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工作经历2001/07~2005/10深圳富士康科技集团CCBG事业群模具学徒和冲压设备操作,日常工作为冲压产品之尺寸调整,协助模修人员架模及产品换线生产,并于2003年... 工作经历
2001/07~2005/10 深圳富士康科技集团CCBG事业群 模具学徒和冲压设备操作,日常工作为冲压产品之尺寸调整,协助模修人员架模及产品换线生产,并于2003年05月内部提升为模修,之后开始独立维修模具以及冲床简单故障。公司主要产品为电脑连接器
2005/10~2007/10 深圳连展科技股份有限公司 冲压课任模具维修技术员,在此期间主要负责现场生产模具异常维护,学徒工作培训,依模具实际状况对相应工站进行设变;平时代理模修领班安排工作,生产中的异常和品质部沟通处理及拟制后续改善对策;公司主要从事电脑及通讯类连接器产品生产,有USB、HDMI、1394、DVR、MNC、PJK、AMP、AJR等系列产品。
2007/11~2012/04 上海莫仕连接器有限公司 担任模具设计中心资深技术员,在此期间主要负责公司新模组立、试模、新产品送FA及Q-RUN,直至新模移交生产,配合现场技术员后续模具维修工作,2009年02月调至冲压担任现场领班,负责培训现场操作人员日常作业,新进人员岗前培训,配合生管合理排配人员进行作业,按时保质完成计划订单,判断处理因持续生产中出现的不良,督导员工车间日常之5S维护,公司主要从事DDR、 PCI、 MINIUSB、 白色产品和天线产品等


模具主管 生产主管

 我来答
2012-04-24 · TA获得超过2200个赞
Work experience
2001/07 ~ 2005/10 shenzhen foxconn CCBG group career group of mould apprentice and stamping equipment operation, daily work for stamping products in size adjustment, assist the personnel die mould and product line change aircraft production, and in 2003 the internal promoted to die on repair, maintenance the mould and began independent after punch simple fault. Company main product is computer connector
2005/10 ~ 2007/10 shenzhen even show technology Co., LTD stamping mold repair technician class is appointed, during which mainly responsible for the field production mold abnormal maintenance, apprenticeship training, according to actual situation to the corresponding workers die standing for a change; At ordinary times the agency model work foreman, production of abnormal and quality department communication treatment and curb the subsequent improvement countermeasures; The company mainly engaged in computer and communication kind of connector products production, have HDMI, USB, 1394, DVR, MNC, PJK, AMP, AJR etc series products.
2007/11 ~ 2012/04 Shanghai MoShi connector Co., LTD as a mold design center senior technician, during which mainly responsible for the company's new module made, try mold, new product send FA and Q-RUN until the new mode over production, with the scene technician follow-up mold repair work, 2009 02 month moves to a stamping as the site the captain, be responsible for training site operation personnel daily homework, new pre-job training personnel, cooperate with the reasonable row born personnel homework, deadline with high quality planned orders, judge treatment for continuous production appeared in bad, to supervise employees daily 5 S maintenance of the workshop, the company is mainly engaged in the DDR, PCI, MINIUSB, white products and antenna products, etc

Personal of high-speed hardware terminals, iron shell mould made group, maintenance of a unique opinion and rich experience, and to American and Japanese terminals have the very deep understanding, comprehensive knowledge of the product from a development to the production stages the process, quality is strong, work resolute, up-to-date.

The competent mold production supervisor

Self assessment
Individual character cheerful, treat people hospitable, have good interpersonal communication skills and language skills, and strong ambition and hardworking spirit of action and sense of responsibility, can work under the pressure of work steadfast, to the higher leadership arrangement.
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2012-04-25 · TA获得超过301个赞
Work experience
2001/07 ~ 2005/10 shenzhen foxconn CCBG group career group of mould apprentice and stamping equipment operation, daily work for stamping products in size adjustment, assist the personnel die mould and product line change aircraft production, and in 2003 the internal promoted to die on repair, maintenance the mould and began independent after punch simple fault. Company main product is computer connector
2005/10 ~ 2007/10 shenzhen even show technology Co., LTD stamping mold repair technician class is appointed, during which mainly responsible for the field production mold abnormal maintenance, apprenticeship training, according to actual situation to the corresponding workers die standing for a change; At ordinary times the agency model work foreman, production of abnormal and quality department communication treatment and curb the subsequent improvement countermeasures; The company mainly engaged in computer and communication kind of connector products production, have HDMI, USB, 1394, DVR, MNC, PJK, AMP, AJR etc series products.
2007/11 ~ 2012/04 Shanghai MoShi connector Co., LTD as a mold design center senior technician, during which mainly responsible for the company's new module made, try mold, new product send FA and Q-RUN until the new mode over production, with the scene technician follow-up mold repair work, 2009 02 month moves to a stamping as the site the captain, be responsible for training site operation personnel daily homework, new pre-job training personnel, cooperate with the reasonable row born personnel homework, deadline with high quality planned orders, judge treatment for continuous production appeared in bad, to supervise employees daily 5 S maintenance of the workshop, the company is mainly engaged in the DDR, PCI, MINIUSB, white products and antenna products, etc

Personal of high-speed hardware terminals, iron shell mould made group, maintenance of a unique opinion and rich experience, and to American and Japanese terminals have the very deep understanding, comprehensive knowledge of the product from a development to the production stages the process, quality is strong, work resolute, up-to-date.

The competent mold production supervisor

Self assessment
Individual character cheerful, treat people hospitable, have good interpersonal communication skills and language skills, and strong ambition and hardworking spirit of action and sense of responsibility, can work under the pressure of work steadfast,
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