The social reality, is filled with all kinds of matter. If we want to get the goods, or the enjoyment of social services, the pursuit of wonderful life, don't need the money. Some people may think, what money is? Is not to let us live in three rooms two hall of commodity buildings, to eat delicious food of treasures, to wear brightly coloured clothes tights, sit on the car brand? Obviously, this is one-sided understanding of money! I think: the money should not be a purpose in life, it is just a tool for living. We seek money, should be the knowledge, wisdom, is a noble character! Feng Menglong said:" if money and price, the daughter!" Qian Zhongshu is our country's famous contemporary writer, his love of life as, indifferent to fame and wealth. Once the United States Princeton University, asking $160000, invited him to lecture for a half year, all-inclusive accommodation, can carry the ladies to. So preferential treatment, almost staggering, but he refused. His works, not to pay, as long as a stack of books. He is not like money, he once said humorously:" my surname is a lifetime money, money isn't superstition?" Chekhov said : "life is happy and not in money, not love, but in truth." At the age of 26, Einstein created the whole world was shocked by the" special relativity" after the money, fame, such as the flood tide, however, he is indifferent to everything. He said:" people strive for common goal -- property, vanity and luxury, from youth, I think it is a contemptible." He had put a $1500 cheque used as a bookmark, was surprised, but he said calmly:" this is not important, but science." " Gold is yellow, but can make the heart black." As the money for things, poor but with lofty, no poverty, Gan to keep its annals, high rank does not change color, magnanimous, not by any forces to destroy. It seems very difficult, but the key is whether you have such a heart. We do not need excessive pursuit of money, is the so-called" contentment!" To know that" no thought of innocence, also cannot have the money to clean." However, some people equate money with happiness, think money is everything, have the money is happiness, money is everything, therefore, for the sake of money, at the " fire", the result is often touch head broken and bleeding, lose all standing and reputation. The Warring States period, a vassal state of Shu, quite prosperous, but Shu Hou is very stupid and greedy. Qin Huiwang know, in order to annexation of Shu, he cast a" Taurus" sent to the Shu Hou, threatening the" golden bull" Nissan 's daughter, but it is too large, plus Shu border steep, so