
藏族本土文化原本是位于雅鲁藏布江流域中部雅砻河谷的吐蕃文化和位于青藏高原西部的古象雄文化逐渐交融而形成的。到了公元七世纪松赞干布时期,佛教从中原、印度、尼泊尔传入吐蕃,逐... 藏族本土文化原本是位于雅鲁藏布江流域中部雅砻河谷的吐蕃文化和位于青藏高原西部的古象雄文化逐渐交融而形成的。到了公元七世纪松赞干布时期,佛教从中原、印度、尼泊尔传入吐蕃,逐渐形成和发展为独具特色的藏传佛教。与此同时,南亚的印度、尼泊尔文化以及西亚的波斯文化、阿拉伯文化等,特别是中原的汉文化,对西藏文化的发展产生了较大的影响。在西藏文化的历史发展过程中,藏族建筑艺术和雕塑、绘画、装饰、工艺美术等造型艺术以及音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、语言文字、书面文学、民间文学、藏医藏药、天文历算均达到了很高的水平。
Tibetan native culture was originally located in the Brahmaputra River in centralValley Tibetan culture and Tibetan Plateau in the western part ofcultural exchanges gradually formed. By the seventh centuryperiod, the Buddhist from central China, India, Nepal imported Tubo, gradually formed and developed for the unique Tibetan Buddhism. At the same time, South Asia, India, Nepal and the culture of the Persian Culture in Western Asia, the Arab culture, in particular the Central Plains of Han culture, the development of Tibetan culture have had a greater impact. In the history of Tibetan culture in the course of development, the Tibetan architectural art and sculpture, painting, decoration, arts and crafts, and other plastic arts, as well as music, dance, drama, language, writing literature, folk literature, Tibetan medicine and pharmacology, mathematical astronomy are reached very high levels.
The state respects and safeguards the people of all nationalities in Tibet, particularly the majority of Tibetan people in accordance with their traditional customs of daily life and social activities of the rights, respect and protect them in accordance with their intentions to carry out normal religious worship activities and major religious and civil Festival freedom. At the same time, some of the feudal serf system and the accompanying decadent, backward, contempt for the masses of the old labor practices, with social progress and development has been discarded by the masses, which reflect both the Tibetan people to modern civilization, the pursuit of healthy living also Tibetan culture in the new era of continuous progress in a performance. Tibetan people while maintaining Tibetan dress, diet, housing and style of the traditional way at the same time, clothing, food, weddings and funerals all has absorbed a lot of new modern cultural practices, has greatly enriched the life of the Tibetan people. The annual festival of the masses throughout the assembly, established a large number of traditional festivals, such as Lhasa, the Tibetan New Year, Sakadawa Festival, Pillar Fruit Festival, Shoton, bathed Festival, Butter Lamp Festival, Bathing Festival, and far Sang Festival, Burning恰钦Festival, Jockey Club outside Lhasa and other parts of the various festivals, as well as many monasteries of religious festivals, Tashilhunpo什莫钦布Festival of Ganden Monastery Festival, the Samye Monastery of the Collecting Sutras and Religious Dance Festival, July Vajra Festival of the Sagya Monastery, the monastery tree streamer rod section, the Reting Monastery Pago mussels唐郭Festival, and so on, have national and even global emerging festive gatherings, such as the March 8 Women Day, Labor Day, the Youth Day, June 1 Children's Day, the national holiday, etc. 11. Modern civilization of new ideas, new culture and the excellent traditional Tibetan culture combine to form a Tibetan ethnic characteristics have established a new spirit of the times customs, and new habits.
The famous "King Gesar Biography" is the long history of the Tibetan people in the long process of the creation of a valuable long heroic epic of the Chinese and the world in the treasure trove of rare literary treasures, but it has been through oral folk rap artists spread. In order to protect the Tibetan people's cultural treasures, the Tibet Autonomous Region in 1979 set up a rescue, collating, "King Gesar Biography" specialized agencies, a comprehensive collection,采录, collating, research and publication work. The state will "Gesar" included in the "June 5", "July 5", the "Eighth Five" three five-year plans of key scientific research projects. After 20 years of efforts, a total collection of Tibetan manuscripts, woodcut of the nearly 300, removed from the text of about 100, has been officially published Tibetan version of more than 70 Division, with a total print run of more than 300 million copies, making this long-fragmented disseminated oral literature into a complete system, known as "the king of the world epic" literary masterpiece. At the same time also published more than 20 Translation of this, and a number of species into English, Japanese, French publication. This Tibetan Folk Art Heritage in the protection and the publication of history are unprecedented.
