翻译成英文句子
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1.他每天起床早,以便能按时到达学校
He
gets
up
early
so
that
he
can
arrive
at
the
school
on
time.
2.大家正为我们的时装展做准备
Evverybody
is
preparing
for
our
fashion
show.
3.这件大衣是羊毛制成的
Ihis
overcoat
is
made
of
wool.
4.你通常穿什么尺码的衣服?
What
size
of
clothes
do
you
usually
wear?
5.商店里的衣服在销售中
The
clothes
in
the
shop
are
on
sale.
He
gets
up
early
so
that
he
can
arrive
at
the
school
on
time.
2.大家正为我们的时装展做准备
Evverybody
is
preparing
for
our
fashion
show.
3.这件大衣是羊毛制成的
Ihis
overcoat
is
made
of
wool.
4.你通常穿什么尺码的衣服?
What
size
of
clothes
do
you
usually
wear?
5.商店里的衣服在销售中
The
clothes
in
the
shop
are
on
sale.
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