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2022-11-09 · TA获得超过6031个赞
  关于名人的英语故事:Sigmund Freud

  Sigmund Freud was born in 1856 in Moravia, which is now the Czech Republic. His family moved to Vienna when Sigmund was four years old. He was the oldest of his mother’s eight children and her favorite. Sigmund loved to read and he was always at the top of his class. He had no interest in sports or outdoor activities, except walking. The family apartment had only four bedrooms, but Sigmund’s mother gave him his own room so he could study in peace. He rarely joined the family for meals. Instead he ate alone in his room, surrounded by his favorite books.


  Freud first thought about studying law, but then he decided to study medicine. He enrolled at the University of Vienna in 1873. His early days at the university were difficult because some of his clas *** ates discriminated against him because he was Jewish. This made Freud more determined than ever to do his best.


  Freud received his medical degree in 1881. For the next few years he continued his laboratory work. After his marriage, Freud opened his own psychiatry practice. He worked with patients who were very depressed or behaved in strange ways. Later, he started to treat patients in a new way, called “psycho *** ysis.” Psycho *** ysis uses different techniques to help people.


  In 1938, the German army invaded Austria. World War II was beginning, and life became terrible for millions of Jews, including Sigmund Freud. The army burnt many of his books in public and arrested him secretly. Freud needed a miracle to save his life. The miracle came when U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked the German army to set him free. They agreed to let Freud leave Austria but they wanted 20,000 pounds sterling approximately $32,000. A Greek princess who was once a patient of Freud’s paid the money. However, Freud had to sign a paper saying that he was treated well by the German army. Freud signed the paper and added in his own handwriting, “I can most warmly remend the Gestapo to anyone.” On June 4, 1938, Freud and his family moved to a town near London. Fifteen months later, in September 1939, Freud died at the age of 83.

  1938年,德国军队入侵奥地利,第二次世界大战爆发,对于几百万犹太人来说,生活变得极其恐怖,西格蒙德·弗洛伊德也在所难免。德军当众烧毁了他的许多书,还把出版这些书的公司也给捣毁了,并秘密逮捕了他。弗洛伊德现在需要奇迹才能挽救他的性命。奇迹真的出现了——美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福出面要求德军释放他。德国方面同意让弗洛伊德离开奥地利,但索要20, 000英镑将近32, 000美元做赎金。弗洛伊德曾经的病人——位希腊公主为他付了钱。但是,弗洛伊德还必须在一个档案上签名,证明他在德军中受到了良好待遇。弗洛伊德签了名,并亲笔补充道:“我可以向任何人、用最热烈的方式推荐盖世太保。”1938年6月4 日,弗洛伊德和他的一家迁到伦敦附近的一个小镇。15个月后,即1939年9月,弗洛伊德去世,终年83岁。
  关于名人的英语故事:Dale Carnegie

  The name of Dale Carnegie is synonymous with success and influence. Perhaps the most well-known author in the field of munication and public speaking, Dale Carnegie was born into poverty on a *** all farm in Missouri, on November 24, 1888. His father, named John William Caraagie, was a poor farmer. His mother, named Amanda Elizabeth Camagie, worked with his father on the farm. Dale Camegey came from humble beginnings. Yearly floods devastated the farm and kept the family poor.


  The family was in debt, and as a young boy he had to get up at 4 a.m. every day to milk the cows and help on the farm, then to go to school. As a boy, Dale was known for one thing: reciting. He used his talents in church functions and local events. In high School he joined the debating team, but never won a debate. Frustrated, he was determined to go to college and attended a state teacher’s school. He couldn’t afford to board at the school, so he rode a horse each day to class. It was said that he practiced his reciting to the horse!


  As a child, Carnegie lacked of confidence and was often full of worries in those days. One day, while helping his mother pit cherries, he began to cry. His mother said, “Dale, what in the world are you crying about?” He blubbered, “I am afraid I am going to be buried alive!”


  When thunderstorms came, he worried for fear he would be killed for lightning. When hard times came, he worried for fear they wouldn’t have enough to eat. He worried for fear he would go to hell when he died. He was terrified for fear an older boy, Sam White, would cut off his big ears 一 as he threatened to do... Later he finally found out that 99 percent of his worries did not happen.


  It’s this humble and unconfident little boy who became a lecturer, giving hundreds of thousands of people confidence and optimi *** all over the world. It’s not difficult for one to imagine how arduous the development process involved has been.

  关于名人的英语故事:Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

  Nietzsche’s early childhood is itself a story of writing, reading, illness and isolation. He was sentto the local school but then gained a place at the elite academy of Pforta in 1858. By 1862,wefind the young Nietzsche already recording his doubts about the religious faith that dominatedhis home background. He was turning even then to ideas of evolution, and already had begunto speculate on the human condition: “...we scarcely even know whether humanity itself isonly a step.” Jaspers remarks that “Nietzsche philosophises as a boy.”


  Nietzsche was certainly an intense boy, often lonely and absorbed by ideas. In 1863,we findhim already struggling to convey the mass of his thoughts on paper: “I stare for a long timeat the white paper in front of me, troubled by the confused crowd of themes.” This sense of“abundance” is one of the experiences given to the character Zarathustra.


  In 1865, Nietzsche went to Leipzig as a student, where he shifted to the study of classicalphilology, the ancient languages and their origins. Already he saw his own future in learning andteaching: “My goal is to bee a truly practical teacher...”

  1865年,尼采游学莱比锡,并转而攻读经典语言学,学习古代语言以及它们的来源。他把自己的未来生活确定为学习与教书:“我的目标是成为一名真正的教 师…”

  Nietzsche was searching for fellow spirits and in 1865 he discovered in a bookshop the majorwork of Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation. For the student Nietzsche, thi *** ook by his older contemporary was a mirror of his own thoughts and struggles. Throughouthis life, Nietzsche needed heroes of thought, models for his own quest.


  In 1867, he enrolled in the army, but he still kept on learning. Now Nietzsche was acquiringother heroes, such as the ancient Greek thinker Democritus. In 1868, Nietzsche was readingand writing about the late eighteenth-century German authority Kant. In the same year, hemet the poser Richard Wagner whom he described as “a fabulously vivacious, fiery man” .In 1871, Nietzsche started work on what became his first book, The Birth of Tragedy.


  In January 1883, Nietzsche wrote Book I of TSZ in 10 days. The period after that was a time ofintense productiveness. He died in Aug. 24, 1900.


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