
各位帮一下忙,要八年级下册英语每个单元的重点。分成Topic1,Topic2这样详细一点。感激不尽。... 各位帮一下忙,要八年级下册英语每个单元的重点。分成Topic1,Topic2这样详细一点。感激不尽。 展开
2012-04-12 · TA获得超过1560个赞
Unit 4
1.看肥皂剧watch soap operas
2.举行一次惊喜晚会have a surprise party
3.在周五晚上on Friday night
4.生某人的气be mad at sb
5.首先first of all
6.做课外家庭作业do a homework project
7.递给某人某物pass sb sth=pass sth to sb
=pass on sth to sb=pass sth on to sb
8.在公共汽车站at the bus stop
9.理应做某事be supposed to do
10.擅长be good at=do well in
11.很抱歉做某事be sorry to do sth
12.感冒have/catch a cold
13.身体健康be in good health
14.一次期末考试an end-of-year exam
15.在某事方面感到费劲have a hard time with
16.做某事很吃惊be surprised to do
17.捎去某人的问候send one’s love
18.到现在为止for now
19.抄袭别人的家庭作业copy others’ homework
20.传些口信pass on some messages
21.大打一架have a big fight
22.忘记去做某事forget to do
23.养成一个坏习惯start a bad habit
24.克服get over
change one’s life=change the life of sb
26.在一个贫困的山村in a poor mountain village
27.听起来像sound like
a Peking University graduate
29.一个为期一年的计划a one-year program
30.由…发起be started by
31.教育部the Ministry of Education
32.派人去做某事send sb to do
be a new experience for sb
34.海拔2000米2000 meters above sea level
35.使某人觉得恶心make sb feel sick
36.经历不同的事experience different things
open up one’s eyes to the outside world
give sb a good start in life
be a good influence in one’s life
40.关爱地球母亲care for “Mother Earth”
41.无国界医生Doctors Without Borders
42.濒危野生动物wild animals in danger
43.处于危险之中be in danger
44.脱离危险be out of danger
Unit 5
1.去参加晚会go to the party
2.玩得高兴have a great time
3.让某人进let in
4.备考study for one’s test
5.一半的同学half the class
6.岁末晚会end of year party
7.穿牛仔裤wear jeans
8.把…拿走take away
9.在晚会期间during the party
10.校大扫除school clean-up
11.儿童医院探视Children’s Hospital visit
12.环球旅行travel around the world
13.获得教育get an education
14.足球代理人professional soccer player
15.谋生make a living
16.似乎seem like sth/doing sth
17.梦想的职业dream job
18.捐给慈善机构give…to charity
19.一直all the time
20.受伤get injured
21.很难做某事have a difficult/hard time
22.实际上in fact
23.能够be able to/can
24.手机mobile phone
25.与某人度过时光spend time with sb

Unit 6
1.收集贝壳collect shells
2.滑冰马拉松skating marathon
3.你第一双滑冰鞋your first pair of skates
4.募捐raise money
5.整整五小时the whole five hours
6.三年半three and a half years
7.填充动物玩具stuffed animals
8.妖怪雪球snow glob of the monster
9.用光run out of
10.在我十七岁生日时on my seventeenth birthday
11.顺便说一下by the way
12.最常见的the most common
13.送某人某物send sb sth
14.才艺表演a talent show
15.额外的英语课extra Englsih class
16.古币old coins
17.自由话题free topic
18.想起think of
19.著名人物famous characters
20.黑龙江省会the capital of Heilongjiang Province
21.具有丰富多彩的历史with a colorful history
22.欧洲的影响European influence
23.苏联风格in Russian style
24.家史family history
25.惊奇be surprised
26.受到…的欢迎be welcomed by
27.宋朝皇帝the Song Emperor
28.西方历史western history
29.越…越the+比较级…the +比较
30.确信be certain that/to do

Unit 7
1.介意做某事mind doing sth
2.调小/大turn down/up
3.洗餐具do the dishes
4.从…里出来get out of
5.立即right away/at once
6.一会儿in a minute
7.在开会be at the meeting
8.完成这些工作finish these tasks
9.在厨房里in the kitchen
10.帮某人做某事help sb do/with sth
11.抱怨complain about sth
12.商店职员store clerk
13.给你拿错了食品bring you the wrong food
14.不好使don’t work
15.恼怒get annoyed
16.排队等候wait in line
have a long telephone conversation
18.到处跟着我follow me around
19.回到…go back to
20.一直all the time
21.碰巧发生在某人身上happen to sb
22.试着不做某事try not to do sth
23.插队cut in line
24.有点晚a bit late
25.定购食物order food
26.压低你的声音keep your voice down
27.讲英语的国家English-speaking country
28.社会行为social behavior
29.与某人站的近stand close to sb
30.一些亚洲国家some Asian countries
31.在各种条件下in all situations
32.即使even if
33.当众in public
34.小心take care to do sth
35.熄灭香烟put out the cigarette
36.被批评be criticized
37.扔垃圾drop litter
38.捡起pick up
39.表现礼貌behave politely
40.依靠depend on
41.地方报纸local newspaper

