
1.称谓语是人们交际中相互称呼的用语,包括姓名、头衔等,是称呼者对被称呼者身份地位、角色和相互关系的一种确认方式。称谓语作为一种特殊的语言符号和语言称谓系统的组成部分,除... 1.称谓语是人们交际中相互称呼的用语,包括姓名、头衔等,是称呼者对被称呼者身份地位、角色和相互关系的一种确认方式。称谓语作为一种特殊的语言符号和语言称谓系统的组成部分,除了具有一般语言符号所具有的功能外, 它更能反映出说话者之间的社会关系和社会地位, 以及它所代表的文化内涵。我国学者从汉代的《尔雅. 释亲》开始就进行了称谓语的研究。清代著名学者梁章钜还专门著述了一部《称谓录》,内容涉及亲属、官职、师友、邻里等各种关系以及各种行业的称谓词语。在西方, Brown & Gilman, Lyons, Fillmore, Ingram 等学者对称谓语做了细致的分析。
作为语言的重要组成部分,称谓语与其所使用语言的人、社会、文化关系密切。人们从方方面面研究称谓语都有其独特的价值体现,本文拟从称谓语的概念入手将称谓语分为亲属称谓语和社交称谓语两大类,并对这两大类称谓语的语用功能进行对比分析,从而总结出产生语用差异的文化根源,即汉文化中的等级观与西文化的平等观,汉文化的集体主义与西文化的个人主义 和汉文化的儒家思想与西文化的宗教思想三方面。在跨文化交际中,交际者往往不知不觉地把母语称谓的方式和语用原则迁移到目标语中,了解汉英称谓语的语用差异,并且用以指导文化交际,有利于减少交际中的失误,从而促进中西文化交流。
2.称谓语是人们由于亲属和性别方面的相互关系,以及身份、职业等而得来的名称。称谓语既是语言现象, 也是社会、文化现象。在任何语言中, 称谓语都担当着重要的社交礼仪作用。在人类社会中, 称谓语是一个极其庞大的语言文化系统。不同民族有不同的称谓系统, 错综复杂的称谓语体现了不同民族的文化内涵。广义的称谓语泛指一切人和物, 狭义的称谓语专指人, 即人类社会交际中所使用的各种称呼语。本文中所指的是狭义的称谓语。不同的民族有不同的称谓系统, 每种称谓系统都是这个民族内部社会交际的产物, 反映了该民族的风俗文化。我国学者从汉代的《尔雅. 释亲》开始就进行了称谓语的研究。清代著名学者梁章钜还专门著述了一部《称谓录》,内容涉及亲属、官职、师友、邻里等各种关系以及各种行业的称谓词语。在西方, Brown & Gilman, Lyons, Fillmore, Ingram 等学者对称谓语做了细致的分析。中西方国家特别是英语国家因不同文化,称谓语既有异曲同工也有独具匠心。
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2012-04-06 · TA获得超过201个赞
1.称谓语是人们交际中相互称呼的用语,包括姓名、头衔等,是称呼者对被称呼者身份地位、角色和相互关系的一种确认方式。称谓语作为一种特殊的语言符号和语言称谓系统的组成部分,除了具有一般语言符号所具有的功能外, 它更能反映出说话者之间的社会关系和社会地位, 以及它所代表的文化内涵。我国学者从汉代的《尔雅. 释亲》开始就进行了称谓语的研究。清代著名学者梁章钜还专门著述了一部《称谓录》,内容涉及亲属、官职、师友、邻里等各种关系以及各种行业的称谓词语。在西方, Brown & Gilman, Lyons, Fillmore, Ingram 等学者对称谓语做了细致的分析。1appellation is people communication mutual appellation terms, including the name, title, is called a person to be used identity status, role and mutual relation of a kind of way to confirm. Appellation as a kind of special language symbols and language name of the components of the system, in addition to having the general language symbol has a function, it can reflect the social relationship between the speakers and social status, and it represents the cultural connotation. The scholar of our country from the Han Dynasty 's" Ya." start of the release of affinity appellation research. The Qing Dynasty famous scholar Liang Zhangju also specially has written a" record" appellation, content involves relatives, friends, neighborhood offices, and other relations as well as various sectors of the appellation words. In the west, Brown & Gilman, Lyons, Fillmore, Ingram and other scholars of the appellation are analysed.作为语言的重要组成部分,称谓语与其所使用语言的人、社会、文化关系密切。人们从方方面面研究称谓语都有其独特的价值体现,本文拟从称谓语的概念入手将称谓语分为亲属称谓语和社交称谓语两大类,并对这两大类称谓语的语用功能进行对比分析,从而总结出产生语用差异的文化根源,即汉文化中的等级观与西文化的平等观,汉文化的集体主义与西文化的个人主义 和汉文化的儒家思想与西文化的宗教思想三方面。在跨文化交际中,交际者往往不知不觉地把母语称谓的方式和语用原则迁移到目标语中,了解汉英称谓语的语用差异,并且用以指导文化交际,有利于减少交际中的失误,从而促进中西文化交流。As an important part of language, language and the use of the language, culture, social relationship. People from the aspects of language has its unique value, this article from the appellation concept will appellation is divided into kinship terms and social address terms in two categories, according to the two categories of the appellation pragmatic function for comparative analysis, which summed up the pragmatic difference of cultural roots Chinese culture, i.e. in the hierarchy and the Western culture 's view of equality, the Chinese culture and the western culture collectivism individualism culture and Han culture in Confucianism and the western culture of religious thought in three aspects. In cross-cultural communication, communicators imperceptibly to native title manner and pragmatic principles migrated to the target language, understand Chinese-English appellation pragmatic differences, and to guide the cultural communication, helps to reduce the communication failure, so as to promote the exchange of Chinese and Western culture.2.