急急急!!!高手帮我翻译一篇文章 翻译成英文 谢谢啦
冬天的雨,从天空而洒,夹杂着似雪非雪的冰滴,打在脸上刀割似的疼。惟有这冬天的雨才让你有这种感觉。 冬天的雨,虽然不曾有过春雨贵如油的美赞,却也毫无怨言,默默地向人们倾诉着,预报着:我的消失,白皑皑的雪天就在眼前了。冬天的雨,温暖的大气遗留下来的最后一点残迹,已没有了夏日暴风骤雨的豪情,也没有了秋雨的柔情万种,只有冬天的雨在一旁为给世间创造美好,尽着自己的微薄之力。
冬天的雨,虽说让人的身体觉得很凄凉,但在我心里是很温暖的,因为我爱《爱上下雨天》,我爱冬天的雨。 展开
冬天的雨,从天空而洒,夹杂着似雪非雪的冰滴,打在脸上刀割似的疼。惟有这冬天的雨才让你有这种感觉。 冬天的雨,虽然不曾有过春雨贵如油的美赞,却也毫无怨言,默默地向人们倾诉着,预报着:我的消失,白皑皑的雪天就在眼前了。冬天的雨,温暖的大气遗留下来的最后一点残迹,已没有了夏日暴风骤雨的豪情,也没有了秋雨的柔情万种,只有冬天的雨在一旁为给世间创造美好,尽着自己的微薄之力。
冬天的雨,虽说让人的身体觉得很凄凉,但在我心里是很温暖的,因为我爱《爱上下雨天》,我爱冬天的雨。 展开
This is the winter of this year, the longest period of rain, and this so-called winter rain. The cold winter is composed of layers of sweaters, including a gross and羽绒服of Cashmere. I do not talk about the Dongxue winter dust, and does not call刺骨the north, to talk about yesterday's飘洒the winter rain.
Winter rain, which is my network name, I like. Winter rain this name very special, but also very meaningful, because I live in cities, rarely seen in winter rain, but also because I was born girlfriend is rain, there is her name inside a word (homonyms), we are winter acquaintance! So I like the name.
Winter rain from the sky and shower, like snow mixed with ice-snow drops, like a knife cuts in the face of pain. Only the rain this winter only let you have such a feeling. Winter rain, although you never had a spring rain as the US oil Zan, but also any complaints, quietly talk to the people, a prediction: I disappeared, white皑皑the snow in front of. Winter rain, warm atmosphere left over from last point anomalies has been no summer of violent storms of pride, nor Autumn Rainfall in the gentleness of the 10,000 kinds, the only rain in the winter for the side to create a better world, do a little of their own power.
Winter rain quietly and charged for this extraordinary world added some fraction of a harmonious and beautiful for this world of fresh, all his dedication, complaint or regret. I like winter rain.
Winter rain, although the physical people feel very miserable, but my heart is very warm, because I love "love rainy day," I love the winter rain.
Winter rain, which is my network name, I like. Winter rain this name very special, but also very meaningful, because I live in cities, rarely seen in winter rain, but also because I was born girlfriend is rain, there is her name inside a word (homonyms), we are winter acquaintance! So I like the name.
Winter rain from the sky and shower, like snow mixed with ice-snow drops, like a knife cuts in the face of pain. Only the rain this winter only let you have such a feeling. Winter rain, although you never had a spring rain as the US oil Zan, but also any complaints, quietly talk to the people, a prediction: I disappeared, white皑皑the snow in front of. Winter rain, warm atmosphere left over from last point anomalies has been no summer of violent storms of pride, nor Autumn Rainfall in the gentleness of the 10,000 kinds, the only rain in the winter for the side to create a better world, do a little of their own power.
Winter rain quietly and charged for this extraordinary world added some fraction of a harmonious and beautiful for this world of fresh, all his dedication, complaint or regret. I like winter rain.
Winter rain, although the physical people feel very miserable, but my heart is very warm, because I love "love rainy day," I love the winter rain.

2025-02-12 广告