample of clients with negative abnormal fees, examining the fee-quality association with no
reference to the sign of abnormal audit fees most likely leads us to observe the insignificant
associations as reported in most previous studies. This is because the two opposing effects can
cancel out each other when the two distinct subsamples are combined. Our findings suggest that
future research on similar issues should take into account the asymmetric effect of abnormal audit
fees on audit quality. 展开
the first study to document evidence that the effect of abnormal audit fees on audit quality is
asymmetric, conditional upon the sign of abnormal audit fees,2 and that excessively high audit fees
can impair auditor independence even when the provision of NAS to the same audit client is
prohibited. Second, if the association between unsigned discretionary accruals and abnormal fees
is positive for the subsample of clients with positive abnormal fees and insignificant for the
subsample of clients with negative abnormal fees, examining the fee-quality association with no
reference to the sign of abnormal audit fees most likely leads us to observe the insignificant
associations as reported in most previous studies. This is because the two opposing effects can
cancel out each other when the two distinct subsamples are combined. Our findings suggest that
future research on similar issues should take into account the asymmetric effect of abnormal audit
fees on audit quality. 展开