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“政企不分”的制度安排是对当前中国民航运输业发展的最关键的制约因素。改革20年来,市场经济已居主导地位,据估算,我国市场化指数已由初期不足25%上升至近80%,其中商品与服务价格市场化指数高达90% 以上,而民航却是极少数仍由国家计委和主管部门计划定价和实行最严厉的价格管制的行业之一,既是迄今为止极少数保留“政企合一”(民航总局与直属民航企 业)计划经济体制特征的行业之一,又是极少数行政性垄断市场、地区分割市场、阻碍相关产业发展的特殊利益集团之一。这种“政企不分”的制度安排已经成为制 约民航运输服务业经营效率提高的根本因素。
正是这种“政企不分”管理体制为民航运输服务业提供了理由和便利来影响政府管制制度的安排,从而避开了市场竞争的压力。他们没必要优化内部治理结构进而提高 内部经营效率来节约成本提高收益,只要通过行政性垄断经营,就可以保证丰厚的垄断利润。这种“政企不分”的管制制度安排在一个封闭的市场环境中,既能保住 集团的既得利益,又可以确保政府的利税收入,因此这种制度安排在一定范围内就具有了它的合理性,尽管它不具备经济学意义上的合理性。
无论是在发达国家,还是市场经济转型国家都已经认识到阻碍经济增长的一个重要因素是那些既得利益集团不是通过励精图治地提高运营效率而获利,而是千方百计影 响政府公共制度安排,制造“政策失误”,确保本集团对行业市场的垄断利润。中国更为特殊的是行业垄断企业与行业主管部门“合谋”而形成行政性垄断。从2002年4月1日 起民航运输业实行的航线联营价格政策就是一种典型的“价格卡特尔”,由民航总局出面直接行政干预,对同一航线上不同航空公司、不同飞机机型、不同飞行航 班、不同季节和节日,强制性实行统一的、固定的航线价格,以维持垄断利润。这比西方国家某些行业大公司“合谋”垄断价格的做法实际上是更不利于竞争的作用 发挥的,更不利于生产经营效率的提高。并且,民航总局公开表态“五一”假期统一“不降价”,显然是与社会利益相悖的。因此,打破这种行政性垄断的计划经济 制度安排的最后堡垒,重新建立公平竞争、公开竞争、统一开放的民航运输服务业市场化经营是全国人民的利益表达,也是民航运输业自身提高效率、大步发展的必 然要求。
在经济全球化条件下,一国所能获得的利益最终取决于产业国际竞争力的强弱,影响产业竞争力的因素很多,但是,产业竞争力归根结底是一个产业组织问题,即形成有效竞争的市场结构和产业组织结构是培育和增强产业竞争力的根本途径和决定性条件。 展开
“政企不分”的制度安排是对当前中国民航运输业发展的最关键的制约因素。改革20年来,市场经济已居主导地位,据估算,我国市场化指数已由初期不足25%上升至近80%,其中商品与服务价格市场化指数高达90% 以上,而民航却是极少数仍由国家计委和主管部门计划定价和实行最严厉的价格管制的行业之一,既是迄今为止极少数保留“政企合一”(民航总局与直属民航企 业)计划经济体制特征的行业之一,又是极少数行政性垄断市场、地区分割市场、阻碍相关产业发展的特殊利益集团之一。这种“政企不分”的制度安排已经成为制 约民航运输服务业经营效率提高的根本因素。
正是这种“政企不分”管理体制为民航运输服务业提供了理由和便利来影响政府管制制度的安排,从而避开了市场竞争的压力。他们没必要优化内部治理结构进而提高 内部经营效率来节约成本提高收益,只要通过行政性垄断经营,就可以保证丰厚的垄断利润。这种“政企不分”的管制制度安排在一个封闭的市场环境中,既能保住 集团的既得利益,又可以确保政府的利税收入,因此这种制度安排在一定范围内就具有了它的合理性,尽管它不具备经济学意义上的合理性。
无论是在发达国家,还是市场经济转型国家都已经认识到阻碍经济增长的一个重要因素是那些既得利益集团不是通过励精图治地提高运营效率而获利,而是千方百计影 响政府公共制度安排,制造“政策失误”,确保本集团对行业市场的垄断利润。中国更为特殊的是行业垄断企业与行业主管部门“合谋”而形成行政性垄断。从2002年4月1日 起民航运输业实行的航线联营价格政策就是一种典型的“价格卡特尔”,由民航总局出面直接行政干预,对同一航线上不同航空公司、不同飞机机型、不同飞行航 班、不同季节和节日,强制性实行统一的、固定的航线价格,以维持垄断利润。这比西方国家某些行业大公司“合谋”垄断价格的做法实际上是更不利于竞争的作用 发挥的,更不利于生产经营效率的提高。并且,民航总局公开表态“五一”假期统一“不降价”,显然是与社会利益相悖的。因此,打破这种行政性垄断的计划经济 制度安排的最后堡垒,重新建立公平竞争、公开竞争、统一开放的民航运输服务业市场化经营是全国人民的利益表达,也是民航运输业自身提高效率、大步发展的必 然要求。
在经济全球化条件下,一国所能获得的利益最终取决于产业国际竞争力的强弱,影响产业竞争力的因素很多,但是,产业竞争力归根结底是一个产业组织问题,即形成有效竞争的市场结构和产业组织结构是培育和增强产业竞争力的根本途径和决定性条件。 展开
