
yet前面的动词什么形式?什么是动名词?什么是不定词?mind后面的动词ing形式吗?什么是现在分词?eaten是eat的什么形式?谢谢您了!... yet前面的动词什么形式?什么是动名词?什么是不定词?mind后面的动词ing形式吗?什么是现在分词?eaten是eat的什么形式?谢谢您了! 展开
2007-11-13 · TA获得超过2066个赞
非谓语动词由不定式和分词两部分组成。其中分词又分现在分词和过去分词两种。在精典语法中还要加入动名词一个部分。现代英语将现在分词和动名词合为一大类叫做ing form。非谓语动词当然意味着它们不能在句子中作谓语,它们不受人称、数、时的限制。但为什么又冠以动词之称呢,这是因为它们仍具有动词的某些性质,可以有它的宾语,有副词,有它的补足语。它们在句中可以作主语、宾语及补足语,下面是不定式的各种形式(见表8-5)。
形式 主动式 被动式
一般式 肯定to do
否定not to do to be done
not to be done
进行式 肯定to be doing
否定not to be doing 无
完成式 肯定to have done
否定not to have done to have been done
not to have been done
完成进行式 肯定to have been doing
否定not to have been doing 无
形式 主动式 被动式
一般式 肯定doing
否定not doing being done
not being done
完成式 肯定having done�
否定not having done having been done
not having been done
1� 语法辨析
Incorrect: I wished to come to the concert last night��
Correct: I wished to have come to the concert last night��
� 不定式中的动词可以表示与主句谓语动词同时发生或在其后发生。如:I thinkher to be a teacher� (同时) I hope to become a student again� (在其后发生)而不定式的完成式表示该动作发生在主句谓语动词所表示的动作之前。�不定式的完成式接在 wished, hoped, expected, planned, promised, wanted …之后表示没有实现的希望或计划。�
Incorrect: To play with the children are very interesting
Correct: To play with the children is very interesting��
� 不定式作主语时,其谓语动词要用单数。�
Incorrect: When mother came in I pretended doing my homework��
Correct: When mother came in I pretended to be doing my homework��
� 英语中有些动词只要求不定式作其宾语而不能用动名词,如:�
fail, plan, agree, prepare, tend, appear, decide, happen, pretend, hesitate, ask, demand, hope, promise, learn, prove, beg, long, refuse, manage, seem, wish…�
Incorrect: He allowed me staying with him��
Correct: He allowed me to stay with him�
� 有些动词要求其宾语后面用不定式作补足语,而不要用动名词或分词作补足语:它们是:
allow, command, permit, teach, ask, expect, persuade, tell,beg, forbid, recommend, train, force, invite, trouble, request, challenge, encourage, order…�
Incorrect: He allowed to smoke here��
Correct: He allowed smoking here��
� allow, permit, forbid, 三个词如直接接非谓语动词时用 ing 形式,但加宾语后,则要用不定式。�
Incorrect: Our coach showed us to do exercise��
Correct: Our coach showed us how to do exercise�
� 在 how 后面接不定式表示如何做某事。�
Incorrect: I am glad seeing you��
Correct: I am glad to see you��
� 许多形容词后直接加不定式,通常这样的句子的主语都是人,而且其后的形容词多是描述人物的感情色彩,态度等。这样的形容词常见的有:
glad, happy, pleased, delighted, lucky, sorry, sad, upset, disappointed, ashamed, ready, prepared, eager, impatient, determined, careful, simple, surprised, shocked等。�
Incorrect: He is too young not to join the team��
Correct: He is too young to join the team��
� too…to 应译为太怎么样……以至于不能……,但 too…not to 则为双重否定,如: She is too honest not to tell the truth� 应译为这小女孩很诚实,不会不说实话。但也并非所有的 too…to 都这样译。请看下文: I'm too glad to see you. 只能译为见到你太高兴了。又如: too ready to speak 准备好发言。�
Incorrect: In order to read the book, the light should bemuch brighter��
Correct: In order to read the book, you shouldbe in a brighter light
� In order to 如果放于句首时,要注意句子的主语就应是这个动作的执行者,这样的词组有: in order to, so as to。
Incorrect: I came to London for studying English��
Correct: I came to London to study English�
� 在句中表示目的的时候要用不定式,而不要用介词 for 加动名词。这样更符合日常英语之习惯。
Incorrect: I want to find a bigger room to live��
Correct: I want to find a bigger room to live in
� 当不定式作定语时要放在所修饰名词之后,当其动词是不及物动词时,不要将其后的介词省略。�
Incorrect: When I was about leaving the teacher came in��
Correct: When I was about to leave the teacher came in
� be about to 表示最近的将来。英文中还有be to 也可用于表示将来。用来表示传达指令,或按计划、安排的事。�
Incorrect: She was a good student to teach her��
Correct: She was a good student to teach
� 当不定式所修饰的词就是它动词的宾语时,其后不要再接宾语。但如果是不及物动词,它后面的介词不要省略,如: I have a lot of things to deal with�
�Incorrect: This work is difficult to be done��
Correct: This work is difficult to do�
�� 不定式在作定语时,在下列情况下常用主动态表示被动。�
(1) 当不定式的动作是句子主语所做时,如:�
I have got a lot of work to do��
(2) 当不定式的动作是句中宾语所执行时,如:�
Could you find me a job to do��
(3) 在形容词之后的不定式。如:�
This question is difficult to answer��
Incorrect: Would you like to play football with us?�
Yes� I'd love��
Correct: Would you like to play football with us?�
Yes, I'd love to��
� 在作简略答语时,仅将不定式符号 to 保留而将其动词省略,这样的用法有:
I meant to, I tried to, I had to, I'm going to, I used to, I'd love to, Ihope to, I'll be glad to, I like to, I prefer not to��
Incorrect: Have you seen someone to come into the room?�
Correct: Have you seen someone come into the room?�
� 感观动词之后要接不带 to 的不定式,这些词是: see, look at, watch,hear, listen to, feel, notice, observe等。�
Incorrect: He was seen do this work alone��
Correct: He was seen to do this work alone�
�� 当这些不带 to 的不定式用于被动语态的句中时,要将 to 还原。�
Incorrect: Please let the students to try it again�
Correct: Please let the students try it again�
� let, make, have 其后加宾语加不带 to 的不定式或接doing something。
Incorrect: I'm not sure� I can but to try��
Correct: I'm not sure� I can but try��
� 此句意为我不肯定,但我只不过去试试。有 can / can't / + but之后要加不带 to 的不定式。�
Incorrect: I can't help to respect him��
Correct: I can't help respecting him��
� 此句为我禁不住对他肃然起敬。 can't help 后接动名词而不是不定式。但要注意的是 help 用在句中作为帮助之意时可用 help somebody to do something 或 do something, 如:
I want to help you (to) do your homework��
Incorrect: Why not to ask him for help?�
Correct: Why not ask him for help?�
� why 加不带 to 的不定式,如: Why tell him this news? 意为为什么告诉他这消息,其否定式是: why not 加不带 to 的不定式。�
Incorrect: To be a good student, it is necessary to study hard��
Correct: To be a good student, you must study hard��
� 不定式作状语时要注意的是主句的主语应是不定式中动词执行者,否则就是错句,但也有些不定式是用来修饰全句的,它与主句无关。如:�
to tell the truth(说老实话)sorry to say(很难讲)�
to begin with(首先)to make the story short(长话短说)�
Incorrect: The people all over the world is peace�looking��
Correct: They are the peace�looking people��
� 由分词和形容词、名词组成的合成形容词一般都不能作表示语,只能作定语,如:
Incorrect: In autumn, the street is always covered with falling leaves��
Correct: In autumn, the street is always covered with fallen leaves
� 现在分词作定语,含有正在之意,如 falling leaves 是正在下落的叶子,而fallen leaves 是用过去分词作定语,其意为已经落下的叶子。�
Incorrect: Have you seen the breaking glass?�
Correct: Have you seen the broken glass?
