: The villain in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. It does not seem to be a villain. It is not very 5
翻译: The villain in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide.
It does not seem to be a villain. It is not very poisonous and it is present
in the atmosphere in so small a quantity — only 0.034 percent — that it does
us no harm. What’s more, that small quantity of carbon dioxide in the air is essential to
life. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into their own tissue, which
serve as the basic food supply for all of animal life (including human beings,
of course). In the process they liberate oxygen, which is also necessary for
all animal life. But here is what this apparently harmless and certainly essential gas is doing to us: The sea level is rising very slowly from year to year. In all likelihood, it
will continue to rise and do so at a greater rate in the course of the next
hundred years. 大学英语精读 第三版第二册 Unit5 全文地址 求全文
http://wenwen.soso.com/z/q175307516.htm 展开
It does not seem to be a villain. It is not very poisonous and it is present
in the atmosphere in so small a quantity — only 0.034 percent — that it does
us no harm. What’s more, that small quantity of carbon dioxide in the air is essential to
life. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into their own tissue, which
serve as the basic food supply for all of animal life (including human beings,
of course). In the process they liberate oxygen, which is also necessary for
all animal life. But here is what this apparently harmless and certainly essential gas is doing to us: The sea level is rising very slowly from year to year. In all likelihood, it
will continue to rise and do so at a greater rate in the course of the next
hundred years. 大学英语精读 第三版第二册 Unit5 全文地址 求全文
http://wenwen.soso.com/z/q175307516.htm 展开