A measure of a country's level of industrial development is the most important indicator of the competitiveness of the industry how. Under China's current air transport industry management system, China's civil air transport services should be said that has not faced a real sense of fierce competition in the market (especially the domestic routes). Even occasional storms have that little competition, the Civil Aviation Administration of safeguarding their own interests, we will carry out administrative intervention. In such a system, under the arrangement, China's civil air transport enterprises serious lack of competitiveness on the market. In China's accession to the WTO has been the situation, the in-depth study and constraints affecting the development of China's civil aviation transportation industry factors, is of great practical significance.
A civil air transport enterprise management system, the constraints
"Governments" of the current system arrangement is the development of China's civil aviation transportation industry the most critical constraints. Reform of the past 20 years, the market economy has occupied a dominant position, it has been estimated that China's market index has been initially less than 25% to nearly 80%, with prices of goods and services market index exceeds 90%, and a handful of civil aviation is still the State Development Planning Commission and the competent departments plan and implement the most stringent pricing of the industry price control one of a handful of reservations so far is "Governments and enterprises will be merged" (directly under the General Administration of Civil Aviation and Civil Aviation enterprises) planned economic system features one of the industry and a very small number of administrative monopoly market segmentation in the market and impede development of related industries and one of the special interest groups. This kind of "governments" system has become a constraint for the Civil Aviation transport services improve operational efficiency and the fundamental factors.
It is precisely this "governments" management system for civil air transport services and facilities provided for the control system to influence the arrangement to avoid the pressure of market competition. They do not need to optimize the internal control structure and to improve internal operating efficiency to raise the cost of saving receipts, as long as through administrative monopoly operators, we can guarantee huge monopoly profits. This kind of "governments" in the control system of a closed market environment, the Group can keep the vested interests, but also ensure that the government's profit and tax revenue, and as such arrangements in a certain range on with its reasonable, although it does not have the economics sense is reasonable.
