Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Option1.Value = True Then
Text3.Text = Val(Text1.Text) + Val(Text2.Text)
ElseIf Option2.Value = True Then
Text3.Text = Val(Text1.Text) - Val(Text2.Text)
ElseIf Option3.Value = True Then
Text3.Text = Val(Text1.Text) * Val(Text2.Text)
ElseIf Option4.Value = True Then
Text3.Text = Val(Text1.Text) / Val(Text2.Text)
End If
End Sub
2024-09-19 广告
2024-09-19 广告
随着AI技术的飞速发展,如今市面上涌现了许多实用易操作的AI生成工具1、简介:AiPPT: 这款AI工具智能理解用户输入的主题,提供“AI智能生成”和“导入本地大纲”的选项,生成的PPT内容丰富多样,可自由编辑和添加元素,图表类型包括柱状图...
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim a As Single, b As String, c As Single, d As Single
a = Text1.Text
b = Text2.Text
c = Text3.Text
If b = "+" Then
d = a + c
ElseIf b = "-" Then
d = a - c
ElseIf b = "*" Then
d = a * c
ElseIf b = "/" And c = 0 Then
MsgBox "除数不能为零"
ElseIf b = "/" Then
d = a / c
ElseIf b = "^" Then
d = a ^ c
ElseIf b = "\" And c = 0 Then
MsgBox "除数不能为零"
ElseIf b = "\" Then
d = a \ c
ElseIf b = "mod" Then
d = a Mod c
End If
Text4.Text = d
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1.Text = " "
Text2.Text = " "
Text3.Text = " "
Text4.Text = " "
End Sub
看着改改 不用的运算符就删掉
Dim a As Single, b As String, c As Single, d As Single
a = Text1.Text
b = Text2.Text
c = Text3.Text
If b = "+" Then
d = a + c
ElseIf b = "-" Then
d = a - c
ElseIf b = "*" Then
d = a * c
ElseIf b = "/" And c = 0 Then
MsgBox "除数不能为零"
ElseIf b = "/" Then
d = a / c
ElseIf b = "^" Then
d = a ^ c
ElseIf b = "\" And c = 0 Then
MsgBox "除数不能为零"
ElseIf b = "\" Then
d = a \ c
ElseIf b = "mod" Then
d = a Mod c
End If
Text4.Text = d
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1.Text = " "
Text2.Text = " "
Text3.Text = " "
Text4.Text = " "
End Sub
看着改改 不用的运算符就删掉