• 2007年世界禁毒日主题:控制毒品
2007年:控制毒品。此次行动的目标是:提高民众意识和获取社会各界对毒品控制的支持。行动的口号是:“毒品控制你的生活了吗?你的生活,你的社区,拒绝毒品。”今年我国的宣传主题仍然为“参与禁毒斗争,构建和谐社会”。国家禁毒委员会要求各地立足于我国的实际情况和宣传主题,结合联合国的宣传主题,积极组织开展禁毒宣传教育活动,切实掀起 “6•3”虎门硝烟纪念日至“6•26”国际禁毒日期间的宣传高潮,营造良好的禁毒人民战争舆论氛围。
认识毒品 展开
2007年:控制毒品。此次行动的目标是:提高民众意识和获取社会各界对毒品控制的支持。行动的口号是:“毒品控制你的生活了吗?你的生活,你的社区,拒绝毒品。”今年我国的宣传主题仍然为“参与禁毒斗争,构建和谐社会”。国家禁毒委员会要求各地立足于我国的实际情况和宣传主题,结合联合国的宣传主题,积极组织开展禁毒宣传教育活动,切实掀起 “6•3”虎门硝烟纪念日至“6•26”国际禁毒日期间的宣传高潮,营造良好的禁毒人民战争舆论氛围。
认识毒品 展开
In 2007 the world endures narcotics dau the subject: Control narcotics
In 2007: Control narcotics. This motion goal is: Raises thepublic awareness and the gain society from all walks of life to thenarcotic control support. The motion slogan is: "The narcotics havecontrolled your life? Your life, your community, rejection narcotics."This year our country propaganda subject still was "participates inthe suppressing drug struggle, constructs the harmonious society". Thecountry suppresses drug the committee to request each place to base onour country actual situation and the propaganda subject, unifies theUnited Nations the propaganda subject, the positive organizationcarries out suppressing drug propaganda education, practically raises"63" the tiger gate gunsmoke commemoration day to "626" theinternational suppressing drug date period propaganda high tide,builds the good suppressing drug people's war public opinionatmosphere.
Knows the narcotics
In 2007: Control narcotics. This motion goal is: Raises thepublic awareness and the gain society from all walks of life to thenarcotic control support. The motion slogan is: "The narcotics havecontrolled your life? Your life, your community, rejection narcotics."This year our country propaganda subject still was "participates inthe suppressing drug struggle, constructs the harmonious society". Thecountry suppresses drug the committee to request each place to base onour country actual situation and the propaganda subject, unifies theUnited Nations the propaganda subject, the positive organizationcarries out suppressing drug propaganda education, practically raises"63" the tiger gate gunsmoke commemoration day to "626" theinternational suppressing drug date period propaganda high tide,builds the good suppressing drug people's war public opinionatmosphere.
Knows the narcotics