Tibetan native culture was originally located in the Brahmaputra River in central雅砻河Valley Tibetan culture and Tibetan Plateau in the western part of xiang xiongcultural exchanges gradually formed. By the seventh century Song Zan Gan BUperiod, the Buddhist from central China, India, Nepal imported Tubo, gradually formed and developed for the unique Tibetan Buddhism. At the same time, South Asia, India, Nepal and the culture of the Persian Culture in Western Asia, the Arab culture, in particular the Central Plains of Han culture, the development of Tibetan culture have had a greater impact. In the history of Tibetan culture in the course of development, the Tibetan architectural art and sculpture, painting, decoration, arts and crafts, and other plastic arts, as well as music, dance, drama, language, writing literature, folk literature, Tibetan medicine and pharmacology, mathematical astronomy are reached very high levels.
The state respects and safeguards the people of all nationalities in Tibet, particularly the majority of Tibetan people in accordance with their traditional customs of daily life and social activities of the rights, respect and protect them in accordance with their intentions to carry out normal religious worship activities and major religious and civil Festival freedom. At the same time, some of the feudal serf system and the accompanying decadent, backward, contempt for the masses of the old labor practices, with social progress and development has been discarded by the masses, which reflect both the Tibetan people to modern civilization, the pursuit of healthy living also Tibetan culture in the new era of continuous progress in a performance. Tibetan people while maintaining Tibetan dress, diet, housing and style of the traditional way at the same time, clothing, food, weddings and funerals all has absorbed a lot of new modern cultural practices, has greatly enriched the life of the Tibetan people. The annual festival of the masses throughout the assembly, established a large number of traditional festivals, such as Lhasa, the Tibetan New Year, Sakadawa Festival, Pillar Fruit Festival, Shoton, bathed Festival, Butter Lamp Festival, Bathing Festival, and far Sang Festival, Burning恰钦Festival, Jockey Club outside Lhasa and other parts of the various festivals, as well as many monasteries of religious festivals, Tashilhunpo Shi Mo Qin Bu Festival of Ganden Monastery Festival, the Samye Monastery of the Collecting Sutras and Religious Dance Festival, July Vajra Festival of the Sagya Monastery, the monastery tree streamer rod section, the Reting Monastery Pago mussels Tang Guo Festival, and so on, have national and even global emerging festive gatherings, such as the March 8 Women Day, Labor Day, the Youth Day, June 1 Children's Day, the national holiday, etc. 11. Modern civilization of new ideas, new culture and the excellent traditional Tibetan culture combine to form a Tibetan ethnic characteristics have established a new spirit of the times customs, and new habits.
The famous "King Gesar Biography" is the long history of the Tibetan people in the long process of the creation of a valuable long heroic epic of the Chinese and the world in the treasure trove of rare literary treasures, but it has been through oral folk rap artists spread. In order to protect the Tibetan people's cultural treasures, the Tibet Autonomous Region in 1979 set up a rescue, collating, "King Gesar Biography" specialized agencies, a comprehensive collection,cailu, collating, research and publication work. The state will "Gesar" included in the "June 5", "July 5", the "Eighth Five" three five-year plans of key scientific research projects. After 20 years of efforts, a total collection of Tibetan manuscripts, woodcut of the nearly 300, removed from the text of about 100, has been officially published Tibetan version of more than 70 Division, with a total print run of more than 300 million copies, making this long-fragmented disseminated oral literature into a complete system, known as "the king of the world epic" literary masterpiece. At the same time also published more than 20 Translation of this, and a number of species into English, Japanese, French publication. This Tibetan Folk Art Heritage in the protection and the publication of history are unprecedented.
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