称谓语是人们由于亲属和性别方面的相互关系,以及身份、职业等而得来的名称。称谓语既是语言现象, 也是社会、文化现象。在任何语言中, 称谓语都担当着重要的社交礼仪作用。在人类社会中, 称谓语是一个极其庞大的语言文化系统。不同民族有不同的称谓系统, 错综复杂的称谓语体现了不同民族的文化内涵。广义的称谓语泛指一切人和物, 狭义的称谓语专指人, 即人类社会交际中所使用的各种称呼语。本文中所指的是狭义的称谓语。不同的民族有不同的称谓系统, 每种称谓系统都是这个民族内部社会交际的产物, 反映了该民族的风俗文化。我国学者从汉代的《尔雅. 释亲》开始就进行了称谓语的研究。清代著名学者梁章钜还专门著述了一部《称谓录》,内容涉及亲属、官职、师友、邻里等各种关系以及各种行业的称谓词语。在西方, Brown & Gilman, Lyons, Fillmore, Ingram 等学者对称谓语做了细致的分析。中西方国家特别是英语国家因不同文化,称谓语既有异曲同工也有独具匠心。2appellation was due to kinship and gender aspects of mutual relations, as well as to the identity of occupation, which come from the name. Appellation is a linguistic phenomenon, but also social, cultural phenomenon. In any language, appellation language plays an important role in the social etiquette. In the human society, language is an extremely large language culture system. Different nationalities have different appellation system, perplexing the appellation reflects the different cultural connotation. Generalized appellation refers to all the people and things, narrow appellation refers specifically to people, namely, the human communication used in the various appellations. This article refers to the narrow sense of the appellation. Different nations have different appellation system, each appellation systems are the national internal social communication products, reflects the nation's customs and culture. The scholar of our country from the Han Dynasty 's" Ya." start of the release of affinity appellation research. The Qing Dynasty famous scholar Liang Zhangju also specially has written a" record" appellation, content involves relatives, friends, neighborhood offices, and other relations as well as various sectors of the appellation words. In the west, Brown & Gilman, Lyons, Fillmore, Ingram and other scholars of the appellation are analysed. In western countries especially in English-speaking countries because of different culture has different approaches but equally satisfactory results, appellation also have great originality.我国一些学者通过英汉两种语言中称谓语的对比以及两种体系中称谓语的某些共通语用功能的对比,目的是探讨英汉称谓语“等值”翻译的可行性。也有学者通过对汉英称谓语的差异进行系统讨论,目的是探讨其对于英语学习的教育目的。本文拟从跨文化交际的角度,通过对汉英称谓语的语用对比研究分析。探讨产生语用差异的中西方文化根源,了解了文化根源的异同从而促进中西文化交流,避免不必要的误解。Some scholars in our country through the two languages of English and Chinese appellation words in contrast as well as the two systems of some common appellation pragmatic contrast, aims to explore the translation between English and Chinese Appellation" equivalent" feasibility. Some scholars based on the differences of Chinese and English addresses were systematically discussed, aimed to investigate the educational purpose for learning english. This paper from the perspective of intercultural communication, based on Chinese-English appellation pragmatic contrastive analysis. Discusses the pragmatic differences in the Western cultural roots, understanding of the cultural roots of the similarities and differences so as to promote cultural exchanges, to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.
