
tostayuptoletmein-justgivemeakeyAthereisnoneedforyoubyoudon'thavetocyouareunnecessary... to stay up to let me in-just give me a key
A there is no need for you b you don't have to c you are unnecessary d it doesn't need疑问:答案是 a个人觉得没错但是请问bc错在哪
2As some famous singer will appear at the pop concert _ likely to be a large audience,
a it's b here's c there's d that's
我总把 it's和 there's用法弄混 有没有人能详细解释它们的区别与用法
_ is no doubt that the manager has made the right decision
a It b this c there d that
in history when remarkable progress was made in relatively short periods of time
a There has time b It has time C it is time D There has been time
答案是d 解释一下
5)We are glad you have _______a fine brave young man .
A.grown up B.brought up 意思大概是我们非常高兴你成为了一名勇敢的青年
但是查了一下字典发现 bring up 有养育的意思 那可不可以解释成你养育出了一个 的青年呢?
often speak highly of his modern paintings
a His a few friends b Few friends of his c His few friends d A few his friends
为什么是C B错在哪里
speak French very well
a THese both students b both of they c both of students d both these students答案是d 有这种用法吗 我选的是c hehe
Tom into the house when no one
aslipped was looked b had slipped looked c slipped had looked d was slipping looked答案是d b呢?
I don't really work here I until the new secretary arrives
a just help out b have just helped out c am just helping out d will just help out
If a man succeed he must work as hard as he can
awill b is to c is going to c should is to是 什么用法
He is late again today,I'll that he will no be late tomorrow
a be sure b hope for c see to it d make it to
He said he felt bad because he late the night before
a sit up b was sitting up c has sit up d had been sitting up
Wang Li ,I don't think you fengyang,a newcomer to our classa having met b to have met c have met d had met
1. ___to stay up to let me in-just give me a key
A there is no need for you b you don't have to c you are unnecessary d it doesn't need
若选B have to 已经有个to了,不能是 have to to stay up
若 选C 一般说it is unnecessary for sb. to do sth. 没有必要的是这件事,而不是这个人
2. As some famous singer will appear at the pop concert _ likely to be a large audience,
a it's b here's c there's d that's
there be 句型 本身有“有”的意思 而 it is no doubt that the manager has made the right decision。 这个句型中that后面这个句子才是真正的主语,it 只是形式主语
3.__ in history when remarkable progress was made in relatively short periods of time
a There has time b It has time C it is time D There has been time
there be 句型 只有D符合 看不懂句子时,要分析句子就结构 when句是阐明time的含义的。
4. We are glad you have _______a fine brave young man .A.grown up B.brought up
grow up 是自己成长为。。。 bring up是别人养成什么样 注意句子说的是you have grown up 或者是we have brought up a good child
5. a. His a few friends b Few friends of his c His few friends d A few his friends
A. 去掉a B. Few friends of him D. A few of his friends
6. ___speak French very well
a THese both students b both of they c both of students d both these students
Both (the) brothers are not here.
Both his brothers are in the army. C项应该去掉of 或者是 both of them
7,Tom__ into the house when no one
aslipped was looked b had slipped looked c slipped had looked d was slipping looked
8.I don't really work here Iam just helping out until the new secretary arrives
9. If a man__ succeed he must work as hard as he can
be to do 表示安排、计划、决定、命令或注定要发生的事 be going to 也有打算干什么之意,
I am to be an engineer. 我就快要成为工程师了。
I am going to be an engineer. 意思就变成了:我将成为工程师。。。
10.He is late again today,I'll___ that he will no be late tomorrow
a be sure b hope for c see to it d make it to “做成什么事”
see to it "照料;注意,留意;负责" 后面可接that从句
11.He said he felt bad because he had been sitting uplate the night before
12.Wang Li ,I don't think you have met fengyang,a newcomer to our class 现在完成时
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