
我急需8篇带中文翻译(英语太烂,看不懂英文)的英语日记(暑假作业)。拜托了,要符合实际点的~一定要是关于暑假的生活的!... 我急需8篇带中文翻译(英语太烂,看不懂英文)的英语日记(暑假作业)。拜托了,要符合实际点的~一定要是关于暑假的生活的! 展开
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2012-03-10 · TA获得超过1020个赞
1. In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. In the afternoon, I go to friend's home to play, the friend entertains me warmly, show me a lot of books of his , has listened to his CD for me , then also ask me to eat a sumptuous dinner. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!
2. I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We didn’t go to someplace special. We just saw the other. We had lunch together. While we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. Yes! A year later, we have grown riper. And we learned much more things and got new life. We haven’t enough time to play, to waste and to lose the way. We only have two years. Two years to go, we will get the real life which belongs to us.
3.What is honesty? Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act.Considered a virtue,it is admired in every country and every culture.So,Is it necessary to be honest all the time .
However,there are people who try to get benefits by dishonest means.
For example,some students copy the exercises done by others or cheat in examinations in order to get good marks. The same thing may be said of a merchant who tries to get rich by deceving customers. Those people may succeed for a time,but sooner or later,they will be caught.
How can cheating on exams be prevented? The measures may vary from case to case.But I think,the students must first be well informes of the negative effect on the learning atmosphere of the university and the students'character. Then the students who were caught in the act of cheating can be criticizedpublicly, punished or even expelled from the university.
4.This summer holiday, I went to Dalian with my family. We got there by air. Dalian is a very beautiful and modern city. On the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were great.
In the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived. After breakfast, we began to our travel. First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn’t believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious.
After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach was golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day.
In this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian, went shopping and so on.
Several days later, we left Dalian. On our way home, we were very happy. This was the reason why we didn’t feel tired. In all, we had a good holiday.
5.About 1500 years ago Chinese settled there, but the Dutch imperialist invaded there in the 17th century. After that, in 1662 Zheng Chenggong, a hero of nation,drove them out. Since 1683 the island was ruled by Qing Dynasty nearly two centuries.
Unfortunately Taiwan was seized by Japanese after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. It didn’t come back until the Second World War ended.
Nowadays I realize the serious situation. Some people are attempting to split China. These actions are wrong and should be punished. I also believe. With the head of "one country two systems", as long as we strengthen exchange in the future there will be an agreement. On this matter of national reunification.
不幸的是,台湾被日本甲午战争后1894 - 1895。它再也没回来,直到第二次世界大战结束。
6.we went to summer camp on vacation. On the first day, we went to a beautiful beach. It was a sunny and hot day, so we went swimming. The water was warm and we had great fun. Then the next day, we went to the mountains. There were many trees and I really enjoyed them. On the last day, we had a great party. We sang and danced happily. We didn’t want to leave the friends and the teachers. I hope I can go to summer camp again next year.
7.Today I came back from a place named “he chuan”, it’s a good place. There has some nice view like chang jiang river. I came there in two days ago. Our aunt is here. We had a good time in there. But I also write English dairy too. Because of the wrong computer, the message didn’t here. I wish myself to live more better tomorrow.

8.Ah ha, when I get up, it was time for lunch. But I really have a lot of work to

  do, I must write words English dairy, then learned “Li yang” English, then …… .

  Oh, my god, if I do it in the afternoon, I will ready to dead. So I wrote words, now

  I’m writing my English dairy. Wish I could finish these works today. Bye!