Unit 8
1.幸运儿lucky guy
2.做一顿特别的饭make a special meal
3.你自己的选择your own choices
4.大腹便便的猪a pot-bellied pig
5.好伙伴good company
6.带某人出去take sb out to do
7.睡着fall asleep
8.半途中half way
9.树上的一片叶子a leaf from a tree
10.赠送give away
11.公园长椅park bench
12.试着做某事try to do sth
13.通过不同的方式in different ways
14.来自于中国各地from across China
15.在舞台上on stage
16.各种年龄层all age groups
17.鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth
18.取得进步make progress
19.奥委会the Olympic Committee
20.从…中得到乐趣have fun with sth
21.讲本族语的人native speakers
22.使某要对某事感兴趣make sb interested in
2012-04-12 · TA获得超过3341个赞
Unit 4
1. have a surprise party 举办一个惊喜派对
2. be mad at/with sb. for sth. 因为某事对某人发火
be mad about/on sth./sb. 对某事/某人很着迷
3. not … anymore = not … any more = no more 不再
4.first of all 首先
5. pass ( on ) sth. to sb. 把某物递给某人
pass on (代词放中间)
6. work on 从事
7. be supposed to = should 应该
8. be good/better/best at 擅长于…
do well/better/best in
9. report card 成绩单
10.the disappointing result 令人失望的结果
11. this semester 本学期
12. How’s it going? 你好吗?
How goes it?
How are things going?
13. be in good/poor/bad/ill health 健康状况好/不好/糟糕/病着
14. end of year exams 期末考
15. get/be nervous of sth./doing sth. 对某事/做某事感到紧张
16. have a hard time with sth. 在某事上/做某事处境困难
doing sth.
17. It’s just that… 这只是由于…
18. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事
doing sth. 忘记做过某事
19. get over 克服
20. for now 至今为止
21. open up 打开
22. care for 照顾

1. true 符合客观事实的(人和事)
really 真实存在的(人和事)
2. be sure that 确信…
3. I don’t think (that)… 我不认为…(否定前置)
1. The object clause
⑴ 引导词:that —— 引导陈述句,在句中可省略;
if,whether ——引导一般疑问句,可相互替换(从句中出现or not时只能使用whether);
wh-,h- —— 引导特殊疑问句。
主句 从句
一般现在时 各种时态
一般过去时 相应的过去时态
⑵ 时态:

⑶ 语序:引导词后加陈述句语序
“主句 + 引导词 + 从句主语 + 从句谓语 + 其他”
2. Direct Speech and Reported Speech
⑷ 人称和所有格:“ 一主,二宾,三不变 ”
⑸ 状语与动词
Unit 5
1. have a great time 过得很愉快
2. wear jeans 穿牛仔裤
3. let sb. in/out/by 让某人进来/出去/过去
4. be late for 迟到
5. be sorry (that)… 感到遗憾
6. organize sth. for … 为…组织某事
7. half (of) the class 半班
8. take away… 把…拿走、没收
bring sth. to … 把某物带来…
take sth. from … 从…把某物带走
9. Why not? 为什么不呢?
10. clean up 收拾干净
11. make a lot of money 挣许多钱
12. be famous for… 因…而出名
be famous as… 因作为…而出名
13. join = take part in 参加
14. a professional athlete 职业运动员
15. get injured 受伤
16. a great chance 一次好机会
17. all the time 一直
18. around the world = all over the world 全世界
19. make a living (by) doing sth. 做某事谋生
20. complain about sth. 抱怨某事
21. decide to do sth. 决定去做某事
22. in order to do sth. 以便、为了
that + 目的状语从句 = so that
in order 整齐、有条理、正常
23. talk on the phone 讲电话
1.too much + 不可数名词
too many + 可数名词
much too + 形容词
against 反对、与…相反、与…对抗
argue against 抵制
1. The Conditional Adverbial Clause
unless:除非 = if… not…,….
Eg. We will have a meeting tomorrow if Mr. Gao doesn’t leave for Shanghai.
= We will have a meeting tomorrow unless Mr. Gao leaves for Shanghai.

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