2012-03-15 · TA获得超过599个赞
Appellation is that people use each other's language in communication, including names, titles, and so, is called to be a confirmation of the status, roles and relationships. Appellation as a special part of the language of symbols and language system, aside from the General language features the symbol, it can better reflect the social relationship between the speaker and social status, and the culture it represents. The elite of scholars from the Han dynasty in China. Release of Pro-conducted a study of appellations in the first place. Famous scholar Liang Zhangju in the Qing dynasty also recorded a part specifically written with the title, content involving relatives, Office, mentorship relationships such as, neighbourhoods, as well as description of industry terms. In the West, Brown&Gilman, Lyons, Fillmore, Ingram scholars such as detailed analysis of appellations.
As an important part of language, appellation and the use of language closely related to people, society, and culture. People from aspects research description language are has its unique of value reflected, this intended from description language of concept start will description language is divided into relatives description language and social description language two large class, and on this two large class description language of pragmatic function for comparison analysis, to summary out produced pragmatic differences of culture roots, is Han culture in the of grade views and West culture of equal views, Han culture of collectivism and West culture of individualism and Han culture of Confucian thought and West culture of religious thought three area. In intercultural communication, communication is often unknowingly pragmatic principles of native title and migrated to the target language, understand the pragmatic differences between Chinese and English appellations, and to guide the cultural communication, help reduce errors in communication, so as to promote cultural exchanges.
2. the appellation is due to mutual relations of kinship and gender, as well as status, occupation and name from. Appellation is both a linguistic phenomenon, is also a social and cultural phenomenon. In any language, social etiquette of the appellation has played an important role. In human society, appellation is an extremely large system of language and culture. Description of different nationalities have different systems, complex terms of connotation of embodies the culture of different peoples. Generalized appellation refers to all persons and things, narrow forms of verbal fight people, that is, the various terms used in the human social communication. Referred to in this article are narrow appellation. Description of different nationalities have different systems, each system is a product of social communication within this nation, reflects the nation's customs and culture. The elite of scholars from the Han dynasty in China. Release of Pro-a study of appellations in the first place. Famous scholar Liang Zhangju in the Qing dynasty also recorded a part specifically written with the title, content involving relatives, Office, mentorship relationships such as, neighbourhoods, as well as description of industry terms. In the West, Brown&Gilman, Lyons, Fillmore, Ingram scholars such as detailed analysis of appellations. Western countries, especially in English-speaking countries due to different cultures, address both similar and distinctive.
Some scholars in China through Chinese and English appellations of contrast in the two languages, as well as two systems of some common pragmatic functions of address forms in contrast, aims to explore the English appellation "equivalent" translation of feasibility. Some scholars through a system of differences of address forms in Chinese and English discussion, the purpose is to explore its educational purpose of learning English. This article from the perspective of intercultural communication, through the pragmatic analysis of comparative study of address forms in Chinese and English. Discussion on pragmatic differences between the roots of Western culture, understanding the cultural similarities and differences between Chinese and Western culture so as to promote communication, avoid unnecessary
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2012-03-16 · TA获得超过138个赞
1appellation is people communication mutual appellation terms, including the name, title, is called a person to be used identity status, role and mutual relation of a kind of way to confirm. Appellation as a kind of special language symbols and language name of the components of the system, in addition to having the general language symbol has a function, it can reflect the social relationship between the speakers and social status, and it represents the cultural connotation. The scholar of our country from the Han Dynasty 's" Ya." start of the release of affinity appellation research. The Qing Dynasty famous scholar Liang Zhangju also specially has written a" record" appellation, content involves relatives, friends, neighborhood offices, and other relations as well as various sectors of the appellation words. In the west, Brown & Gilman, Lyons, Fillmore, Ingram and other scholars of the appellation are analysed.As an important part of language, language and the use of the language, culture, social relationship. People from the aspects of language has its unique value, this article from the appellation concept will appellation is divided into kinship terms and social address terms in two categories, according to the two categories of the appellation pragmatic function for comparative analysis, which summed up the pragmatic difference of cultural roots Chinese culture, i.e. in the hierarchy and the Western culture 's view of equality, the Chinese culture and the western culture collectivism individualism culture and Han culture in Confucianism and the western culture of religious thought in three aspects. In cross-cultural communication, communicators imperceptibly to native title manner and pragmatic principles migrated to the target language, understand Chinese-English appellation pragmatic differences, and to guide the cultural communication, helps to reduce the communication failure, so as to promote the exchange of Chinese and Western culture.2appellation was due to kinship and gender aspects of mutual relations, as well as to the identity of occupation, which come from the name. Appellation is a linguistic phenomenon, but also social, cultural phenomenon. In any language, appellation