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Nature , 28 April 2022, Volume 604 Issue 7907
《自然》 2022年4月28日,第604卷,7907期
天文学 Astronomy
Early Solar System instability triggered by dispersal of the gaseous disk
作者:Beibei Liu, Sean N. Raymond & Seth A. Jacobson
Here we use dynamical simulations to show that the giant planets’ instability was probably triggered by the dispersal of the gaseous disk. As the disk evaporated from the inside out, its inner edge swept successively across and dynamically perturbed each planet’s orbit in turn. The associated orbital shift caused a dynamical compression of the exterior part of the system, ultimately triggering instability. The final orbits of our simulated systems match those of the Solar System for a viable range of astrophysical parameters. The giant planet instability therefore took place as the gaseous disk dissipated, constrained by astronomical observations to be a few to ten million years after the birth of the Solar System. Terrestrial planet formation would not complete until after such an early giant planet instability; the growing terrestrial planets may even have been sculpted by its perturbations, explaining the small mass of Mars relative to Earth.
物理学 Physics
Observation of a linked-loop quantum state in a topological magnet
作者:Ilya Belopolski, Guoqing Chang, Tyler A. Cochran, Zi-Jia Cheng et al.
我们进一步预测和观察了样品表面的塞弗特边界态,该边界态由体链环保护,表明了显著的塞弗特体边界响应。我们对量子环链的观察,推动了扭结理论在 探索 磁性和超导量子物质方面的应用。
Here we report an unusual linking-number (knot theory) invariant associated with loops of electronic band crossings in a mirror-symmetric ferromagnet. Using state-of-the-art spectroscopic methods, we directly observe three intertwined degeneracy loops in the material’s three-torus, T3, bulk Brillouin zone. We find that each loop links each other loop twice. Through systematic spectroscopic investigation of this linked-loop quantum state, we explicitly draw its link diagram and conclude, in analogy with knot theory, that it exhibits the linking number (2, 2, 2), providing a direct determination of the invariant structure from the experimental data. We further predict and observe, on the surface of our samples, Seifert boundary states protected by the bulk linked loops, suggestive of a remarkable Seifert bulk–boundary correspondence. Our observation of a quantum loop link motivates the application of knot theory to the exploration of magnetic and superconducting quantum matter.
The field-free Josephson diode in a van der Waals heterostructure
作者:Heng Wu, Yaojia Wang, Yuanfeng Xu, Pranava K. Sivakumar, Chris Pasco, Ulderico Filippozzi, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Yu-Jia Zeng, Tyrel McQueen & Mazhar N. Ali
我们证明,即使没有磁场,结也可以在正电流下超导,同时在负电流下具有电阻性。ΔIc 行为(正和负临界电流之间的差异)与磁场是对称的,约瑟夫逊耦合可以通过夫劳恩霍夫模式证明。
Here we realized the Josephson diode by fabricating an inversion symmetry breaking van der Waals heterostructure of NbSe2/Nb3Br8/NbSe2. We demonstrate that even without a magnetic field, the junction can be superconducting with a positive current while being resistive with a negative current. The ΔIc behaviour (the difference between positive and negative critical currents) with magnetic field is symmetric and Josephson coupling is proved through the Fraunhofer pattern. Also, stable half-wave rectification of a square-wave excitation was achieved with a very low switching current density, high rectification ratio and high robustness. This non-reciprocal behaviour strongly violates the known Josephson relations and opens the door to discover new mechanisms and physical phenomena through integration of quantum materials with Josephson junctions, and provides new avenues for superconducting quantum devices.
化学 Chemistry
Machine learning-aided engineering of hydrolases for PET depolymerization
作者:Hongyuan Lu, Daniel J. Diaz, Natalie J. Czarnecki, Congzhi Zhu et al.
在此,我们使用一种基于结构的机器学习算法来设计稳定和活跃的PET水解酶。我们的突变组合(FAST-PETase:具有功能性、活性、稳定和耐受性的PETase)与野生型PETase相比含有5个突变,在30 - 50 C和一系列pH水平范围内,与野生型和工程替代品相比,显示了优越的pet水解活性。
Here, we use a structure-based, machine learning algorithm to engineer a robust and active PET hydrolase. Our mutant and scaffold combination (FAST-PETase: functional, active, stable and tolerant PETase) contains five mutations compared to wild-type PETase (N233K/R224Q/S121E from prediction and D186H/R280A from scaffold) and shows superior PET-hydrolytic activity relative to both wild-type and engineered alternatives between 30 and 50 C and a range of pH levels. We demonstrate that untreated, postconsumer-PET from 51 different thermoformed products can all be almost completely degraded by FAST-PETase in 1 week. FAST-PETase can also depolymerize untreated, amorphous portions of a commercial water bottle and an entire thermally pretreated water bottle at 50 ºC. Finally, we demonstrate a closed-loop PET recycling process by using FAST-PETase and resynthesizing PET from the recovered monomers. Collectively, our results demonstrate a viable route for enzymatic plastic recycling at the industrial scale.
Computer-designed repurposing of chemical wastes into drugs
作者:Agnieszka Wołos, Dominik Koszelewski, Rafał Roszak, Sara Szymkuć et al.
As the chemical industry continues to produce considerable quantities of waste chemicals, it is essential to devise ‘circular chemistry’ schemes to productively back-convert at least a portion of these unwanted materials into useful products. Here we show how computers equipped with broad synthetic knowledge can help address this challenge. Using the forward-synthesis Allchemy platform, we generate giant synthetic networks emanating from approximately 200 waste chemicals recycled on commercial scales, retrieve from these networks tens of thousands of routes leading to approximately 300 important drugs and agrochemicals, and algorithmically rank these syntheses according to the accepted metrics of sustainable chemistry. Several of these routes we validate by experiment, including an industrially realistic demonstration on a ‘pharmacy on demand’ flow-chemistry platform. Wide adoption of computerized waste-to-valuable algorithms can accelerate productive reuse of chemicals that would otherwise incur storage or disposal costs, or even pose environmental hazards.
Catalytic synthesis of phenols with nitrous oxide
作者:Franck Le Vaillant, Ana Mateos Calbet, Silvia González-Pelayo, Edward J. Reijerse, Shengyang Ni, Julia Busch & Josep Cornella
在这里,我们报道了在温和的条件下(室温,1.5-2 bar N2O)将N2O插入到Ni-C键中,从而释放有价值的酚和良性N2。这一完全不同的有机金属C-O成键步骤不同于目前基于还原消除反映的方法,并使芳卤代烃转化为酚的替代催化方法成为可能。
Here we report an insertion of N2O into a Ni‒C bond under mild conditions (room temperature, 1.5–2 bar N2O), thus delivering valuable phenols and releasing benign N2. This fundamentally distinct organometallic C‒O bond-forming step differs from the current strategies based on reductive elimination and enables an alternative catalytic approach for the conversion of aryl halides to phenols. The process was rendered catalytic by means of a bipyridine-based ligands for the Ni centre. The method is robust, mild and highly selective, able to accommodate base-sensitive functionalities as well as permitting phenol synthesis from densely functionalized aryl halides. Although this protocol does not provide a solution to the mitigation of N2O emissions, it represents a reactivity blueprint for the mild revalorization of abundant N2O as an O source.