2012-03-10 · 超过27用户采纳过TA的回答
第一篇中文:暑假即将结束了,我们又将迎来一个新的学期。回想起暑假里那一段段往事,我至今都还记忆犹新。与往年相比,这个暑假生活很有特色!既让我开心,又让我烦恼,更给我留下了深深的遗憾。  一放假,爸爸宣布了一个激动人心的消息——去美丽富饶的海南和风景如画的桂林旅游。同时,爸爸要求我在出发之前完成所有作业(除了作文以外)。我的心里像有两个小人在吵架,一个说:“看,你那堆积如山的作业在旅游之前哪做的完呀!说不好,还要挨爸爸的批评,还不如别去呢!”另一个说:“只要你抓紧时间,不浪费一分一秒,这样作业就肯定能完成。旅游可是你梦寐以求的愿望呀!怎么可以不去呢!”最终,我对旅游的渴望胜出了!于是,“魔鬼作业期”就开始了。我以每天“上刀山,下火海”的精神去完成暑假乐园、阅读、练字……做着,做着,突然间,半路杀出了一个个程咬金。唉……真是烦死人了!怎么办呢?对了,可以再尝试一次,看看是否有新的灵感。我左思右想,可还是遇上了几只拦路虎!看来现在唯一的办法就是向同学们和老师发“SOS”求救信号。在7月26日晚上9时,我如愿以偿地登上了飞机,开始了为期9天的海南、桂林游。 波澜壮阔、一望无际的大海是迷人的,甲天下的桂林山水是美丽的,但最令人难以忘怀的是神秘谷(俗称“野人谷”)。那天下午骄阳似火,我们随着导游走进了一片原始森林,层层叠叠的树叶挡住了阳光,让人感到阴森森的,空气里还散发着一丝丝寒意,不时发出“咕咕”的响声,让人毛骨悚然!在这里我第一次看见了“野人”,他们披着蓬乱的头发,露着黝黑的上身,只穿着一件短短的豹皮裤。这些“野人”脸上都画着不同的斑纹,当游客走近时,他们有的就张牙舞爪,恐叫起来,声音回荡在幽静的森林里;有的从碗里抓了一块血淋淋的牛排正津津有味地啃着;有的把一块烧得滚红的小炭块塞进嘴里,有滋有味地嚼着,仿佛是口香糖似的;还有的则从火堆中捡出一根烧得通红,直冒烟的木头,“嘿!”的叫了一声,便赤脚踩了上去,他还笑嘻嘻的呢……他们实在太野蛮!太疯狂了! 最让人遗憾的要数市羽毛球比赛了。我分配到1992年组。第一场是团体赛,由我们缙云队迎战实力强大的莲都队,由我打头阵,遇到了对方的头号种子施路遥,对手可是在体校里受过专业训练呀!我心里默默地想着:怎么办呢?不管怎么样反正都是输,何不与他搏一搏呢!人身能有几次搏呀!在与他练球时就有一种说不出的压力。看到对手那猛烈的扣球,我不禁吓出了几滴冷汗。“比赛开始!” 裁判喊到。我连续地打施路遥的后场,并扣他,可怎么打都不管用,经常被他猛烈的扣球至于死地。没过多久,施路遥就很轻松地以10:0领先。由于对手的一次失误,让我夺回了发球权。借着施路遥回了一个较高的网前球的机会,我把他扣死了,这才夺回了1分。可是好景不长,施路遥很快地赢了这局,并且再次轻松地以1:11拿下了第二局。单打比赛更是别提了,我遇到了景宁队的叶景建,开始还领先了2个球,最后两局都以6:11惨败。不过这次比赛让我真正的体会到了“天外有天,人外有人!”这句话的深刻含义。我的暑假生活是多么的丰富多彩呀!它开阔了我的视野,锻炼了我的意志,让我学到了许多书本上没有的知识,使我收益非浅!当你得到关爱时,朋友,我敢说你是幸福的。在我所走过的15个春秋里,我得到过多少关爱?已数不清楚。这里,我只能摄取生活中的一两个镜头,来赞美人们的爱心,请你来分享我的幸福。雨中的伞看着窗外倾盆的大雨,我跟梅显得十分焦急。却又无可奈何—这么大的雨,我们俩都没带伞,冒雨回去吗?那分明等于买药吃。正在我俩唉声叹气时,我们班调皮鬼杰忽然坏笑着说:“怎么,回不了家了?我送你们怎么样?”看他那幸灾乐祸的样子,我们把头扭向一边。他又嬉皮笑脸地凑上来:“两位小姐别生气,我这儿有一把伞,你们拿去。”说着把伞放在我们面前,“女孩子可不能淋雨,淋湿了就会感冒,感冒了就会变老,老了就……”说着他抱着头冲进雨帘。我望着他的背影在雨中片刻消失,竟半天没说话。“喂,你感动了?”梅忽然问,我点点头。杰在这种情况下,把我最需要的东西给了我们,我能不感动吗?他的调皮似乎也是可爱的。夜里的风铃声夜神用它厚厚的黑衣裹着大地,风婆婆偏偏闲不住。吹几口冷风扰得沉沉入睡的人们觉得冷瑟瑟的。我被冻醒了。这时候我多么希望妈妈能给我添床毯子,或者一床薄被,我也感到温暖的。咦,我房间门顶上的风铃怎么丁丁当当地响了起来,又传来熟悉的脚步声——哦,是妈妈!赶紧装睡。等那脚步声停止以后,我忽然感到被子厚实了许多,一双温柔的手把我这额前的几绺头发挪开,脚步声又渐渐远去,只留下一串串丁丁当当悦耳的风铃声,那么清脆,那么动人……路边的修车摊真倒霉,我的车胎被扎了,天又下着毛毛雨,离家少说也有七八站路,不知何时才能走到家,一大堆作业等着我哪!看着天色渐渐黑了下来,我无可奈何地推着车朝前走。猛然看见一个马路边的修车摊,我好像见了救星一样,急忙奔过去。“怎么,车坏了吗?快推过去,我看看。”修车师傅热情地说。可糟糕的是我身上竟然没有带一分钱。“可是,我……”我嗫嚅着,半吞半吐地说不出来。不等我往下说,修车的师傅已扒下车胎,三下两半地补了起来。“师傅,我没带钱!”我急忙说。“没关系,出门在外,谁能不遇到点儿急事呢!”不一会儿,他已把车修好,乐呵呵地放到我面前。我感激地接过车,泪水和着雨水,打湿了我的眼睛,竟然不知说什么好。好师傅,素不相识,在我遇到困难的时候。他给了我最需要的帮助。……一份份关爱,一颗颗赤诚的心。当我们人人都享受关爱并付出关爱时,世界就会变成幸福的人间!