do not come. Shu Hou for gospel truth, immediately fill the deep, Ying shovel mountain," taurus". However, a large number of the Qin army followed, not for a long time, Shu was destroyed. If not Shu Hou like small profits, how will this fate? We can draw lessons from it : don't be penny wise and pound foolish! I think: is the vast wealth of material wealth, knowledge and wisdom is the spirit of the wealthy, many people spend a lifetime to the pursuit of money, but rarely seek spiritual wealth, we should abandon the habit, learn to correctly deal with the money!
意思:现实社会,充满了各种各样的物质诱惑。我们如果想得到物品,或者享受社会提供的服务,追求美好的生活,就不能不需要金钱。 有人会认为,金钱是什么?不就是能让我们住进三房两厅的商品楼房,吃到美味无比的珍品佳肴,穿到花花绿绿的衣衫裤袜,坐上名牌的小轿车吗? 显然,这样理解金钱就片面了!我认为:金钱不应当是生命的目的,它只是生活的工具。我们所追求的金钱,应该是知识,是智慧,是高尚的品德! 冯梦龙说:“钱财如粪土,仁义价千金!”钱钟书是我国当代著名作家,他爱书如命,淡泊名利。有一次,美国普林斯顿大学开价16万美元,邀请他去 讲学半年,食宿全包,可携夫人前往。如此优厚待遇,几乎令人咋舌,可他却不为所动。他所创作的作品,不要稿酬,只要一大摞书。他并不稀罕金钱,他曾经幽默 地说:“我都姓了一辈子钱,难道还迷信钱吗?” 契诃夫说:“人生的快乐和幸福不在金钱、不在爱情,而在真理。”26岁的爱因斯坦创造了举世震惊的“狭义相对论”后,金钱、名利如潮水般涌来, 但是,他对这一切都很淡泊。他说:“人们努力追求庸俗的目标——财产,虚荣和奢华,从青年时,我就觉得是可鄙的。”他曾经把一张价值1500美元的支票当 书签用,有人很惊讶,他却平静地说:“重要的不是这个,而是科学。” “金子是黄的,但可以使人心变黑。”视金钱为身外物,贫贱不移,富贵不淫,甘贫贱以守其志,居高位不改本色,浩然之气,不为任何力量所摧毁。这 对于我们来说好像很难,其实关键在于你是否有这样的一颗心。我们不需过分地追求金钱,正所谓“知足常乐!”要知道“没有思想上的清白,也就不能够有金钱的 廉洁。” 然而,有的人把金钱与幸福等同起来,认为金钱是万能的,拥有金钱就是拥有幸福,有钱就有一切,因而,为了金钱,不惜“赴汤蹈火”,结果往往是碰得头破血流,身败名裂。 战国中期,有个诸侯国蜀国,相当富强,但是蜀侯却非常昏庸且贪财。秦惠王知道后,为了吞并蜀国,就铸了一只“金牛”派人送给蜀侯,扬言这只“金 牛”能日产千金,但是它太庞大,加上蜀国边境险峻,所以运不来。蜀侯信以为真,马上铲高山,填深谷,迎“金牛”。岂料,大批秦国军队紧跟其后,不消半天, 蜀国被灭。若不是蜀侯贪小利,又怎么会落得如此下场?我们也要从中吸取教训:切勿因小失大! 我认为:万贯家财是物质上的富有,知识智慧是精神上的富有,很多人花一辈子的时间去追求金钱,却很少追求精神上的富有,我们要摒弃这种不良风气,学会正确地对待金钱!
意思:现实社会,充满了各种各样的物质诱惑。我们如果想得到物品,或者享受社会提供的服务,追求美好的生活,就不能不需要金钱。 有人会认为,金钱是什么?不就是能让我们住进三房两厅的商品楼房,吃到美味无比的珍品佳肴,穿到花花绿绿的衣衫裤袜,坐上名牌的小轿车吗? 显然,这样理解金钱就片面了!我认为:金钱不应当是生命的目的,它只是生活的工具。我们所追求的金钱,应该是知识,是智慧,是高尚的品德! 冯梦龙说:“钱财如粪土,仁义价千金!”钱钟书是我国当代著名作家,他爱书如命,淡泊名利。有一次,美国普林斯顿大学开价16万美元,邀请他去 讲学半年,食宿全包,可携夫人前往。如此优厚待遇,几乎令人咋舌,可他却不为所动。他所创作的作品,不要稿酬,只要一大摞书。他并不稀罕金钱,他曾经幽默 地说:“我都姓了一辈子钱,难道还迷信钱吗?” 契诃夫说:“人生的快乐和幸福不在金钱、不在爱情,而在真理。”26岁的爱因斯坦创造了举世震惊的“狭义相对论”后,金钱、名利如潮水般涌来, 但是,他对这一切都很淡泊。他说:“人们努力追求庸俗的目标——财产,虚荣和奢华,从青年时,我就觉得是可鄙的。”他曾经把一张价值1500美元的支票当 书签用,有人很惊讶,他却平静地说:“重要的不是这个,而是科学。” “金子是黄的,但可以使人心变黑。”视金钱为身外物,贫贱不移,富贵不淫,甘贫贱以守其志,居高位不改本色,浩然之气,不为任何力量所摧毁。这 对于我们来说好像很难,其实关键在于你是否有这样的一颗心。我们不需过分地追求金钱,正所谓“知足常乐!”要知道“没有思想上的清白,也就不能够有金钱的 廉洁。” 然而,有的人把金钱与幸福等同起来,认为金钱是万能的,拥有金钱就是拥有幸福,有钱就有一切,因而,为了金钱,不惜“赴汤蹈火”,结果往往是碰得头破血流,身败名裂。 战国中期,有个诸侯国蜀国,相当富强,但是蜀侯却非常昏庸且贪财。秦惠王知道后,为了吞并蜀国,就铸了一只“金牛”派人送给蜀侯,扬言这只“金 牛”能日产千金,但是它太庞大,加上蜀国边境险峻,所以运不来。蜀侯信以为真,马上铲高山,填深谷,迎“金牛”。岂料,大批秦国军队紧跟其后,不消半天, 蜀国被灭。若不是蜀侯贪小利,又怎么会落得如此下场?我们也要从中吸取教训:切勿因小失大! 我认为:万贯家财是物质上的富有,知识智慧是精神上的富有,很多人花一辈子的时间去追求金钱,却很少追求精神上的富有,我们要摒弃这种不良风气,学会正确地对待金钱!