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求简单好听好唱的男女对唱英文歌
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《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
the
best
of
me
至上的爱.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
you're
a
part
of
me
你是我的一部分.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
somewhere
out
there
何时何地.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
don't
know
much
无须知道太多.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
all
my
life
一生一世.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
somewhere
out
there
何时何地.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
endless
love
无尽的爱.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
beauty
and
the
beast
美女与野兽.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
always
永
远.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
on
my
own
独自一人.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
when
you
tell
me
that
you
love
me
当你说爱我.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
when
you
belive《埃及王子》主题曲.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
the
closer
i
got
to
you
对你情深.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
between
two
worlds
在两个世界之间.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
especially
for
you
特别为了你.mp3
-
the
best
of
me
至上的爱.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
you're
a
part
of
me
你是我的一部分.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
somewhere
out
there
何时何地.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
don't
know
much
无须知道太多.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
all
my
life
一生一世.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
somewhere
out
there
何时何地.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
endless
love
无尽的爱.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
beauty
and
the
beast
美女与野兽.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
always
永
远.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
on
my
own
独自一人.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
when
you
tell
me
that
you
love
me
当你说爱我.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
when
you
belive《埃及王子》主题曲.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
the
closer
i
got
to
you
对你情深.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
between
two
worlds
在两个世界之间.mp3
《欧美经典情歌对唱》
-
especially
for
you
特别为了你.mp3
已赞过
已踩过<
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