RIP = rest in peace 安息
BBQ = barbecue 烤肉
PIN = Personal Identity number 个人识别码
ATM = automatic teller machine 自动存提款机
A.K.A = also known as以..之名,又叫做。
GG = good game 一场好游戏
FYI = for your information 供你参考的意思(通常 FYI 会用大写)
FAQ = frequently asked questions 常见问题
Q&A = Question and Answers 提问与回答
LOL (laughing out loud) 笑死我了
BFF (best friend(s) forever) 永远是最好的朋友,友谊长存
OMG (oh my god) 我的天啊
SO(significant other) 另一半
BYOB = bring your own beer/booze 带你自己的酒过来
PLZ = please 请
L8R =Later 晚些、稍后
WTF = what the fuck 搞什么
IDK 我不知道
IMAO = laugh my ass off 笑到不行
NP =no problem) 不谢,没关系
THX = thanks 谢啦
L8R = later / see you later 掰啦,再见
CU = see you 掰掰。也常拼写为 CYA(see ya)。
BRB (be right back) 马上回来
BTW (by the way)顺带一提
TTYL (talk to you later) 晚点再聊
XOXO (hugs and kisses) 抱抱亲亲