第一篇英文翻译:The end of the summer, we will usher in a new semester. Recall a section of the past summer vacation, I still have in mind. Compared with previous years, this summer living very unique! Not only makes me happy, let me worry more left me with deep regret.
A holiday, my father announced an exciting news - go to the beautiful and rich in Hainan and picturesque Guilin. At the same time, my father asked me to complete all jobs (in addition to writing outside) before departure. My heart like two guys in a fight, said: "Look, your mountain of job prior to travel which do finished it that bad, but also to suffer the criticism of the father, might as well do not go "Another said:" As long as you seize the moment, do not waste a single minute, so the job would certainly be able to complete travel but you desire to dream! how can not it! "Ultimately, my desire to travel to win ! Thus, "the devil operating period" began. To complete my daily "ordered by the sea of ??fire" the spirit of summer vacation paradise, reading, writing characters. Doing, doing, and suddenly grab a Cheng Yaojin. Well ... really sick of people! How should we do? Yes, you can try again once to see if there is new inspiration. I think from different angles, can still encounter a few stumbling block! Seems the only way is "SOS" distress signal issued to the students and teachers. July 26 at 9 pm, I got his wish to board the aircraft, and began a period of 9 days Hainan, Guilin tour.
The magnificent, vast expanse of the sea is charming, of Guilin landscape is beautiful, but the most memorable is the Mysterious Valley (commonly known as "Savage Valley"). Scorching sun in the afternoon of that day, along with the tour guide walked into a primeval forest, layers of leaves blocking the sun, people feel gloomy, exudes the slightest chill in the air, issued from time to time by the sound of "Cuckoo" , creepy! I first saw "wild man", dressed in disheveled hair and bare dark upper body, wearing only a short period of leopard leather pants. The face of these "savages" are painted different markings, when visitors approached, some of them on the claws, fear cried, the sound echoed in the quiet forest; some from the bowl of a bloody steak with relish being caught gnawing; some one burned a roll of red charcoal in his mouth, chewing gusto, as if chewing gum like a; fish out there from the fire burned red. straight wood smoke, "Hey!" called out, then barefoot up his grinning ... they too brutal! Crazy!
