B、 内存的原因。用橡皮擦把内存条的金手指擦拭一下,把氧化层擦掉,确保内存条安装、运行正常。
C、 机箱不清洁.CPU风扇积灰太多不能正常运行,造成CPU温度过高,用毛刷、电吹风将机箱内壁、CPU风扇、显卡风扇、主板上的积灰都清理一遍。
B、 内存的原因。用橡皮擦把内存条的金手指擦拭一下,把氧化层擦掉,确保内存条安装、运行正常。
C、 机箱不清洁.CPU风扇积灰太多不能正常运行,造成CPU温度过高,用毛刷、电吹风将机箱内壁、CPU风扇、显卡风扇、主板上的积灰都清理一遍。
★ “灰尘杀手”:机器内灰尘过多也会引起死机故障。如软驱磁头或光驱激光头沾染过多灰尘后,会导致读写错误,严重的会引起电脑死机。
★ “软硬件不兼容”:例如3D制作及一些特殊软件,可能在有的电脑中不能正常安装或启动,其中可能就有软硬件兼容方面的问题。
★ “内存条故障”:主要是内存条松动、本身质量所致。应根据具体情况排除内存条接角故障,如果是内存条质量存在问题,则需更换内存才能解决问题。
★ “硬盘故障”:主要是硬盘老化或由于使用不当造成坏道、坏扇区。这样机器在动行时就很容易发生死机。可以用专用工具软件来进行排障处理,如损坏严重则只能更换硬盘了。另外对于不支持UDMA66/100的主板,应注意CMOS中硬盘运行方式的设定。
★ “CPU超频”:超频提高了CPU的工作频率,同时,也可能使其性能变得不稳定。解决办法当然也比较简单,就是让CPU回到正常的频率上。
★ “硬件资源冲突”:常见的是声卡或显示卡的设置冲突,引起异常错误。此外,其它设备的中断、DMA或端口出现冲突的话,可能导致少数驱动程序产生异常,以致死机。解决的办法是以“安全模式”启动,在“控制面板”->“系统”->“设备管理”中进行适当调整。 使用腾讯电脑管家,工具箱--硬件检测--查看配置,根据配置更新驱动!!电脑诊所--搜索系统蓝屏--查看修复办法
★ “灰尘杀手”:机器内灰尘过多也会引起死机故障。如软驱磁头或光驱激光头沾染过多灰尘后,会导致读写错误,严重的会引起电脑死机。
★ “软硬件不兼容”:例如3D制作及一些特殊软件,可能在有的电脑中不能正常安装或启动,其中可能就有软硬件兼容方面的问题。
★ “内存条故障”:主要是内存条松动、本身质量所致。应根据具体情况排除内存条接角故障,如果是内存条质量存在问题,则需更换内存才能解决问题。
★ “硬盘故障”:主要是硬盘老化或由于使用不当造成坏道、坏扇区。这样机器在动行时就很容易发生死机。可以用专用工具软件来进行排障处理,如损坏严重则只能更换硬盘了。另外对于不支持UDMA66/100的主板,应注意CMOS中硬盘运行方式的设定。
★ “CPU超频”:超频提高了CPU的工作频率,同时,也可能使其性能变得不稳定。解决办法当然也比较简单,就是让CPU回到正常的频率上。
★ “硬件资源冲突”:常见的是声卡或显示卡的设置冲突,引起异常错误。此外,其它设备的中断、DMA或端口出现冲突的话,可能导致少数驱动程序产生异常,以致死机。解决的办法是以“安全模式”启动,在“控制面板”->“系统”->“设备管理”中进行适当调整。 使用腾讯电脑管家,工具箱--硬件检测--查看配置,根据配置更新驱动!!电脑诊所--搜索系统蓝屏--查看修复办法
Bug Check
The INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE bug check frequently occurs because of a boot
device failure. During I/O system initialization, the boot device driver might
have failed to initialize the boot device (typically a hard disk). File system
initialization might have failed because it did not recognize the data on the
boot device. Also, repartitioning the system partition or installing a new SCSI
adapter or disk controller might induce this error.
This error can also occur because of incompatible disk hardware. If the error
occurred at the initial setup of the system, the system might have been
installed on an unsupported disk or SCSI controller. Some controllers are
supported only by drivers that are in the Windows Driver Library (WDL). (These
drivers require the user to do a custom installation.)
Resolving the Problem
This error always occurs while the system is starting. This error frequently
occurs before the debugger connection is established, so debugging can be
difficult or impossible.
Resolving a failed boot device problem: If a boot device is at fault,
you must edit the boot options.For more information about changing these
options, see Configuring
Software on the Target Computer .
Resolving an incompatible disk hardware problem: If Setup autodetects
the controller, you might have to skip detection and use a specific
manufacturer's disk to load the driver. Also, check the availability of updates
for the system BIOS and SCSI controller firmware. Updates of this kind are
typically available on the Web site or BBS of the hardware manufacturer.
Remove any recently added hardware, especially hard disk drives or
controllers, to see if the error is resolved. If the problematic hardware is a
hard disk drive, the disk firmware version might be incompatible with your
version of the Windows operating system. Contact the manufacturer for updates.
If you removed another piece of hardware and the error is resolved, IRQ or I/O
port conflicts likely exist. Reconfigure the new device according to the
manufacturer's instructions.
