Adobe Premiere Pro cs4 无法导出视频啊!!!!!!
没管它 然后设置好后进入ME 点击开始列队 然后就不行了。。。。后面呢个该死的黄色小三角就出来 下为错误报告。。。。
- 源文件: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\未命名_5.prproj
- 输出文件: C:\Users\user\Desktop\序列 01.m2v
- 使用的预设:1440 x 1080i 25 高品质
- 视频:
- 音频:
- 比特率:
- 编码时间: 00:44:44
2012/4/18 15:19:22 : 编码失败
来个大神帮帮忙啊 ME的版本是 展开
Close all Adobe applications.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. (If you installed Premiere Pro CS4 in a location other than the default of C:\Program Files\Adobe, then navigate to your custom installation location.)
Right-click on Adobe Premiere Pro.exe (which might appear without the .exe extension) and choose Create Shortcut.
Rename the newly created shortcut to just Premiere.
Important: The name of the shortcut must be exactly Premiere with no other characters.
Open a second Windows Explorer window, and navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\dynamiclink.
Move the Premiere shortcut that you created into the dynamiclink folder.
创建一个Premiere Pro.exe的快捷方式,重命名该快捷方式为Premiere,然后将此快捷方式移到C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\dynamiclink文件夹下。
Do one or both of the following solutions:
Solution 1: Create a shortcut to the Premiere Pro executable file, rename the shortcut to Premiere, and move the shortcut to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\dynamiclink.