� 现在分词作定语含有主动意思,而过去分词作定语则含有被动之意。�
Incorrect: Do you hear some girls sing in the next room now?�
Correct: Do you hear some girls singing in the next room now?�
� 虽然感观动词加上宾语加不带 to 的不定式是正确的用法。但它仅表示一个动作的全过程即动作已结束了。而要表示一个正在进行的动作或多次重复的动作,则要用感观动词加宾语加现在分词。这样的用法还有 have 等词。�
Incorrect: He was caught to steal the money��
Correct: He was caught stealing the money��
� catch somebody doing 为当场被抓住,多指不愉快的事情。 She catches hermother reading her letter� She gets very angry��
Incorrect: I want to shop some food� �
Correct: I want to go shopping��
go shopping为去买东西,这样用法还有:�
go sailing go boatinggo shooting
go bathinggo skating
go dancinggo fishing
go runninggo jogging
go swimminggo walking这些都是常用的习惯用语,不要用错。
Incorrect: The girls ran into the room sang and laughed��
Correct: The girls ran into the room singing andlaughing��
� 分词在句中的使用与句子的时态不是直接相关的。现在分词表示的动作是伴随着主句谓语动词的表示的动作。而过去分词则表示被动语态,如: He ran out of the room unnoticed� 他没有被注意到就跑出了屋子。�
Incorrect: Teaching the class, he wanted to have a rest�
Correct: Having taught the class, he wanted tohave a rest��
� 现在分词的完成式表达该动作在主句谓语动词所表达的动作以前已做完或持续了若干时间。如: Saying these words, she ran out of the room� 说着话她就跑出去了。 Having said these words, she ran out of the room� 说完话她就跑出去了。�
Incorrect: Having bitten twice, the boy was afraid to go into that garden��
Correct: Having been bitten twice, the boy wasafraid to go into that garden� �
Correct: Bitten twice, the boy was afraid to gointo that garden��
� 要注意主句主语与分词所表示的动作是主动还是被动关系。如果不是着重强调分词所表示的动作在前,还可以只保留过去分词。�
Incorrect: Coming late to the class, the teacher got veryangry�
Correct: The boy coming late to the class, theteacher got very angry��
� The boy 在语法中被叫做独立主格,在分词作状语时,如果其前面不加独立主格,则认为主句的主语就是该动作的执行者。如: Would you mind opening the door? 其意为你不介意请把门打开好吗?即开门的人是 you。但如果二者不是同一主语,则要加逻辑主语,或叫独立主格,如: Would you mind my opening the door? 译为你不介意我把门打开吧!即说话者开门。�
Incorrect: Judged from her looking� She seemed very young
Correct: Judging from her looking� She seemed very young��
� 虽然从逻辑上来看 She 应该被判断,但有些常见动词的分词短语已成为习惯用法了。已广泛被人所接受,则不能按语法去作变动,如:�
generally speaking一般来讲
strictly speaking严格来讲�
judging from按……判定
Incorrect: After see you, I know you are a good girl��
Correct: After seeing you, I know you are a good girl��
� after 是连接词,其后可以加从句,如After I see you� 但为了句子简单易懂经常用连接词加分词来表示一从句的意思,如:�
after hearing, while sitting, when told, whenever being introduced, though injured。�
Incorrect: The students stopped talking, seeing the teacher��
Correct: Seeing the teacher, the students stopped talking�
�� 如果用分词所表示的动作在主句动作之前,这时分词应放在句首。�
Incorrect: The boy delivering the newspaper has gone to college�
Correct: The boy who delivers the newspaper hasgone to college�
� 在表示某人的职业,习惯性动作时,一般不要用分词短语而用定语从句去修饰。�
Incorrect: Seeing is to believe��
Correct: Seeing is believing��
Correct: To see is to believe��
� 当一个句子中两个非谓语动词有相互关系时,这两个分词应用相同的形式。这里seeing 和 to see 均作为句子主语,而 believing和to believe是表语。�
Incorrect: Would you like seeing a foreign film with me?�
Correct: Would you like to see a foreign film with me?�
� like 作动词时,其后面的宾语可用不定式也可用动名词。不定式表示一次性的动作,而动名词表示习惯性的动作。但在 would you like 这个句型中只能用不定式,因 would you like 在英文中是表示一种邀请,而不是习惯动作,这样的词还有 love, hate, enjoy。�
