fluent 欧拉模型第二相体积分数如何设置?
1) Select the phase (e.g., phase-2) in the Phase list.
2) Click Set..., and the Secondary Phase panel (Figure 3) will open.
Figure 3: The Secondary Phase Panel for a Non-Granular Phase
3) In the Secondary Phase panel, enter a Name for the phase.
4) Specify which material the phase contains by choosing the appropriate material in the Phase Material drop-down list.
5) Define the material properties for the Phase Material, following the same procedure you used to set the material
properties for the primary phase.
6) In the Secondary Phase panel, specify the Diameter of the bubbles or droplets of this phase.
You can specify a
constant value, or use a user-defined function. See the separate UDF Manual for details about user-defined functions.
7) Click OK in the Secondary Phase panel.