language plays an important role in the social etiquette. In the human society, language is an extremely large language culture system. Different nationalities have different appellation system, perplexing the appellation reflects the different cultural connotation. Generalized appellation refers to all the people and things, narrow appellation refers specifically to people, namely, the human communication used in the various appellations. This article refers to the narrow sense of the appellation. Different nations have different appellation system, each appellation systems are the national internal social communication products, reflects the nation's customs and culture. The scholar of our country from the Han Dynasty 's" Ya." start of the release of affinity appellation research. The Qing Dynasty famous scholar Liang Zhangju also specially has written a" record" appellation, content involves relatives, friends, neighborhood offices, and other relations as well as various sectors of the appellation words. In the west, Brown & Gilman, Lyons, Fillmore, Ingram and other scholars of the appellation are analysed. In western countries especially in English-speaking countries because of different culture has different approaches but equally satisfactory results, appellation also have great originality.Some scholars in our country through the two languages of English and Chinese appellation words in contrast as well as the two systems of some common appellation pragmatic contrast, aims to explore the translation between English and Chinese Appellation" equivalent" feasibility. Some scholars based on the differences of Chinese and English addresses were systematically discussed, aimed to investigate the educational purpose for learning english. This paper from the perspective of intercultural communication, based on Chinese-English appellation pragmatic contrastive analysis. Discusses the pragmatic differences in the Western cultural roots, understanding of the cultural roots of the similarities and differences so as to promote cultural exchanges, to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.
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Appellation is that people use each other's language in communication, including names, titles, and so, is called to be a confirmation of the status, roles and relationships. Appellation as a special part of the language of symbols and language system, aside from the General language features the symbol, it can better reflect the social relationship between the speaker and social status, and the culture it represents. The elite of scholars from the Han dynasty in China. Release of Pro-conducted a study of appellations in the first place. Famous scholar Liang Zhangju in the Qing dynasty also recorded a part specifically written with the title, content involving relatives, Office, mentorship relationships such as, neighbourhoods, as well as description of industry terms. In the West, Brown&Gilman, Lyons, Fillmore, Ingram scholars such as detailed analysis of appellations.

及时As an important part of language, appellation and the use of language closely related to people, society, and culture. People from aspects research description language are has its unique of value reflected, this intended from description language of concept start will description language is divided into relatives description language and social description language two large class, and on this two large class description language of pragmatic function for comparison analysis, to summary out produced pragmatic differences of culture roots, is Han culture in the of grade views and West culture of equal views, Han culture of collectivism and West culture of individualism and Han culture of Confucian thought and West culture of religious thought three area. In intercultural communication, communication is often unknowingly pragmatic principles of native title and migrated to the target language, understand the pragmatic differences between Chinese and English appellations, and to guide the cultural communication, help reduce errors in communication, so as to promote cultural exchanges.
2. the appellation is due to mutual relations of kinship and gender, as well as status, occupation and name from. Appellation is both a linguistic phenomenon, is also a social and cultural phenomenon. In any language, social etiquette of the appellation has played an important role. In human society, appellation is an extremely large system of language and culture. Description of different nationalities have different systems, complex terms of connotation of embodies the culture of different peoples. Generalized appellation refers to all persons and things, narrow forms of verbal fight people, that is, the various terms used in the human social communication. Referred to in this article are narrow appellation. Description of different nationalities have different systems, each system is a product of social communication within this nation, reflects the nation's customs and culture. The elite of scholars from the Han dynasty in China. Release of Pro-a study of appellations in the first place. Famous scholar Liang Zhangju in the Qing dynasty also recorded a part specifically written with the title, content involving relatives, Office, mentorship relationships such as, neighbourhoods, as well as description of industry terms. In the West, Brown&Gilman, Lyons, Fillmore, Ingram scholars such as detailed analysis of appellations. Western countries, especially in English-speaking countries due to different cultures, address both similar and distinctive.
Some scholars in China through Chinese and English appellations of contrast in the two languages, as well as two systems of some common pragmatic functions of address forms in contrast, aims to explore the English appellation "equivalent" translation of feasibility. Some scholars through a system of differences of address forms in Chinese and English discussion, the purpose is to explore its educational purpose of learning English. This article from the perspective of intercultural communication, through the pragmatic analysis of comparative study of address forms in Chinese and English. Discussion on pragmatic differences between the roots of Western culture, understanding the cultural similarities and differences between Chinese and Western culture so as to promote communication, avoid unnecessary
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2012-03-16 · TA获得超过6.9万个赞
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