If the first season was a bright-eyed childhood, the second season of Kyle XY was an awkward adolescence: Matt Dallas, who had excelled at playing an naive innocent, seemed less comfortable playing the confused teenager being constantly tested by Tom Foss, a troubled fellow clone, and the evil manipulations of Madacorp. Now, in season 3, Kyle is facing the future with a stern eye and a confident stance, and so, too, is Matt Dallas, who turns in one of his steadiest performances on the show.
Alongside him Jaimie Alexander, as Jessi, still seems--at least potentially--as much a hindrance as a partner. This makes sense for her character, since she lacks the solid foundation that came from being "raised" by the kindly Tragers. But Jessi's lip-quivering hasn't gotten any more pleasant. Still, Jessi has solidified her loyalties, and, though she's more brutal than Kyle, she's determined to stand by him. There's a potential love interest in hunky Cassidy (Hal Ozsen), but he's clearly another future heartbreak for Jessi.
Of course, Kyle XY has always been half about the mundane teen issues being faced by the Trager kids. Josh (Jean-Luc Bilodeau), who started out as the bratty kid brother, has matured as a result of his developing relationship with Andy (Magda Apanowicz), and Bilodeau is developing as an actor as well; but the storyline around Lori (April Matson) has slipped back into well-worn "I'm not dating Declan" territory. There is a twist of sorts related to this in the episode, but the Lori/Declan yes/no/maybe thing is not the freshest subplot on the show.
Ultimately season 3 of Kyle XY will succeed or fail based on what his confrontation with Latnok, and the ensuing troubles that forces on his relationships with Amanda and the Tragers, teach him about being a man and a hero instead of a boy and a hero in training.
Alongside him Jaimie Alexander, as Jessi, still seems--at least potentially--as much a hindrance as a partner. This makes sense for her character, since she lacks the solid foundation that came from being "raised" by the kindly Tragers. But Jessi's lip-quivering hasn't gotten any more pleasant. Still, Jessi has solidified her loyalties, and, though she's more brutal than Kyle, she's determined to stand by him. There's a potential love interest in hunky Cassidy (Hal Ozsen), but he's clearly another future heartbreak for Jessi.
Of course, Kyle XY has always been half about the mundane teen issues being faced by the Trager kids. Josh (Jean-Luc Bilodeau), who started out as the bratty kid brother, has matured as a result of his developing relationship with Andy (Magda Apanowicz), and Bilodeau is developing as an actor as well; but the storyline around Lori (April Matson) has slipped back into well-worn "I'm not dating Declan" territory. There is a twist of sorts related to this in the episode, but the Lori/Declan yes/no/maybe thing is not the freshest subplot on the show.
Ultimately season 3 of Kyle XY will succeed or fail based on what his confrontation with Latnok, and the ensuing troubles that forces on his relationships with Amanda and the Tragers, teach him about being a man and a hero instead of a boy and a hero in training.