另外,汇编语言,编译工具是A51,开始就出现,不是后面的语法问题! 展开
另外,汇编语言,编译工具是A51,开始就出现,不是后面的语法问题! 展开
A51中$可以调用一些指定的控制指令,例如文件的调用$include (c8051f040.inc)
CASE Primary Enables case-sensitive symbol names.
COND General Includes (in the listing file) conditional source lines skipped by the preprocessor.
DATE Primary Specifies the date to use in the listing file header.
DEBUG Primary Includes debugging information in the object file.
DEFINE Primary Defines C preprocessor symbols on the command line.
ECRM Primary Allow expansion of generic CALL instruction to ECALL for the NXP 80C51MX devices.
EJECT1 General Inserts a form feed character into the listing file.
ELSE General Assemble block if the condition of a previous IF is false.
ELSEIF General Assemble block if condition is true and a previous IF or ELSEIF is false.
ENDIF General Ends an IF block.
ERRORPRINT Primary Specifies the file name for error messages.
GEN General Includes all macro expansions in the listing file.
IF General Assemble block if condition is true.
INCDIR Primary Sets additional include file paths.
INCLUDE2 General Includes the contents of another file.
LIST General Includes the assembly source text in the listing file.
MACRO Primary Enables preprocessor expansion of standard macros.
MOD_CONT Primary Enables 24-bit contiguous addressing for Dallas Semiconductor devices.
MOD_MX51 Primary Enables instruction set extensions for the NXP 80C51MX architecture.
MOD51 Primary Enables code generation and defines SFRs for classic 8051 devices.
MPL Primary Enables preprocessor expansion of MPL macros.
NOAMAKE Primary Excludes build information from the object file.
NOCASE Primary Disables case-sensitive symbol names. All symbols are converted to uppercase.
NOCOND Primary Excludes (from the listing file) conditional source lines skipped by the preprocessor.
NODEBUG Primary Excludes debugging information from the object file.
NOERRORPRINT Primary Disables error messages output to the screen.
NOGEN General Excludes macro expansions from the listing file.
NOLINES Primary Excludes line number information from the generated object module.
NOLIST General Excludes the assembly source text from the listing file.
NOMACRO Primary Disables preprocessor expansion of standard and MPL macros.
NOMOD51 Primary Suppresses SFRs definitions for classic 8051 devices
NOMPL Primary Disables preprocessor expansion of MPL macros.
NOOBJECT Primary Disables object file generation.
NOPRINT Primary Disables listing file generation.
NOREGISTERBANK Primary Disables memory space reservation for register banks.
NOSYMBOLS Primary Excludes the symbol table from the listing file.
NOSYMLIST General Excludes subsequently defined symbols from the symbol table.
NOXREF Primary Excludes the cross-reference table from the listing file.
OBJECT Primary Specifies the name for the object file.
PAGELENGTH Primary Specifies the number of lines on a page in the listing file.
PAGEWIDTH Primary Specifies the number of characters on a line in the listing file.
PRINT Primary Specifies the name for the listing file.
REGISTERBANK Primary Reserves memory space for register banks.
REGUSE General Specifies registers modified by the specified function.
RESET General Sets symbols, which may be tested by IF or ELSEIF, to false.
RESTORE1 General Restores settings for the LIST and GEN directives.
SAVE1 General Saves settings for the LIST and GEN directives.
SET General Sets symbols, which may be tested by IF or ELSEIF, to true or a specified value.
SYMBOLS Primary Includes the symbol table in the listing file.
SYMLIST General Includes subsequently defined symbols in the symbol table.
TITLE Primary Specifies the page header title in the listing file.
XREF Primary Includes the cross-reference table in the listing file.
CASE Primary Enables case-sensitive symbol names.
COND General Includes (in the listing file) conditional source lines skipped by the preprocessor.
DATE Primary Specifies the date to use in the listing file header.
DEBUG Primary Includes debugging information in the object file.
DEFINE Primary Defines C preprocessor symbols on the command line.
ECRM Primary Allow expansion of generic CALL instruction to ECALL for the NXP 80C51MX devices.
EJECT1 General Inserts a form feed character into the listing file.
ELSE General Assemble block if the condition of a previous IF is false.
ELSEIF General Assemble block if condition is true and a previous IF or ELSEIF is false.
ENDIF General Ends an IF block.
ERRORPRINT Primary Specifies the file name for error messages.
GEN General Includes all macro expansions in the listing file.
IF General Assemble block if condition is true.
INCDIR Primary Sets additional include file paths.
INCLUDE2 General Includes the contents of another file.
LIST General Includes the assembly source text in the listing file.
MACRO Primary Enables preprocessor expansion of standard macros.
MOD_CONT Primary Enables 24-bit contiguous addressing for Dallas Semiconductor devices.
MOD_MX51 Primary Enables instruction set extensions for the NXP 80C51MX architecture.
MOD51 Primary Enables code generation and defines SFRs for classic 8051 devices.
MPL Primary Enables preprocessor expansion of MPL macros.
NOAMAKE Primary Excludes build information from the object file.
NOCASE Primary Disables case-sensitive symbol names. All symbols are converted to uppercase.
NOCOND Primary Excludes (from the listing file) conditional source lines skipped by the preprocessor.
NODEBUG Primary Excludes debugging information from the object file.
NOERRORPRINT Primary Disables error messages output to the screen.
NOGEN General Excludes macro expansions from the listing file.
NOLINES Primary Excludes line number information from the generated object module.
NOLIST General Excludes the assembly source text from the listing file.
NOMACRO Primary Disables preprocessor expansion of standard and MPL macros.
NOMOD51 Primary Suppresses SFRs definitions for classic 8051 devices
NOMPL Primary Disables preprocessor expansion of MPL macros.
NOOBJECT Primary Disables object file generation.
NOPRINT Primary Disables listing file generation.
NOREGISTERBANK Primary Disables memory space reservation for register banks.
NOSYMBOLS Primary Excludes the symbol table from the listing file.
NOSYMLIST General Excludes subsequently defined symbols from the symbol table.
NOXREF Primary Excludes the cross-reference table from the listing file.
OBJECT Primary Specifies the name for the object file.
PAGELENGTH Primary Specifies the number of lines on a page in the listing file.
PAGEWIDTH Primary Specifies the number of characters on a line in the listing file.
PRINT Primary Specifies the name for the listing file.
REGISTERBANK Primary Reserves memory space for register banks.
REGUSE General Specifies registers modified by the specified function.
RESET General Sets symbols, which may be tested by IF or ELSEIF, to false.
RESTORE1 General Restores settings for the LIST and GEN directives.
SAVE1 General Saves settings for the LIST and GEN directives.
SET General Sets symbols, which may be tested by IF or ELSEIF, to true or a specified value.
SYMBOLS Primary Includes the symbol table in the listing file.
SYMLIST General Includes subsequently defined symbols in the symbol table.
TITLE Primary Specifies the page header title in the listing file.
XREF Primary Includes the cross-reference table in the listing file.