
股票的交易程序—般包括开户、委托、成交、清算、过户等几个过程。1开户。一般投资者不能直接进入证券交易所进行交易,而要委托证券公司代为进行。投资者应当先在证券公司开立委托买... 股票的交易程序—般包括开户、委托、成交、清算、过户等几个过程。
1 开户。一般投资者不能直接进入证券交易所进行交易,而要委托证券公司代为进行。投资者应当先在证券公司开立委托买卖的证券账户,同时开立资金账户,股票买卖和资金的结算都通过账户进行,投资者在通过证券公司完成开户手续后,取得账户登记卡和股东代码,是以后参与交易的重要凭证。
2 委托。客户的委托买卖是证券交易所交易的基本方式,是指投资者委托证券公司在场内进行股票买卖交易的活动。股票买卖的委托应当在证券交易所开市时间进行。在委托方式中,根据委托内容与委托要求,可做出多种委托方式。目前我国主要的委托方式有:当面委托、电话委托、网络委托等。委托证券商代理买卖股票。以委托数量为标准,可将委托分为整数委托与零数委托两种,前者指委托的数量是交易所规定的成交单位或其倍数。股票交易中常用“手”作为标准单位。通常100股为一标准手。买人数量须为100股或100股的整数倍。卖出可以有零股。
3 成交。在投资者委托后,由电脑自动竞价系统撮合成交,成交的基本原则是价格优先和时间优先,价格优先原则是指较高买进申报优先满足于较低买进申报,较低卖出申报优先满足于较高卖出申报;同价位申报,先申报者优先满足。成交时间优先顺序原则,在计算机终端申报竞价时,按计算机主机接受的时间顺序排列。
4 清算。股票成交后,证券登记结算公司与证券公司、证券公司与投资者之间进行资金和股票的清算。投资者进行股票买卖,除买卖股票的资金外,还需交纳佣金、印花税、过户费等各种费用。
5 过户。随着交易的完成,当股票从卖方转给(卖给)买方时,就表
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2007-12-11 · TA获得超过145个赞
Trading in shares of the procedures - including general accounts, commissioned by the turnover, liquidation, transfer, and several other processes.
1 to open an account. Retail investors can not directly enter the stock exchange transactions, and securities companies should be entrusted to them. Investors should first opened in securities trading commissioned by the securities account, the opening of capital accounts at the same time, stock trading and clearing of funds through accounts, investors in the company through securities accounts formalities completed, the account registration cards and shareholders code , is involved in the transaction after the important documents.
2 commissioned. Clients entrust the sale of stock exchange transactions is the basic method is that investors commissioned by the Corporation in a stock transaction at the activities. Stock trading in the stock exchange should be commissioned by the time the market opened. In commissioning the way, in accordance with the requirements of commissioned and commissioned content can be commissioned to make a variety of ways. Currently, China's main mode of the commission: personally commissioned the telephone commission, commissioned by the network, such as. Sale of Securities Dealers commissioned by the Acting stock. Commissioned for a number of standards can be divided into an integer commissioned and commissioned by several commissioned two, the former is that the number of commissioned by the Stock Exchange under the contract unit or its multiples. Trading in the common "hands" as the standard unit. Usually 100 shares for a standard hand. The number of people bought to be 100 shares or 100 shares as a whole several times. Zero shares can be sold.
3 transactions. After investors commissioned by the computer system automatically bid brokered transactions, the transaction is the basic principle of price priority and time priority, the price refers to the principle of giving priority to buy higher priority satisfied with the declaration of buying low returns, lower priority sold declaration meet sold in higher returns in the same price declaration, first declare a first meet. Turnover time the principle of precedence in the competitive computer terminals declaration, accepted by the mainframe computer listed in the order.
4 liquidation. After the stock transactions, securities clearing corporation registered with the securities companies, securities companies and funds between investors and stock liquidation. Investors trading, in addition to the sale of stock funds, the need to pay commission, stamp duty, transfer fees fees.
5 transfer. With the completion of the transaction, when the stock from the seller transferred to (sell) the buyer, on the table
Showing the original shareholders have the right to transfer, the new holder of the shares of the new company will become a shareholder of the old shareholders lost their stock sold that part of the rights represented by the new shareholders were given a portion of his stock buying represent rights. After the completion of liquidation stock trading, the Securities and Exchange computer system will automatically complete the stock transfer procedures
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