The US presidential election is held every four years. 2020 is the year of US presidential
election, with Republican candidate Donald Trump and Democratic counterpart Joe Biden
running for president. The candidates of both parties have different political stands and
administrative programs in finance and trade, economic and financial governance, and some
other different key development areas (such as COVID-19 fighting measures, infrastructure,
taxation, environmental protection, medical insurance, employment, trade, immigration,
education, etc.). The election of different candidates will shape different strategic patterns of
global economic and financial development, and have a greater impact on the U.S. economy
and the global economy (including China’s economy). How will different policies affect
America’s economy and China’s economy? How should China respond? Your team is asked to
collect the candidate’s policy propositions, policy guidelines and relevant data in different fields,
and answer the following questions。
亚太地区大学生数学建模竞赛(Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling)是由亚太地区大学生数学建模竞赛组委会、数学家(原校苑数模)共同举办的一次亚太地区大学生学科类竞赛,本次竞赛时间为4天,参赛对象为全日制在校大学生,参赛队由1-3名大学生组成。竞赛的试题及试题材料均为英文,要求学生答题也应为英文书写,是美国大学生数学建模竞赛之后,又一级别为国际级的数学建模赛事,也是美国大学生数学建模竞赛开赛前的一个大型赛事。
亚太地区大学生数学建模竞赛(Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling)是由APMCM组委会、数学家(原校苑数模)共同举办的一次亚太地区大学生学科类活动。本次竞赛时间为4天,参赛对象为全日制在校大学生,参赛队由2-3名大学生组成。竞赛的试题及试题材料均为英文,要求学生答题也应为英文书写,是美国大学生数学建模竞赛之后,又一国际性数学建模赛事,也是美国大学生数学建模竞赛开赛前的一个大型赛事。

2024-11-30 广告