Tokyo: Three snakes, whose poison could kill a person in ten minutes, are guarding a blue star sapphire (蓝宝石) worth nearly six hundred thousand dollars at a Japanese exhibition of jewels sent from an Indian museum. "Normally it would be forbidden to let these poisonous snakes guard exhibition objects, but it's diferent this time because the jewels are being eshibited at a hotel," a police official said. Exhibition officials said that a person bitten(咬)by one of these snakes would need at least 80 ml of an anti-poison medicine to be saved.Medicine was being kept ready at a nearby hospital. Star sapphires and other valuable jewels worth a total of one million dollars are on show behind glass. Hundreds of visitors came to see the special blue star sapphire and were surprised when they saw the sixty-centimetre long brown guards. 61.Using snakes at exhibitions of valuable objects is . A.quite normal B.never allowed C.often necessary D.usually forbidden 62.The jewels were being shown in . A.an Indian hotel B.an Indian museum C.a Japanese hotel D.a Japanese museum 63.Why were the snakes and jewels at the same exhibition? B A.They were both special things from India. B.The snakes were there to keep the jewels safe. C.The organizers wanted to do something unusual. D.People liked to visit an exhibition guarded by snakes. 64.Many visitors came to the exhibition because . A.the snakes were on show B.so many jewels were being exhibited C.exhibition officials said it was special D.they were interested in seeing a famous jewel 文章勉强能看懂点,好像是珠宝展览,用蛇做守卫,游客慕名而来。 请给出正确选项61题内容,问的是什么啊 ,四个选项什么意思62题,内容问什么, 四个选项什么意思63题,四个选项什么意思 我知道是选B,其它三个什么意思64题,内容问什么,四个选项的意思是? 文章不必麻烦了。
61.D 题目的意思是“在展览贵重物品时使用蛇”文章中第三行"Normally it would be forbidden to let these poisonous snakes guard exhibition objects
A.比较普遍B 从不允许C经常需要
62. 这些珠宝展览在?答案C,文章第一个单词是TOKYO。第四行but it's diferent this time because the jewels are being eshibited at a hotel。注意理解第二段末sent from an Indian museum.是从印度博物馆借出
63 为什么蛇和珠宝在同一个展览里。选项A他们在印度都很特殊 B蛇可以保护珠宝的安全(不被偷走) C组织方想做些不平常的事情 D人们喜欢去有蛇做保安的展览
64许多人们来看这个展览是因为 A 有蛇被展览出来 B 有许多珠宝被展出 C 展览的主办方说这次展览很特殊 D 他们对著名的珠宝非常感兴趣 本题选B
A.比较普遍B 从不允许C经常需要
62. 这些珠宝展览在?答案C,文章第一个单词是TOKYO。第四行but it's diferent this time because the jewels are being eshibited at a hotel。注意理解第二段末sent from an Indian museum.是从印度博物馆借出
63 为什么蛇和珠宝在同一个展览里。选项A他们在印度都很特殊 B蛇可以保护珠宝的安全(不被偷走) C组织方想做些不平常的事情 D人们喜欢去有蛇做保安的展览
64许多人们来看这个展览是因为 A 有蛇被展览出来 B 有许多珠宝被展出 C 展览的主办方说这次展览很特殊 D 他们对著名的珠宝非常感兴趣 本题选B