Yesterday I went for a bus ride to the countryside.The bus was not full and I had a good seat at the front.
For about an hour we were on the freeway.Then we turned off and drove along a narrow country road.
Soon the road began to climb.We left the fields and villages behind us and came to a forest.There was very little sunlight and it was quite dark.
When we reached the top of the hill, the driver parked the bus. We all got out. I could see a long way. We were several hundred meters above the sea level. It was very cold.
I want to go for a walk, but the bus driver said there was going to be a storm.He wanted to leave before the storm came.
When we were halfway down the hill, I remembered something.On the way up the hill there had been an old lady sitting behind me. She wasn’t sitting there now. I looked around the bus.There wasn’t the old lady on the bus anywhere.
I told the driver about her. He had to turn the bus around and up to the hill again. When he reached the top, the old lady was waiting in the rain for the bus. She scolded the drive for leaving without her. She thanked me for remembering her.
Jim took a bus ride to the_____.
A.haldway B.country C.storm D.freeway
What's the best title of the diary?
A.A bad luck
B.An umusual trave
C.A driver and a passenger
D.A lucky woman 展开
For about an hour we were on the freeway.Then we turned off and drove along a narrow country road.
Soon the road began to climb.We left the fields and villages behind us and came to a forest.There was very little sunlight and it was quite dark.
When we reached the top of the hill, the driver parked the bus. We all got out. I could see a long way. We were several hundred meters above the sea level. It was very cold.
I want to go for a walk, but the bus driver said there was going to be a storm.He wanted to leave before the storm came.
When we were halfway down the hill, I remembered something.On the way up the hill there had been an old lady sitting behind me. She wasn’t sitting there now. I looked around the bus.There wasn’t the old lady on the bus anywhere.
I told the driver about her. He had to turn the bus around and up to the hill again. When he reached the top, the old lady was waiting in the rain for the bus. She scolded the drive for leaving without her. She thanked me for remembering her.
Jim took a bus ride to the_____.
A.haldway B.country C.storm D.freeway
What's the best title of the diary?
A.A bad luck
B.An umusual trave
C.A driver and a passenger
D.A lucky woman 展开
【摘要】 在整个英语试卷中,阅读理解的分量始终是最大的,为了让学生在阅读理解的部分不丢分或者少丢分,软件外包专业的老师们分析了做好阅读理解题需具备的几种能力。同时老师们归纳了阅读理解题的常见类型,针对不同的类型给出了相应的答题策略。为了让考生们更好的做好阅读理解题,老师们还教给大家省时迅速的答题方法和技巧。【软件外包特色专业招录办公室宣】 阅读理解历来都是中考英语中篇幅最大、计分最高的题目。这一题的得分数直接影响到考生的整个卷面成绩。随着现代英语教学要求的提高,考查考生能力和运用的要求也越来越高,而阅读理解题对于测试考生思维能力方面提出了很高的要求。要做好阅读理解题,一般要求考生具有以下能力: 1、相当高的阅读能力,这种阅读能力体现在阅读的准确性以及速度上; 2、归纳和总结文章要旨和大意的能力; 3、领会或推测文章的隐含意义的能力,即能理解作者言外之意的能力; 4、较为广泛的知识面,阅读理解所选文章题材各异,形式多样,因此,这就要求我们学生积累丰富的知识; 5、较大的词汇量,词汇知识是理解文章的基础,没有词汇量就谈不上进行较好的阅读。 另外,对于构词法的掌握也是必须的,因为在文章中,我们经常可以看见一些“生词”,这些生词是由某些已学过的词派生出来的。这就要求学生根据已学过的单词来领会这些派生词的含义。 阅读理解题一般分为以下几种类型:推理判断题、归纳综合题、客观细节题、词义判断题。现就这几种类型分别给大家分析一下: 推理判断题:这类题是深层理解题,解题难度较大。有时要找出正确答案需要考生理解通篇文章。碰到这类题时,应做到纵观全文综合信息,推断作者意图及文章的脉络或事件发展的前因后果。有时,文章中太明白的文字或意思反而不是正确答案,可以将其忽略。 归纳综合题:这类题要求文章主旨或段落主旨的题目较多,题目多以问“main idea”为主,让考生选择短文的最佳标题。当然有时也会让考生根据所提供信息作出一个总结。这就要求考生们有归纳总结的能力。往往文章或段落的起首句及结尾句是最能点出主题的句子,提醒考生们要格外注意。 客观细节题:这类题要求考生有较好的观察能力及处理细节的能力。这类题并没有上述两题具有较高的综合性,但考生对于某些单句的理解却凸现其重要性。因此,在做这类题时,考生对于时间、事件以及两者之间的关系必须有清楚的理解。 词义判断题:这类题的文章会给你一个单词或一个词语(常以划线形式给出),然后要让你根据上下文判断其正确的词义。这样的题目要求考生认真分析语境的逻辑性,利用选项中所给的内容代入原文,再看其上下文意中逻辑上是否合理,来正确作答。再有一种考题是考文章中某一代词所指代的内容,而这种题目又常常出现在人称转换频繁、动作施行及承受者较多的语境中,因此遇到这类题目时,考生要镇静自若地应对,理清纷繁的头绪,认着作答。 了解了阅读理解的常见类型,再教大家几种答题方法和技巧: 1、先看文章后做题。这是考生在做题的时候最一般的方法,也有人称之为顺读法。即先看文章,用较快的速度看完。不过,虽不需要句句、词词完全精确地翻译出来,但对于文章的理解也要到位,否则对以后的做题不利。如果发现文章有一定的难度,在理解上有一定的困难,则可以先掌握其主要信息,理顺文章的思路,再看短文后的题目。有时你会惊喜地发现,一些在读文章时并没有完全理解的地方,看到问题后反而能清楚了。 2、先看题目再做题。这种方法主要用于做那些对你有一定难度的文章。你可以先看题目,然后反复回看该题所涉及到的文章中的段落,努力找出正确答案。 3、运用自己所学到的知识答题。这种方法对于科技小品、人物介绍、历史故事等有一定的效果。当你并不完全理解文章所表达的意思,但你却知道文章表达的是什么方面的内容时,不妨利用你已知的知识进行猜测,也许这也是一个可以尝试的方法。 4、猜测法。在做阅读理解题时,猜测也是一种能力。同样一篇高难度的文章,对于一些学生来讲简直不知道该如何下手做题才好,但对于另一些同学来说,他们能利用自己已有的语言及生活知识,根据上下文进行逻辑推理,迅速排除逻辑有误的选项,找出最佳答案。当然,任何方法的使用都是建立在一定量的训练的基础上的,不劳而获是永远不可能的。 以上是我们软件外包特色专业老师根据考生的需要,分享给大家的好方法,希望能帮到大家。