《亲爱的—— 我知道, 你下个星期二将会回到美国,因为你的生日即将来临。那我就提前祝你生日快乐吧!在中国,我会说祝您健康长寿,快乐每一天。你一定很期待回到你的家乡,见到你的家人,因为无论在世界的任何一个角落,家庭,对我们每个人都同样重要,同样期待,家是我们心中永恒的主题。说说实话,我很佩服你,
只身一人来到中国,带着你的知识和热情来帮助中国的年轻人走出困境,发现自我的价值,你是正在在做一件很有 展开
只身一人来到中国,带着你的知识和热情来帮助中国的年轻人走出困境,发现自我的价值,你是正在在做一件很有 展开
Dear __
I know you will go back to the US next Tuesday, for your birthday is coming. I wish you happy birthday!
In China, I will say wish you live a long and healthy life, happy everyday. You must be looking forward to going back to your home, seeing your family, because wherever we are, family is the most important thing for us. Home is the only theme for us .
To tell you the truth, I admire you much,you came to China all alone, with your knowledge and enthusiasm, to help youth in China out of dilemma, to explore own value. What you are doing is very meanful.
I know you will go back to the US next Tuesday, for your birthday is coming. I wish you happy birthday!
In China, I will say wish you live a long and healthy life, happy everyday. You must be looking forward to going back to your home, seeing your family, because wherever we are, family is the most important thing for us. Home is the only theme for us .
To tell you the truth, I admire you much,you came to China all alone, with your knowledge and enthusiasm, to help youth in China out of dilemma, to explore own value. What you are doing is very meanful.