Confirm that all hard disk drivers, hard disk controllers, and SCSI adapters
are listed in the Microsoft Windows Marketplace Tested Products List.
If you recently added a driver, restart your computer, and press F8 at the
character-based menu that displays the operating system choices. In the
Advanced Options menu, select the Last Known Good Configuration option. This option is most effective when you add only one driver or service at
a time.
In addition, check your computer for viruses by using any up-to-date,
commercial virus scanning software that examines the Master Boot Record of the
hard disk. All Windows file systems can be infected by viruses.
This error can also occur because of hard disk corruption. Run Chkdsk /f
/r on the system partition. You must restart the computer before the disk
scan begins. If you cannot start the computer because of the error, use the
Recovery Console and run Chkdsk /r.
If you cannot start the system in the last known good configuration, you
should try to start off the Windows CD. Then, you can run Chkdsk from the
Repair Console.
Warning If your system partition is formatted with the FAT
file system, the long file names that the Windows operating system uses might be
damaged if you use Scandisk or another MS-DOS-based hard disk tool to verify the
integrity of your hard disk drive from MS-DOS. Always use the version of Chkdsk
that matches your version of Windows.
If your system has SCSI adapters, contact the adapter manufacturer to obtain
updated Windows drivers. Try disabling sync negotiation in the SCSI BIOS,
checking the cabling and the SCSI IDs of each device, and confirming proper
termination. For IDE devices, define the onboard IDE port as Primary only. Also
check each IDE device for the proper master/subordinate/stand alone setting. Try removing all IDE devices except for hard disks. Finally, check the
System Log in Event Viewer for additional error messages that might help
identify the device or driver that is causing the error.
To analyze this error: Run an lm (List
Loaded Modules) command in the debugger. Verify that the following
drivers were loaded: disk, classpnp, ftdisk,
partmgr, and FAT or NTFS.
The INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE bug check frequently occurs because of a boot
device failure. During I/O system initialization, the boot device driver might
have failed to initialize the boot device (typically a hard disk). File system
initialization might have failed because it did not recognize the data on the
boot device. Also, repartitioning the system partition or installing a new SCSI
adapter or disk controller might induce this error.
This error can also occur because of incompatible disk hardware. If the error
occurred at the initial setup of the system, the system might have been
installed on an unsupported disk or SCSI controller. Some controllers are
supported only by drivers that are in the Windows Driver Library (WDL). (These
drivers require the user to do a custom installation.)
Resolving the Problem
This error always occurs while the system is starting. This error frequently
occurs before the debugger connection is established, so debugging can be
difficult or impossible.
Resolving a failed boot device problem: If a boot device is at fault,
you must edit the boot options.For more information about changing these
options, see Configuring
Software on the Target Computer .
Resolving an incompatible disk hardware problem: If Setup autodetects
the controller, you might have to skip detection and use a specific
manufacturer's disk to load the driver. Also, check the availability of updates
for the system BIOS and SCSI controller firmware. Updates of this kind are
typically available on the Web site or BBS of the hardware manufacturer.
Remove any recently added hardware, especially hard disk drives or
controllers, to see if the error is resolved. If the problematic hardware is a
hard disk drive, the disk firmware version might be incompatible with your
version of the Windows operating system. Contact the manufacturer for updates.
If you removed another piece of hardware and the error is resolved, IRQ or I/O
port conflicts likely exist. Reconfigure the new device according to the
manufacturer's instructions.
Confirm that all hard disk drivers, hard disk controllers, and SCSI adapters
are listed in the Microsoft Windows Marketplace Tested Products List.
If you recently added a driver, restart your computer, and press F8 at the
character-based menu that displays the operating system choices. In the
Advanced Options menu, select the Last Known Good Configuration option. This option is most effective when you add only one driver or service at
a time.
In addition, check your computer for viruses by using any up-to-date,
commercial virus scanning software that examines the Master Boot Record of the
hard disk. All Windows file systems can be infected by viruses.
This error can also occur because of hard disk corruption. Run Chkdsk /f
/r on the system partition. You must restart the computer before the disk
scan begins. If you cannot start the computer because of the error, use the
Recovery Console and run Chkdsk /r.
If you cannot start the system in the last known good configuration, you
should try to start off the Windows CD. Then, you can run Chkdsk from the
Repair Console.
Warning If your system partition is formatted with the FAT
file system, the long file names that the Windows operating system uses might be
damaged if you use Scandisk or another MS-DOS-based hard disk tool to verify the
integrity of your hard disk drive from MS-DOS. Always use the version of Chkdsk
that matches your version of Windows.
If your system has SCSI adapters, contact the adapter manufacturer to obtain
updated Windows drivers. Try disabling sync negotiation in the SCSI BIOS,
checking the cabling and the SCSI IDs of each device, and confirming proper
termination. For IDE devices, define the onboard IDE port as Primary only. Also
check each IDE device for the proper master/subordinate/stand alone setting. Try removing all IDE devices except for hard disks. Finally, check the
System Log in Event Viewer for additional error messages that might help
identify the device or driver that is causing the error.
To analyze this error: Run an lm (List
Loaded Modules) command in the debugger. Verify that the following
drivers were loaded: disk, classpnp, ftdisk,
partmgr, and FAT or NTFS.