Pity to the number of City Badminton. I am assigned to the group in 1992. First team competition, by Jinyun team against powerful lotus both teams lead the charge, I met each other's top seed Shi Lu Yao, the opponent, but in sports schools have been professionally trained. I was silently thinking: how to do it? Anyway anyway to lose, why not give it a go with him it! Personal to have several stroke it! In practice a ball game with him, there is a strange pressure. To see that violent opponents of the spike, I can not help but scare a few drops of cold sweat. The start of the race! "Shouted the referee. I continuously fight the backcourt Shi Lu Yao, and pulled him how to play do not work, often violent spike As for the death. Not long after, Shi Lu Yao is very easily leading to 10:0. Opponents of a mistake, let me recapture the right to serve. Back to a higher net ball by Shi Lu Yao, I held him dead, this recapture. But not last, Shi Lu Yao quickly win this Board, and once again easily won the second game to 1:11. Singles match, never mind, I met the the Jingning team leaves the King built, and start leading by two goals, the last two innings to 6:11 Waterloo. But this game I really appreciate the "Behind the man!" The profound meaning of this sentence.
My summer life is so colorful! It broadened my horizons and exercise I will, I learned a lot of knowledge of books, so I greatly benefit!When you get care, friend, I dare say you'll be happy. In the 15 years I have gone through, I got how many care? Has been the number is not clear. I can only intake of one or two scenes in the life, praising people love to share my happiness. Umbrella in the rain watching the torrential rain outside the window, with plum, I become very anxious. But no alternative - so much rain, we reasoned with the two did not take an umbrella, rain go back? That is clearly equal to buy medicine to eat. Are both of us moan and groan when our class naughty ghost Jie suddenly bad smiled and said: "how, unable to return home? I send you how?" His gloating look, we pointed her head to one side. He also Xipixiaolian Coushang: "The two ladies do not be angry, I've got an umbrella, you take it." Said the umbrella placed in front of us, "girls can not rain, wet, will be a cold, cold will grow old, old ... "Then he rushed into the head in the rain curtain. I looked at his back a moment disappeared in the rain, actually half a day did not speak. "Hey, you moved?" Mei suddenly asked, I nodded. Jay in this case, I needed something to us, I can not touched you? His mischievous also seems to be lovely. At night on the wind the night God with its thick black wrapped the earth, the wind mother-in-law happens to be restless. Blowing a few mouthfuls of cold disturbing habit of falling asleep people feel the cold howling. I wake up cold. I wish my mother give me to add the blanket, or a thin quilts, I also feel warm. Hey, my room door on top of wind chimes how Tintin when the local ring up, they heard the familiar sound of footsteps - Oh, mother! The quickly Zhuangshui. That footsteps stopped, I suddenly felt a lot of quilt thick pair of soft handle this amount before the lock of hair away the footsteps died away, leaving only a string of Tintin Dangdang musical wind chimes , so crisp, so moving ... roadside repair share of bad luck, my tires were slashed, days and under a drizzle, leaving home less and seven or eight stations a way, I do not know when to come home, a lot of jobs waiting for me where! Looked at the sky was getting dark down, I have no choice but to Tuizhao Che, walking forward. Suddenly saw a roadside repair stalls, and I feel like I met a savior, hurriedly ran. How, the car is broken? Fast push in the past, I see. "The repairman said with enthusiasm. Too bad for me actually did not take a penny. "However, I ......" I hesitated, haw can not tell. I could go on the master of the vehicle has to Paxia tires, three the next two and a half to fill up. "Master, I did not have any money!" I said hastily. "Never mind, away from home, who do not encounter something urgent!" A moment later, he has the car repaired, cheerfully put in front of me. I gratefully took the car, tears and rain, wet my eyes and did not even know what to say. A good teacher, strangers, in my times of difficulties. He gave me most in need of help. ... A caring, the dolphin sincere heart. We all enjoy the care and pay care, the world will become a happy world!
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