Nowdays,more and more people espelly children enjoy watching cartoons.“Tom and Jerry”,a very humorous cartoons which is popular among students.
The leading actor in this cartoon is a mouse named Jarry and acat named Tom.The cat is so foolish that always tricked by the mouse in many strange ways.There are some other minor roles such as Spike and Saint Bernard,two lovely dogs.When Jerry is in trouble,Saint always helps him.
This cartoon is full of humor.So people always can't help laughing when they are watching this cartoon.I think watching cartoons is a good way to relax ourselves.
Nowdays,more and more people espelly children enjoy watching cartoons.“Tom and Jerry”,a very humorous cartoons which is popular among students.
The leading actor in this cartoon is a mouse named Jarry and acat named Tom.The cat is so foolish that always tricked by the mouse in many strange ways.There are some other minor roles such as Spike and Saint Bernard,two lovely dogs.When Jerry is in trouble,Saint always helps him.
This cartoon is full of humor.So people always can't help laughing when they are watching this cartoon.I think watching cartoons is a good way to relax ourselves.