中央电视台 公益广告 family 的英文翻译
小时候,爸爸是家里的顶梁柱。高大魁梧的爸爸为整个家遮风挡雨。温柔贤惠的妈妈相夫教子,渐渐地,我长大了。少不更事的我早已想挣脱爸爸妈妈的拘束,再次顶撞了唠叨的妈妈。渐渐长大的我体会到了生活的艰辛,这时我发现,爸爸的背早已驼的不成样子。妈妈的身体也早已臃肿。是时候来尽一个子女的责任了,用一双手来保护整个家。做父亲的拐杖,让他有一个肩膀可以依靠。给母亲撑一把爱心伞,为她遮蔽夏日的骄阳。爸爸妈妈我爱你! 家, 有爱就有责任。
没学过的别充数 展开
When I was a child, my father was the pillar of the family. The tall and burly father sheltered the whole family from the wind and rain. Gentle and virtuous mother, husband and son, gradually, I grew up.
Young, I already wanted to break free from my parents and contradicted my nagging mother again. As I grew up, I realized the hardships of life. At this time, I found that my father's back was already bent.
Mother's body is already bloated. It's time to fulfill the responsibility of one child and protect the whole family with one hand.
As a father's crutch, let him have a shoulder to rely on. Give your mother a love umbrella to shield her from the scorching summer sun. Mom and Dad, I love you! Home, there is love, there is responsibility.