Whether in the developed countries, or countries with economies in transition markets have already recognized that hinder economic growth is an important factor not by those with vested interests to make every effort to improve operational efficiency and profitability, but do everything possible to influence the government's public systems, to create "policy errors , "ensuring that the Group trades on the market monopoly profits. China even more special, it is business monopoly enterprises and departments in charge of industry, "collusive" and formation of administrative monopoly. From April 1, 2002 from the civil aviation transportation industry practice routes associates pricing policy is a typical example of "price cartel" by the Civil Aviation Administration of direct administrative interference come forward on the same route on different airlines, aircraft of different models, different flights, the different seasons and holidays, the mandatory implementation of unified, fixed route prices, in order to maintain monopoly profits. Western countries than large companies in certain sectors "collusive" monopoly price in practice is not conducive to the role played by the competition, not conducive to the improvement of production efficiency. Moreover, the Civil Aviation Administration of public expression, "May 1" Holiday Unity "price cuts" is clearly inconsistent with the interests of the community. So, break the monopoly of administrative arrangements for the planned economic system of the last bastion of the re-establishment of a fair competition and open competition, unified and open civil air transport services market operations is the expression of the people's interests, but also improve the efficiency of its own civil aviation transport industry, the inevitable requirement for development step.
Under the conditions of economic globalization, a country to obtain benefits ultimately depend on the international competitiveness of industry strength, affecting the competitiveness of industries a number of factors, however, the competitiveness of industries final analysis, is an industry organization, namely the establishment of an effective competition market structure and industrial structure is to cultivate and enhance the competitiveness of industries and the fundamental way to a decisive conditions.
A civil air transport enterprise management system, the constraints
"Governments" of the current system arrangement is the development of China's civil aviation transportation industry the most critical constraints. Reform of the past 20 years, the market economy has occupied a dominant position, it has been estimated that China's market index has been initially less than 25% to nearly 80%, with prices of goods and services market index exceeds 90%, and a handful of civil aviation is still the State Development Planning Commission and the competent departments plan and implement the most stringent pricing of the industry price control one of a handful of reservations so far is "Governments and enterprises will be merged" (directly under the General Administration of Civil Aviation and Civil Aviation enterprises) planned economic system features one of the industry and a very small number of administrative monopoly market segmentation in the market and impede development of related industries and one of the special interest groups. This kind of "governments" system has become a constraint for the Civil Aviation transport services improve operational efficiency and the fundamental factors.
It is precisely this "governments" management system for civil air transport services and facilities provided for the control system to influence the arrangement to avoid the pressure of market competition. They do not need to optimize the internal control structure and to improve internal operating efficiency to raise the cost of saving receipts, as long as through administrative monopoly operators, we can guarantee huge monopoly profits. This kind of "governments" in the control system of a closed market environment, the Group can keep the vested interests, but also ensure that the government's profit and tax revenue, and as such arrangements in a certain range on with its reasonable, although it does not have the economics sense is reasonable.
Whether in the developed countries, or countries with economies in transition markets have already recognized that hinder economic growth is an important factor not by those with vested interests to make every effort to improve operational efficiency and profitability, but do everything possible to influence the government's public systems, to create "policy errors , "ensuring that the Group trades on the market monopoly profits. China even more special, it is business monopoly enterprises and departments in charge of industry, "collusive" and formation of administrative monopoly. From April 1, 2002 from the civil aviation transportation industry practice routes associates pricing policy is a typical example of "price cartel" by the Civil Aviation Administration of direct administrative interference come forward on the same route on different airlines, aircraft of different models, different flights, the different seasons and holidays, the mandatory implementation of unified, fixed route prices, in order to maintain monopoly profits. Western countries than large companies in certain sectors "collusive" monopoly price in practice is not conducive to the role played by the competition, not conducive to the improvement of production efficiency. Moreover, the Civil Aviation Administration of public expression, "May 1" Holiday Unity "price cuts" is clearly inconsistent with the interests of the community. So, break the monopoly of administrative arrangements for the planned economic system of the last bastion of the re-establishment of a fair competition and open competition, unified and open civil air transport services market operations is the expression of the people's interests, but also improve the efficiency of its own civil aviation transport industry, the inevitable requirement for development step.
Under the conditions of economic globalization, a country to obtain benefits ultimately depend on the international competitiveness of industry strength, affecting the competitiveness of industries a number of factors, however, the competitiveness of industries final analysis, is an industry organization, namely the establishment of an effective competition market structure and industrial structure is to cultivate and enhance the competitiveness of industries and the fundamental way to a decisive conditions.