Incorrect: The students are very glad of this term's beingover�
Correct: The students are very glad of this termbeing over��
� 在现在分词前加逻辑主语时,应用所有格。但无生命的名词是不能用's这种所有格的形式,所以直接用名词。而在不正式场合其逻辑主语也可用人称代词的宾格。�
Incorrect: The parents are talking about the boy and the girl's falling in love recently��
Correct: The parents are talking about the boy and the girl falling in love recently��
� 在逻辑主语是两个名词或代词时,一般习惯上不用所有格形式。�
Incorrect: On reaching the school, the class has begun��
Correct: On reaching the school, I found the class had begun��
� 在分词短语前无逻辑主语时,主句的主语就是分词动作的执行者,要注意二者的关系。�
Incorrect: I think I might hurt her feelings�I regrettedto tell her the truth��
Correct: I think I might hurt her feelings�
I regretted telling her the truth��
� remember, forget, regret 其后接不定式,表示其动作还没有发生。如接动名词,则表示该动作已经结束了。�
Incorrect: When they saw the teacher come into the room, they stopped to talk��
Correct: When they saw the teacher come into theroom, they stopped talking��
� stop 接不定式为停下来去做某事,而 stop 接动名词则表示停止做某事。�
Incorrect: Try to put some sweet into the juice� It mighttaste better��
Correct: Try putting some sweet into the juice�
It might taste better��
� try 加不定式是指努力或企图做某事,如 I try to explain this question as clearly as possible� 而其后接动名词,则是指用某种方法试试看,如: I tried sending her some books, but she didn't want to read them��
Incorrect: I suggested to do the homework at once�
Correct: I suggested doing the homework at once
� suggest 作建议讲时,其后应接动名词不接不定式。在英文动词中有些动词只要求动名词作其宾语,如:
advise, appreciate, avoid, complete, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, forgive, imagine, keep, mind, postpone, risk, practise 等。
�Incorrect: Nobody was allowed smoking in the library��
Correct: Nobody was allowed to smoke in the library��
� allow, permit, forbid 接动名词表示禁止某个动作,如加somebody再加不定式表示禁止某人做某事。�
Incorrect: After having finished the class, he went on doing his homework��
Correct: After having finished the class, he went on to do his homework��
� go on 作为继续讲,如前后是一个动作,则要用动名词形式。如做完某事后再接着干另一件事情,则用不定式。�
Incorrect: He studies English as well as to learn French��
Correct: He studies English as well as learningFrench
��� as well as 其后要加动名词,而不要用不定式。�
Incorrect: He's busy to prepare his lesson��
Correct: He's busy preparing his lesson�
� 这些话后面实际上省略了一个介词 in doing something 这样相同的用法有:
be busy, be engaged, spend some time (in) doing something, have trouble (difficulty) in, no use …�
Incorrect: I can't stand to do the work so long��
Correct: I can't stand doing the work so long�
� can't stand 其后接动名词,像这样的短语还有: can't help, can't stick, leave off, put off, come near, give up�
Incorrect: I'm looking forward to see you��
Correct: I'm looking forward to seeing you
��� look forward to 中的 to 是介词不是不定式。这样的词组有:�
be used to come to
fall toas to
object tolead to
oppose todevote to
equal to
2007-11-13 · TA获得超过3417个赞
yet 前面一般是现在完成时,动名词就是用动词的ing形式当名词用,不定时就是to do sth,mind +doing形式,
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2007-11-13 · TA获得超过531个赞
过去完成时.动词的名词形式,比如SHOPPING动词的ING形式当名词来用.是的.V+ING ? 过去分词形式
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