Da Lian City is located in Eurasia east bank , East Liaoning Peninsula holds Chinese northeast
China most in the south, east be close to the Huanghai Sea , the west face the Bohai Sea , be
separated by marine facies with Shan Dong Peninsula taking a look at in the south, the north leans
on vast Northeast China Plain. Be northeast China , North China , east China and the world
everywhere sea door , be important harbour , trade , industry , tour city. The whole city always
covers an area of 12574 square kilometers , old urban districts among them cover an area of 2415
square kilometers. Area inner fields on a hill hills is many , plain down land is few, the entire
landform is that height south the north is low , width south the north is narrow; The physical
feature of a place tilts by central authority axis yellow , the Bohai Sea to southeast and
northwest two flanks , long on one side of being geared to the needs of the Huanghai Sea but slow.
Chang Bai mountain is that thousand mountain mountain chain spare time pulse passes through this
area from north to south , most are fields on a hill and experience erode but able low slow hills
for a long time, only a small amount plain down land distribution enters the sea place and a little
intermountain valley in river; What karst topography gets along is visible , karst general
configuration of the earth's surface and abrasion geomorphy develop comparatively.
Da Lian City is located in Eurasia east bank , East Liaoning Peninsula holds Chinese northeast
China most in the south, east be close to the Huanghai Sea , the west face the Bohai Sea , be
separated by marine facies with Shan Dong Peninsula taking a look at in the south, the north leans
on vast Northeast China Plain. Be northeast China , North China , east China and the world
everywhere sea door , be important harbour , trade , industry , tour city. The whole city always
covers an area of 12574 square kilometers , old urban districts among them cover an area of 2415
square kilometers. Area inner fields on a hill hills is many , plain down land is few, the entire
landform is that height south the north is low , width south the north is narrow; The physical
feature of a place tilts by central authority axis yellow , the Bohai Sea to southeast and
northwest two flanks , long on one side of being geared to the needs of the Huanghai Sea but slow.
Chang Bai mountain is that thousand mountain mountain chain spare time pulse passes through this
area from north to south , most are fields on a hill and experience erode but able low slow hills
for a long time, only a small amount plain down land distribution enters the sea place and a little
intermountain valley in river; What karst topography gets along is visible , karst general
configuration of the earth's surface and abrasion geomorphy develop comparatively.