
TV‘sInfluenceOnOurDailyLife(1)TVnotonlypresentsusawonderfulworld,butalsobringssomecha... TV‘s Influence On Our Daily Life
(1)TV not only presents us a wonderful world, but also brings some changes to our daily life
(2)It is true that TV has the value of giving complete relaxation
(3)Now we can see that TV has caused enormous problems along with its benefits
2012-03-04 · TA获得超过444个赞
TV is now the family is a very common household appliances, is very important for everyone. TV was born in 1939, was formally popular in the early 1950s. Since then, countless children grew up, accompanied by television, modern society, television is of special significance.
Now the TV is already highly developed, again unlike the usual black and white screen, very few programs. TV a higher technological content, the emergence of flat-panel TV, digital TV, LCD TV and many other high-tech products to provide a better enjoyment and visual effects; At the same time, more and more TV programs, the amount of information is also greater variety shows, news programs, sports programs and other rich people's home life, there are large tracts of television advertising, to provide more information to people face to know the world through television.
TV has the advantage of three-dimensional, real, large amount of information, but more and more parents have begun to restrict or prohibit the children watch TV.
TV is the same pros and cons like everything, it enriches people's lives, bringing joy to the sick, the elderly, there is no television, there is no part of the color of life, deprived of some people to change, the lack of an understanding of the window to the world.
Unfortunately, information on some of television on young people is extremely harmful. Children did not have enough experience, often fail to recognize that television programs do not show a real world, they will believe that the use of a product to make them super-powers, they would argue that the murder case of TV is a normal phenomenon, is acceptable. According to the survey, the majority of people graduating from high school have seen approximately 15,000 hours of television witnessed about 18,000 people died in violence, if they see every day people died violent deaths tragic, real-life murder in their eyes where it will be commonplace, this is the modern young people of the world for one of the reasons for interpersonal indifference.
Another survey showed that television is leading to youth writing, one of the reasons for the decline of expressive power. Had a primary school essay caused a huge discussion in a primary school of less than 600 words composition, even more than forty "dead", such as "heat death" suffocate "the reasons behind actually It is the student television, computers and other frequently used and accepted the so-called "buzzwords", written reading seriously lead to a lack of vocabulary when writing. Today's children are keen to read is very little TV this dynamic information transfer information more attractive way than the black and white, so the children are more willing to watch TV and not willing to read books. As everyone knows, the precipitation is generated by reading books to improve the writing is an important factor.
TV is indeed the real change our lives and our society, it brings a range of benefits, it also brings a series of questions. We must find solutions to these problems, because whether we like the TV have been rooted in our lives, watching TV has become the fashion.
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