Ocean Rose的英文歌词 10
失明的光线 几近黯然的叹息
低语呢喃里 安静如我
他年清莲 已风化的身躯 噼啪燃烧的火焰
早已作古 且让我在你怀里死去
支离破碎 遍地齑粉 或为脓血 或为飞灰
游走过时光后发酵酝酿 势如野草
在遇到你之后化为春泥 化为丰美
请来吧 携我的手 向春天奔跑
树摇动着手臂 离开泥土 随风而上
请将我击碎 请攻克我多年苦心堆叠的堡垒
我知道 我属于你 以及飘动的风 流动的空气
扶摇直上 振翅高飞 且让我在你里死去
死去 一切 在这之前
容我暂停 容我挥手 容我告别
彼时的瑰丽如霞 而今徒余苍凉
切莫哭泣 放开你 放开我 放开所有
且看 生生流转 流年如蝶 翩跹而舞
安葬我 用你的手 让我静候 休憩
如奶如蜜的迦南美地 草肥果硕的伊甸花园
等候在你的里面 重新复活 怀一粒莲子的心
且让我死去 若你愿意
请让一枝清瘦的红玫自你手中 轻轻斜依在我的墓前...... 展开
失明的光线 几近黯然的叹息
低语呢喃里 安静如我
他年清莲 已风化的身躯 噼啪燃烧的火焰
早已作古 且让我在你怀里死去
支离破碎 遍地齑粉 或为脓血 或为飞灰
游走过时光后发酵酝酿 势如野草
在遇到你之后化为春泥 化为丰美
请来吧 携我的手 向春天奔跑
树摇动着手臂 离开泥土 随风而上
请将我击碎 请攻克我多年苦心堆叠的堡垒
我知道 我属于你 以及飘动的风 流动的空气
扶摇直上 振翅高飞 且让我在你里死去
死去 一切 在这之前
容我暂停 容我挥手 容我告别
彼时的瑰丽如霞 而今徒余苍凉
切莫哭泣 放开你 放开我 放开所有
且看 生生流转 流年如蝶 翩跹而舞
安葬我 用你的手 让我静候 休憩
如奶如蜜的迦南美地 草肥果硕的伊甸花园
等候在你的里面 重新复活 怀一粒莲子的心
且让我死去 若你愿意
请让一枝清瘦的红玫自你手中 轻轻斜依在我的墓前...... 展开
Rose lyrics
*** Get Billy Ocean ringtones ***
if you wake up in the dead of night
to feel alone like a helpless child
reach out for me I'll be close to you
I need to touch you, that's all I wanna do
and I fell a place of glory when I'm in your arms
ooh, I love to love you darling
don't care how many times
when you take me to your heaven
then I know that you're mine
ooh rose, you're my rose
more beautiful to me than any flower
you're my rose
everything that I desire
it started with a spark, now it's fire
in other words you mean everything to me
we both belong together
say you'll be forever... my rose
I see the sun within your smile
so warm and tender lighting up the sky
can't believe I'm sharing love with you
but I believe dreams come true
'cause you and I together we'll weather any storm
ooh, when two hearts beat as one
and if the road is long
we'll travel it together
oh, you'll be the only one
[chorus] - till end
*** Get Billy Ocean ringtones ***
if you wake up in the dead of night
to feel alone like a helpless child
reach out for me I'll be close to you
I need to touch you, that's all I wanna do
and I fell a place of glory when I'm in your arms
ooh, I love to love you darling
don't care how many times
when you take me to your heaven
then I know that you're mine
ooh rose, you're my rose
more beautiful to me than any flower
you're my rose
everything that I desire
it started with a spark, now it's fire
in other words you mean everything to me
we both belong together
say you'll be forever... my rose
I see the sun within your smile
so warm and tender lighting up the sky
can't believe I'm sharing love with you
but I believe dreams come true
'cause you and I together we'll weather any storm
ooh, when two hearts beat as one
and if the road is long
we'll travel it together
oh, you'll be the only one
[chorus] - till end