![](https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/lxb/notice.png)
为什么开机蓝屏出现错误代码stop:0×0000007F急急急!!!!
展开全部
您好,经过本人的测试一楼和二楼的均不正确,实际上是由于你虚拟机的系统本身有问题,与dnf不兼容,将vmware
tools
安装一下就好了。
我只说关键的,其它的不说了……
tools
安装一下就好了。
我只说关键的,其它的不说了……
已赞过
已踩过<
评论
收起
你对这个回答的评价是?
展开全部
//
MessageId:
//
//
MessageText:
//
//
If
this
is
the
first
time
you've
seen
this
Stop
error
screen,
//
restart
your
computer.
If
this
screen
appears
again,
follow
//
these
steps:
//
//
Run
a
system
diagnostic
utility
supplied
by
your
hardware
manufacturer.
//
In
particular,
run
a
memory
check,
and
check
for
faulty
or
mismatched
//
memory.
Try
changing
video
adapters.
//
//
Disable
or
remove
any
newly
installed
hardware
and
drivers.
Disable
or
//
remove
any
newly
installed
software.
If
you
need
to
use
Safe
Mode
to
//
remove
or
disable
components,
restart
your
computer,
press
F8
to
select
//
Advanced
Startup
Options,
and
then
select
Safe
Mode.
//
//
Refer
to
your
Getting
Started
manual
for
more
information
on
//
troubleshooting
Stop
errors.
可以很肯定滴说,你的内存松啦,小问题,拆下来重新插过吧
MessageId:
//
//
MessageText:
//
//
If
this
is
the
first
time
you've
seen
this
Stop
error
screen,
//
restart
your
computer.
If
this
screen
appears
again,
follow
//
these
steps:
//
//
Run
a
system
diagnostic
utility
supplied
by
your
hardware
manufacturer.
//
In
particular,
run
a
memory
check,
and
check
for
faulty
or
mismatched
//
memory.
Try
changing
video
adapters.
//
//
Disable
or
remove
any
newly
installed
hardware
and
drivers.
Disable
or
//
remove
any
newly
installed
software.
If
you
need
to
use
Safe
Mode
to
//
remove
or
disable
components,
restart
your
computer,
press
F8
to
select
//
Advanced
Startup
Options,
and
then
select
Safe
Mode.
//
//
Refer
to
your
Getting
Started
manual
for
more
information
on
//
troubleshooting
Stop
errors.
可以很肯定滴说,你的内存松啦,小问题,拆下来重新插过吧
已赞过
已踩过<
评论
收起
你对这个回答的评价是?
推荐律师服务:
若未解决您的问题,请您详细描述您的问题,通过百度律临进行免费专业咨询