场景: 汤姆想在校外租一套公寓,因为同寝室的一个室友爱玩游戏,特别吵闹。于是他在报纸上找到一条信息,并和房东李先生联系上,电话预约之后两人一同看房,最终成交。
(李先生需要在介绍过程中提到:房子坐北朝南,位于8楼,3室一厅,1厨2卫,配有基本家具,宽带接口,有线电视,并有空调,热水器,洗衣机,冰箱等家电。房租每月1200元,需要1000元押金,并告知汤姆双方共同签订一份合同。) 展开
(李先生需要在介绍过程中提到:房子坐北朝南,位于8楼,3室一厅,1厨2卫,配有基本家具,宽带接口,有线电视,并有空调,热水器,洗衣机,冰箱等家电。房租每月1200元,需要1000元押金,并告知汤姆双方共同签订一份合同。) 展开
Tom:Is that Mr.lee?I’m Tom ,I want to see your house which rentalling.
Lee:Ok,we can go there on Saturday morning.
Tom:Morning Mr.Lee!I very need to rental your house,because one of my Roommates play the net swims,too noisy for me.
Lee:Welcome,Tom!My house very conform to your requirement,it is on the eighth floor,look south,have three rooms、a living room、two toilets and a Kitchen, inside there are Broadband interface、TV、Air conditioner、Water heater、Washing machine and Refrigerator.
Tom:Great!Fit for me!How much?
Lee:1200 Ruan/a month, deposit 1000 Ruan,and certainly we need a contract.
Tom:Ok!We can sign the contract now.
Lee: Trading successes!Here is the key,live happily!
Tom:Thank you Mr.Lee!
Tom:Is that Mr.lee?I’m Tom ,I want to see your house which rentalling.
Lee:Ok,we can go there on Saturday morning.
Tom:Morning Mr.Lee!I very need to rental your house,because one of my Roommates play the net swims,too noisy for me.
Lee:Welcome,Tom!My house very conform to your requirement,it is on the eighth floor,look south,have three rooms、a living room、two toilets and a Kitchen, inside there are Broadband interface、TV、Air conditioner、Water heater、Washing machine and Refrigerator.
Tom:Great!Fit for me!How much?
Lee:1200 Ruan/a month, deposit 1000 Ruan,and certainly we need a contract.
Tom:Ok!We can sign the contract now.
Lee: Trading successes!Here is the key,live happily!
Tom:Thank you Mr.Lee!