
1796年,20岁的奥斯汀遇到勒弗罗伊。情窦初开的她对这个聪明狡黠的爱尔兰年轻律师一见钟情。然而,奥斯汀的牧师家庭希望未来女婿拥有经济实力,而偏偏那时的勒弗罗伊还是个穷小... 1796年,20岁的奥斯汀遇到勒弗罗伊。情窦初开的她对这个聪明狡黠的爱尔兰年轻律师一见钟情。然而,奥斯汀的牧师家庭希望未来女婿拥有经济实力,而偏偏那时的勒弗罗伊还是个穷小子。而拥有6个孩子的勒弗罗伊家也执意与富贵之家联姻,因此要求勒弗罗伊返回爱尔兰。从此两人便再没有相见。当年,奥斯汀在致姐姐卡桑德拉的信中表达了无奈伤心:“终于,这一天还是到来了,我将与汤姆·勒弗罗伊告别。而当你收到这封信时,一切都已结束。一想到这些,我不禁泪流。”后来,勒弗罗伊如家人所愿地娶了个大家闺秀,还成为爱尔兰最高法院首席法官。直至晚年,他才向侄子坦言,曾与一位作家有过一段“少年之爱”。
2012-03-27 · TA获得超过124个赞
In 1796,Austin at her puberty twenty meeted Lefroy,who fell in love with the clever and sly young Ireland lawyer at first sight.However,the pastor faminly of Austin wanted a future son-in-law with economic strength,and Lefroy was just a poor guy at that time.Meanwhile,The Lefroy,having six children,insisted on intermarrying with the rich.Therefor,Lefroy was required back Ireland.Since then,they didnot meet again.Austin had expressed helpless and hearbroken in the letter for her old sister Cassandra that year:"Finally,here comes the day that i will have to say good-bye to Lefroy.All is over when you get this letter.I can't help weeping once thinking of these."Later,Lefroy married an eminent lady as they wished,and became the chief judge of the Supreme Judicial Court in Ireland.He didnot told his nephew frankly that when he was young he had fell in love with a writter ,until his old age.
As the puppy love was ended in forced broke-up manner,Austin decided to remain unmarried all her life,and poured all her unfinished emotion into literature creation.The social status of "The House of Love " soared and encouraged her to be one of the most popular female writter in British history though the puppy love didnot make her being the Mrs. Lefroy.Ray has said,"that is him who told her she possesses talent,who encourages her to pursue her own dream by writting.Although they are not together,this puppy love inspires her to be the professional writter.."
2012-03-27 · TA获得超过4987个赞
In 1796, at the age of 20, eph Austin meet Roy. To this smart puppy love her cunning of Irish young lawyers love at first sight. However, the Austin family pastor hope future son-in-law have economic strength, and then put the le Roy are still a poor boy. And has six children le eph Roy house is also determined to marriage of the house of riches and honour, therefore, ask Michael put Roy return to Ireland. From now on two people will not meet again. That year, Austin in the sister Cassandra letter expressed but sad: "finally, the day has finally arrived, I will be with Tom Taylor put Roy farewell. And when you received this letter, everything is over. A thought of these, I can not help the tears flow." Later, le eph Roy, like family members would wish to marry a good family, also be the Irish Supreme Court chief justice. Until later in life, he was admitted to the nephew, have had with a writer had a "young love.
First love was forced to break up to an end, and Austin choose lifelong don't marry, and will all the outstanding emotion into literature. "Love hut" is worth soared this relationship has not let Austin, eph become Mrs. Roy, but encouraged her to become a British history of one of the most popular writer. "Is he told her, her talent. Is he encouraged her in writing to follow his ideas. Although they have no together, but this relationship has inspired her to become a professional writer." Ray said.
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2012-03-28 · TA获得超过183个赞
hello i cant type chinese but i can read chinese im in new york Manhattan sooo well i hope u like it :)
In 1796, when Austin meet Roy.when she was 20. she fall in love with that young and smart lawyer--Roy , but austin family pastor hope future son have best economic strength .but at that time, roy are still a poor boy .And roy family has six children they also want determined to marriage of the riches familys and honour, therefore, they ask Roy return to Ireland.since that moment they never meet each other anymore. in that year, austin in sister cassandra letter expressed sad: "finally, the day has finally arrived, I will be with Tom Roy farewell. And when you received this letter, everything is over. A thought of these, I can not help the tears flow of my eyes"Later, Roy just like family members would wish to marry a good good , also be the Irish Supreme Court chief justice. Until later in life, he was admitted to the nephew, had with a writer had a "young love"
her First love was forced to break up to the end, and austin choose lifelong don't get marry, and all the outstanding emotion into literature writer."Love hut" is soared in this relationship has not let austin to become Mrs. Roy, but encouraged her to decide become a history in england of one of the most popular writer. "Is he told her, that she has talent. he also encouraged her in writing to follow your own thoughts. even they not be with each other, but in this relationship have inspired her to became a professional writer. " roy said.

hope u lyk it thx :)
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